The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 68: Suddenly understand

Incredibly, there is a man with white hair.

He has been alive for a long time, and it is obvious how difficult this step is.

Other people are also amnesty!

The seemingly young heroic woman has realized that she has merged the rules of the three kings, two of which have reached the second state, which is just to scare people.

This heroic woman is like a rainbow, wearing armor and holding a spear, like a goddess of war.

She fired, the wind turned, and three laws broke out at the same time. A terrible pistol stabbed fate.

The fatal pupil of fate shrank sharply, and his eyes were very dignified. He shone, and fate appeared. He is in the long river of fate, facing fate.

However, huge rifles, such as the ability to break through the sky, penetrate directly into the long river of fate, causing the fate of the river to continue to vibrate, triggering huge waves.

Although the law of destiny is extremely mysterious and powerful, it is unparalleled.

When you start, it seems that you can abide by the law, and you can succeed or fail in one sentence.

However, in terms of weak repairing power, once repaired to a certain extent, it will destroy the law of fate.

Before, Zifeng was like this!

Now, so are British women!

The fate of the river raged, and finally shattered directly, the fate of the body was shocked, backed up, and a stream of blood spurted out.

Fate, failure!

The scene was silent, everyone was stunned and it was difficult to speak.

This is the pride of the kingdom of heaven, the body of the kingdom, but it can defeat the destiny son of the Yuan Dynasty, making people seem to be dreaming.

"How about the Son of God? How about the Son of Destiny? Under Emperor Wu, maybe it can have an absolute advantage, but after Emperor Wu, there may be something. In the future, I will use the king's law to promote the most powerful rule. And all the gods. The son is stepping on his feet!"

"Look, that is the statue of the top ten beasts!"

The lonely shadow whispered.

Zifeng looked over and saw a different kind of statue.

A Nine Dragon, with a body and nine dragon claws under the abdomen, the scales on the body are clearly visible, lifelike, just like the resurrection of Nine Dragons.

The giant elephant like a mountain has obvious muscle lines, as if it is explosive. This is the Taikoo Dragon Elephant.

Next, I also saw statues of Titans, Undead, and the Ten Great Beasts.

I saw nine of them in total, but I didn't see the statue of the world tortoise.

"No, it seems that there is no you, it seems that your reputation is not good, or other people think you are not worthy of being tied with the other nine people!"

Zifeng looked at Dandan, joking.

"Fart, the person who carved the statue must not know, or hate me, Nana, actually won't put my statue in!"

Once I was very depressed, I gritted my teeth and finally my eyes lit up. "I know, they must not be able to carve my strong charm, so I don't have my statue. It must be like this, haha!"


Zifeng and others despise it.

After everyone has a period of time, they left here.

"Zifeng, how about you? How did you come to heaven?"

At this moment, hearing a voice seemed surprised.

"Luo Cangzhen? There is a galaxy!"

Zifeng turned to look at it, eyes flashing coldly.


Qiu Hao's heart was very depressed.

Yinfeng and others are too stingy. They obviously want to use this method. *Force Qiu Hao to hand over the treasure, *Force Qiu Yingying to hand over the inheritance.

Let him surrender the treasure, yes, but when accepting the inheritance, there is nothing related to it. If it was interrupted forcibly, it would be very dangerous and would destroy Qiu Yingying. He would never agree to this.

Even if it is dead!

Holding the shield, Qiu Hao hung the golden bell above his head and stood in front of Qiu Yingying.

"Child, if you want to die, then I will satisfy you!"

The red-faced youth is very cold.

"Who will you be?"

At this moment, a clear voice came from the hall.


The sound did not fall, the light and shadow flashed, and a figure broke out beside Qiu Hao. The speed is amazing. Few people at the scene knew how this person appeared.

"Purple Wind!"

Qiu Hao blurted out subconsciously.

Yes, the person who just appeared is Zifeng.

He did not turn in the direction of the fortress. Just now, he came here and saw a scene in the hall. He showed Feng Yuanshu and appeared beside Qiu Hao.

"Silver Peak? Dragon Valley people!"

Zifeng's eyes swept the people of Yinfeng and Longgu.

The people of Longgu stood aside, not knowing what happened.

"Zifeng, this is the situation..."

Qiu Hao said a few words in simple sentences, and Zifeng suddenly understood what had happened.

"This means it!"

Zifeng looked at Yinfeng.

"This is this kid, hey, this time, see how you die?"

After Yin Feng saw Zifeng, he saw it for the first time and then sneered.

Before breaking through Emperor Wu, he was not an opponent of Zifeng, but now he has broken through Emperor Wu, and his spirit has changed and become an inferior spirit. He has full confidence and crushed Zifeng. "Child, do you want C to do this?"

The red-faced youth's eyes fell on Zi Feng's body.

"What do you think? Take a look, hurry up!"

Zifeng caught a cold and was cold.

"Hurricane, only by you, I hope C can do this, find death, and then I will kill you first!"

The red-faced young man sipped coldly and waved his hand, the blood-red sword light violently slammed into Zifeng.

This person is a disciple of 13 top sect forces in Cangzhou, a blood magic building.


The purple wind of his fingers directly flew the blood-colored sword light, and at the same time, his body shape flicked, hitting a red-faced young man.

"how come?"

The sword face of the red-faced youth was hit by the purple wind and hit, he was shocked. The sword in his hand shook, dozens of **** sharp swords rushed out, stabbing Zifeng.

However, Zifengquan crushed and passed, the red-faced youth's sword light collapsed, and then his fist fell on the red-faced youth, the red-faced youth screamed, and the body flew out, pumped several times, without moving, without the slightest vitality.

Zifeng smashed the spirit of the red-faced youth with a punch.

On the other hand, other young people were shocked.

Boxing to kill the red-faced youth frightened him.

"Who do you want to die?"

Zifeng looked at the other youth.

Those young people changed their faces.

"When we were shooting together, I didn't believe it. We had more than a dozen of us joined us and couldn't kill him!"

A young man is low-lying.


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