"Xinghe, go down with Luo Cang, lest he be lonely!"

Zifeng is cold and open.

He threw six wings at an amazing speed, a pair of transparent wings under the fan, it was close to the galaxy.


The Ganges stopped, shouted loudly, and an eternal bell rang.

Now, the cultivation of the Stellar River is much stronger than this year, it has reached the level of three stars, the law of eternity has reached the second level, and it also controls the king's rule.

Therefore, the power of the eternal **** clock is not as powerful as in the past.

A layer of sound waves came out and turned into a sharp sword, killing Zifeng, which was terrible.

"This is the trick, Xinghe, this trick is useless to me!"

Zifeng opened vaguely, and a palm came out.


The hole burst, the terrifying force, like a mountain, rushed to the galaxy.

The bell of the God of Eternity has broken and collapsed.

The power is constantly flowing, rushing to the galaxy, and bombarding it on the eternal divine clock.


The eternal divine clock shook frantically, there was a crack, Xinghe's body was thrown out like a cannonball, coughing up blood in the air.

"how so?"

The star roared, and the sound was unbelievable.

Is Zifeng so powerful?

In the five years since I came to heaven, this Ganges has gained a lot of resources. Even big people value and accept him as a disciple. It is a god, worshiped in front of the emperor in the sky, and has been trained by the emperor. He has made great progress in all aspects.

Fighting power is skyrocketing, but even so, five years later, when he encounters Zifeng again, he is even more vulnerable. It is difficult for him to accept it!

"These people are such spicy chickens, can they kill Zifeng?"

Once I swear, I just feel speechless.

"Amount, this is dead!"

The shadow of the shadow is also very speechless.

People all over the world are also talking about it.

"Who is that person? A powerful force!"

"Listen to them, tell the world, what happened?"

"I have no idea!"

"I know, I heard that Yuanjie has an incomparable body. If you have not yet become an emperor, you will control all kinds of laws, even the two strongest rules!"

"What? Control the two strongest rules?"

The scene was very noisy, many people exclaimed, but more people didn't believe it.

They don't believe that someone can control the two strongest rules, which is impossible. In history, no one has done it.

In the high sky, Zifeng continued to walk towards the galaxy.

With the performance of the God of Six Wings, Zifeng's speed was almost at its extreme, his wings flashed across the void, and Zifeng immediately caught up with the galaxy.


Zifeng fired again and bombed it on the eternal divine clock of the Stellar River.

This time, the eternal **** clock covering the stellar river burst directly. The stellar river sounded like a broken bone, and the body threw it out and vomited blood.

This is still that Zifeng did not go all out and was in his hands, but contained four rules.

The law of chaos, the law of swallowing, the law of osmosis and the law of best.

In the past few years, Zifeng has made great progress.

Refining the energy of the dragon's blood made his physical strength soar.

At the same time, the Dan Dao Fa, Dao Fa, and the Law of Penetration have been completed, and the body and divine power have been exercised time and time again. Zifeng's body and sacred power have also been greatly improved.

The strength of the Ganges is no weaker than the blue clouds that Zifeng encountered three years ago.

At that time, Zifeng needed every effort to fight against masters like Lan Yun or Yan Xi.

But now, Zifeng still uses four rules, and does not use these techniques to achieve scrolling, completely scrolling.

"On the road!"

Zifeng chased Galaxy.

Xinghe's madness broke out and tried his best to escape.

"Zifeng, you can't kill me, my master is the emperor..."

At the same time, this stellar river smashed from his master, hoping to make Zi Feng hesitate.

But he also knew in his heart that he knew Zifeng very well. Lu Ming was a lawless character, and the panic was just scary.

Sure enough, Zi Feng didn't move at all, and continued to chase him.

Galaxy, showing the color of despair.

At this moment, there was a roar, and then a terrible shock, from a height to Lu Ming's bombing.

For example, according to the days of solitude, three kings, six or nine kings who control the law, can achieve balance and prove the Tao.

However, in the history before the emperor, he was able to control various laws, and all of them were sons of God and controlled the most powerful rules.

Control one of the strongest rules, no matter how you match it, it is difficult to strike a balance between many rules.

Since the strongest rules are too strong, other laws are difficult to balance with the strongest rules.

Lonely Sky speculates that if one person can control the three strongest rules, the six law kings can maintain balance and successfully develop the core of the world.

Or, people can control the six strongest rules, or the nine strongest rules, and they can develop the core of the world.

"The three strongest rules, the king of six laws, I can do it!"

Zifeng's eyes were particularly bright, and his heart was overwhelmed by ecstasy.

He now controls the two strongest rules, and the rules of the five kings can fully understand one of the strongest rules and one kingly way.

Solitude Day also mentioned that these rules must be at the same level to maintain balance.

For example, if a law reaches the second state and other laws appear first, it will be invalid.

Zifeng secretly rejoiced that he had no rules to reach the second world.

As long as these rules are fully cultivated in the first time, he can prove that he is the emperor.

Zifeng's words made Dandan and Honglin very happy.

"Zifeng, come on, let me see!"

It's Dandan.

Zifeng handed the jade card to Dandan and immediately raised his head.

After reading it, he was silent, and then gave the jade medal. After that, I also accepted it.

"Unfortunately, unfortunately, this guy is really great. In the end, he mastered one of the most powerful rules, the rules of the eight kings, but after all, he could not achieve balance and it was difficult to become an emperor. !"

I sighed.

In the eyes of Lone Star, it was full of sadness.

"The method my father recorded seems to be very simple. In fact, I want to achieve it. It is really difficult. Before I became the emperor, I wanted to control various laws. Ordinary people cannot do this. Only the Son of God can do it. !",,..

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