The attack by these three men was bombarded by the palm prints of Zifeng. Void continued to roar, power swept across all sides. Some of them were weak, and they flinched.

But what is shocking is that after the collision, Zifeng's figure was motionless, standing in the void, his face was very calm.

He is three enemies and doesn't feel like falling in the wind.


Yuan Xin's heart roared, and the power of the world exploded. The mountain was pressed towards Zifeng, and Zifeng was crushed.

At the same time, Lan Yun and Yan Xi also screamed to kill the land.

"But so!"

Zifeng opened, and this time, he pointed out three fingers in a row.

This is a chaotic robbery, but the power far exceeds the chaotic ring.

Because of this, Zifeng has merged five rules.

The law of chaos, the law of engulfing, the best law, the law of penetration, the law of circuits!

In the lonely home, Zifeng often talks with Dandan. Once he understood and applied the law, he reached an incredible level. Zifeng also benefited a lot. His use of the law far exceeds Yuanxin.

The five laws are gathered together, and the power is amazing.

Five huge fingers, surrounded by five colors, rushed towards Yuanxin's three hearts.

Three huge fingers, shining in five colors, squeezed the sky, like a **** with three fingers outstretched.

In this attack, Zifeng used five rules, one more than before, and stronger power.

Prosperity! Prosperity! Prosperity!

Three fingers had an attack and collided with Yuan Xin, Lan Yun, and Yan Xi.

The concentrated mountain vibrated violently, and then burst directly.

Lan Yun used a magical technique to condense a huge lion, screaming, burst out, Yan Xi's knife was smashed.

The terrible power rushed to the three of them madly. The three of them were crazy, their bodies vibrating like electric shocks, and the blood in their mouths went crazy.

Joined the rule that Lu Ming's attack power greatly increased, and hit Yuan Xin, Lan Yun, and Yan Xi in one fell swoop.

Those who watched the war were stunned. It's hard to believe what I see.

Yuan Xin, Lan Yun, and Yan Xi, each of whom has entered the four-star virtual emperor, are all high-level virtual emperors.

Moreover, they are all top arrogance, and their combat effectiveness cannot be measured by repair. However, these three people now besieged Zifeng, but they were injured by Zifeng.

How could this be?

Zifeng is not yet the emperor.

Not the emperor, as the emperor practiced, he was able to leapfrog and rebuild, and suppress the arrogance of the top three.

Everyone thought they were crazy because it broke common sense and never happened.

Even Yuanxin, Lan Yun and Yan Xi's Tianjiao were suppressed by Zifeng. At that time, the ordinary emperor was ascending, and he would not be killed by Zifeng.

Among the peers, the most powerful road is stronger than the ordinary avenue.

The blue movie contains only ordinary avenues and is a star emperor. In the great emperor, it is absolutely weak.

If you come to a star emperor who understands the most powerful way, Zifeng is afraid of difficulties.

"Then change the style of the game!"

Zifeng's eyes flashed and suddenly changed, turning into a full-scale attack, completely ignoring the defense.

This is a desperate way of playing.

As the offense changed, Zifeng’s offense surged and suddenly suppressed the blue movie.

"Damn it, regardless of defense, I thought I was afraid of you, kill!"

Blue Film screamed, gave up the defense and attacked with all strength.

Generally speaking, when people fight each other, they will use a little effort to protect themselves. At this time, they became a full attack, and they were all recruited.

thump! thump!

The blue movie slammed and banged on LuMing's shoulder. LuMing took a palm and squatted on the shoulder of the blue movie.

They all vibrate and slide backwards.

The difference is that there is a pit on Zifeng's shoulder, but there is no blood flow out, and the wound quickly recovered.

Blue films will get worse. His shoulder was cut by a knife. He almost smashed his arm, revealing a deep wound, blood and DC, and even his bones collapsed.

Blue Film's face was a little pale.

Although the emperor's resilience is extremely astonishing, it cannot be compared with Zifeng.


Zifeng did not give the blue film time to recover, and launched an attack on the blue film.

The blue film was injured and his arm could hardly move. The combat effectiveness is greatly reduced. Once, it completely fell to the disadvantage of the wind and lost to Zifeng.

thump! thump!

Next, the blue movie continued to be touched, and Zifeng vomited blood.

Although he also fought Zifeng, Zifeng did not have any serious problems, nor did it affect the combat effectiveness.

"Don't destroy the ancient classics!"

Blue film is very reluctant.

He knew that Zifeng used the immortality of ancient scriptures and was not afraid of injury.


The blue movie was distracting. Lu Yin seized the opportunity and bombarded his face with a blue movie screaming. The body flew out, the blood in his mouth was mixed with teeth, and he flew far, hitting the top of the mask.

The blue membrane creaked and was completely beaten.

Zi Fengxi will let go of this opportunity, rushing over, his fist, the blue film on his face, and his body are all greeted.

The blue movie is like a sandbag, immediately bombed by the purple wind.

After dozens of actions, the blue movie flew out and fell to the ground. It was full of blood, lying there twitching.


The sound of a cold wind came out. Outside the mask, whether it was the emperor, the emperor or the emperor, they were all shocked and opened their mouths, with a storm in their hearts.

A great emperor was defeated and defeated by a young emperor!

Moreover, the failure is so terrible, it just rages, abuses not adults, even the mother does not know it.

It is terrible!

There is no doubt that the blue film must be a laughing stock, and the reputation of Zifeng must be pushed to the top.

The real emperor defeated the great emperor, completely broke the truth and created a miracle. "Haha, yes, I am here today!"

Hamming smiled haha.

Basically, he came up with his own power.

Probably the same as the weakest emperor. Of course, he used the immortality of ancient scriptures and used his desperate game to suppress the other side. He should be able to compete with the most powerful emperor.

In this battle, his main purpose is to test his strength. Now he has tested it. Zifeng intends to leave.

This blue movie was sober at first. After hearing Zifeng's words, the blood spurted out and was shocked. ,, ..

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