The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 92: Awakening

"rush out!"

Some people yelled, they struggled to rush down, trying to rush to the ground and get rid of the crows of the complex terrain on the ground.

However, there are too many crows in this group.

In the Great Empire, a dozen red crows are crows. The raven groups under the great empire continued to launch attacks. For Zifeng and others, this is also a huge trouble.

Therefore, they cannot get away at all.


The other person was spread out by the fiery red crow wings, almost blocking the waist into two, dangerous and abnormal.

"In this case, we still have our own management!"

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly opened his mouth, changing the faces of others.

"what do you want me to do?"

The face of an old man is ugly.


At this time, the middle-aged man was full of bangs.

Middle-aged Han nationality, the realm of the three-star emperor, among them the strongest.

At this time, he will attack a flaming crow attacking him, equivalent to a three-star, he seized the opportunity to rush to the side.

He must run away alone.

If he was with Lu Ming, they would only be killed by so many crows, but if he escaped alone by his own power, he would not be able to leave his crows in the name of the Samsung Emperor.

"damn it!"

The others ranted. If the middle-aged men escaped, the crows of the Samsung Emperor attacked them. They are really dangerous and may want to stay here.


The crow screamed, and several red crows surrounded the middle-aged man.

However, the only real threat to him is the crow of the Samsung Emperor. Therefore, under the hard work of the middle-aged man, several crows were shot and killed by him. After suffering a little injury, he rushed out forcibly.

The middle-aged man became the light of the rainbow, and the speed of the others began to cool down.

There are no middle-aged men, they must really complete the game.

Zifeng's eyes also lifted slightly.

Is it necessary to use the Emperor’s meat now?

In these years, most of the black spar received from the aliens by Zifeng will be absorbed into the emperor's body, such as the energy stored in the emperor's body today.

If you use the emperor's body and kill these crows, there is absolutely no problem.

However, Zifeng originally intended to keep the emperor's body and use it when entering Naked Island.

Once the blood of the sacred ancestor is surrendered and the sacred ancestor is restored, the prisoners are the first to be destroyed.

In the prison world, countless masters are also moved and ready to fight.

However, the aliens did not attack, but outside, began to arrange a large array.

This makes people in the prison community very confused, should they use a large array to attack?

But now, they can only wait.

"Do you want to come?"

Zifeng whispered, and went to the periphery of the prison to observe the situation.

Time hurried, blinked, and three months passed.

On this day, outside the prison, there was a terrible atmosphere suddenly.

This kind of breathing cannot be described. too terrifying. Once it appears, the world will be quiet, as if the laws of heaven and earth, heaven and earth avenues and heavenly paths have stopped working.

Only breathing, supreme!

Even if you are in a big prison, you can clearly feel it.

"This tone..."

Zifeng's heart was very violent, and his pupils shrank sharply.

He once felt this breath.

There is a statue on Naked God Island, Naked God Island, exuding this kind of breath, supreme, the world.

This is the breath of the same level, that is, the breath of the highest power.

Outside the prison, due to the relationship between the prison and the prison, a layer of black fog is shrouded throughout the year. From the outside, the confinement of prisoners is impossible. From inside the prison, you cannot see the outside.

But at this time, the black mist outside the prison area was all dissipated by breathing.

It can be seen that there is a light curtain between the sky and the earth that blocks all directions.

That is a mask made up of prisons.

Except for the crosshairs, there are too many aliens standing in the air or on the ground.

Suddenly, the outer space splits, and a character draws out of the crack in the space.

However, this figure was shrouded in a layer of black light, and no specific appearance was seen, but the highest breath radiated from the picture.

As soon as he appeared, his breathing became even more terrifying.

As if he is the world, he is everything, and heaven will kneel at his feet.

"See the Father!"

All alien, respectful luggage.

"Holy ancestor?"

In the prison world, everyone is shaking.

"Holy Father, the ancestors of aliens are awake!"

In the prison world, a gray-haired elder opened his mouth, his voice trembled, and his eyes were full of fear.

This is a very powerful existence, but when he saw this number, he was full of fear.

Not only him, but also the most powerful man in the prison world.

The ancestors of aliens, the highest power, and the ancestors of the prison, are one level.

This kind of character is too strong, it surpasses heaven, it completely surpasses heaven, and it completely reaches another standard of living.

The existence of the kingdom of heaven is in your hands, and it is very fragile.

Now, the divine ancestors of aliens have actually awakened and come true.

"The prison has a pulse, when it closes!"

The indifferent ancestors of alien ancestors are full of great pressure.


The ancestors of the alien came out, and the entire sky was violently shaken. At the top of the sky, a huge foot was formed and stepped on the prisoner's boundary. It is too large to cover the sky, and it is much larger than the entire prisoner's world.

From a distance, I can see a mask around the prison, semi-circular, buckled on the ground.

A huge huge foot, larger than this mask, is stepping on the mask.


An earth-shattering explosion hit, the entire prison community shook frantically, and countless buildings collapsed.

The mask formed by the prisoner monument also shook frantically, emitting a layer of ripples.

However, in the end it was prevented. This foot did not break through the prison line. The prison was in a battle and stabilized.

"Hahaha, blockade, blockade!"

"He can't break!"

The people in the prison were surprised first, then ecstatic.

The prisoner battle composed of the prisoner monument actually prevented the attack of the alien ancestors.

"Hey, look at this break, you can stop me with some tricks!"

The ancestor of the alien opened indifferently, and I saw that his eyebrows burst out with a light of destruction. This light of destruction turned into nine swords, huge and incomparable, and was chopped off the prison. ,, ..

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