The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 202: Smaller

At this moment, some of them suddenly opened their eyes, and in their eyes, they emitted a cunning light, filled with cold killing machines.


Then, the other evil gods opened their eyes one by one, breathed intensely, skyrocketed, and finally gathered together and the world changed color.

"From the beginning of the war, the sky was destroyed, killed, killed, killed!"

A whistling sound came from the abyss, and then a hundred thousand evil gods flew out of the abyss.

This is a terrible army.

Known as the Legion of Heaven!

If you have experienced ancient wars, you will know the horror of this army. In those days, heaven did not know how many masters died in this army.

Evil gods come out of their nest, and there are countless strong men.

Zulong Nest retreating from Zulong suddenly heard the sound of the dragon's huge dinosaur, filling the entire Zulong nest.


A real dragon flopped, huge and boundless, hovering over the ancestral dragon's nest.

It is the body of Zulong.

He already felt everything about the evil **** and went out early.

In the Ancestral Dragon Nest, countless strong people are retreating, opening their eyes, then flying out and retreating, standing in the air.

The air in ZulongNest is full of people, and everyone is very powerful.

"The final battle will come, and the evil gods will come out to attack heaven!"

"Play the drums, pass the order, let Jiuyou Tianyu, Wanling Tianyu, and the people of the mixed universe return to two realms, to two cities, to two cities, and defend the evil gods!"

"In addition, summon heaven, Yuanjie, and all the strongmen above the emperor to go to two realms and join the city!"

Zulong placed orders several times in a row.


Everyone respects the ceremony, then turns it into a rainbow and disappears here.

Prosperity! Prosperity! Prosperity!

On this day, thunderous drums roared past the ancestor’s lair and spread to the entire heaven.

"Decisive battle, are you here?"

At the bottom of a large lake, an old man with messy hair suddenly opened his eyes and shook his sword like a sword.

Then, once he stepped on it, he disappeared here.

A long volcano and a screaming phoenix sounded in the sky.

"Retreat at infinite distance, it's time to fight!"


The flame phoenix soared and disappeared into the sky.

On a vast mountain, a group of people rushed to the sky.

"My singer has been in the world for many years. This is the first battle!"

A voice sounded, and a group of strong and determined people leaped out.

roar! roar! .Taiqing Tianyu’s most famous long valley has a series of dragons and dragons.

Here, it is the gathering place of true dragons, and most of the true dragons are gathered in heaven.

At this moment, a real dragon spiraled up and flew high.

Black Dragon, Snow Dragon, Blood Dragon, Fire Dragon, White Dragon, Blue Dragon, Golden Dragon...

Different real dragons gather together to form a real dragon army and fly to the battlefield.

In another place, countless tigers vacated.

In the phoenix nest, countless phoenixes are flying.

Qilin Peak, countless unicorns stepped into the air.


At this time, in Taiqing Tianyu, countless mythical races gathered, and the battlefield they went to was the battlefield.

This time, the beast is responsible for returning to the battlefield, and the human race is responsible for these two areas.

Terrans, no matter how big or small, such as the Blue House, are now flocking to two cities.

Countless forces rushed to two areas!

In the face of the life and death crisis in the sky, no one can stay away from it.

Defeated, this is death!

In the secluded Tianyu of Nine Wings, Wanling Tianyu, the heavenly powers explored by Qian Yuan Tianyu, also retreated and returned to two realms.

After all, these two cities have been in operation for many years, and they have carved many large arrays. They are defensive and easier.

If you go to defend Jiuxie Tianyu, but the power is dispersed, it will be broken by each other.

The heavenly army gathered on two battlefields is waiting for it.

Outside the Zulong nest, a group of people stood in the void.

Each of these people is a powerful terrorist, a demigod without enemies.

I have been retreating before, and now I am doing my best.

In front of them, there are two pictures, which can directly reflect the situation of the battlefield and the battlefield of the two cities.

They command and monitor the battlefields of the two battlefields at any time.

Dragon King!

"There are still some retreats, what should I do?"

Ray asked the others.

"The decisive battle is coming, we must fight, so let us keep two people, protect the smaller one, and go to war with everyone else!"


"The only way!"

The others nodded.

Soon after, at Dragon Emperor Peak, a character flew out, but all those who were higher than the emperor flew to two realms, leaving two characters from heaven and emperor to stay here.

For example, Lu Xiangxiang, Ouyang Mo, Paobao, Longcheng, Huangling, Waste Electricity, etc., have all reached two levels.

In addition, the size of the Yuan Dynasty was also a strong man, through the void passage, to participate in the war in heaven.

This is a life and death battle. Even if some forces do not want to participate in the war, there is no way. They don't want to participate in the war, and I worry that they will be taken over by other strong men.


The dragon's air suddenly flashed, and Zulong's figure appeared.

He glanced at Zifeng and said in a low voice, "In order to make a breakthrough, Zifeng, I hope you can break through as soon as possible!"

After all, the Ancestral Dragon's body shape disappeared, and then appeared outside the Ancestral Dragon's nest, where the commander was.

Zulong, the strongest man in the sky, naturally hopes to take this town to command.

In the evil world, there is another character in the sky.

These are some alien kings, and alien kings. Of course, the core is the ancestors of aliens. In front of them, there are two pictures floating in the air. These pictures also reflect the two cities and the return city.

At this time, countless evil gods are marching towards the sky along the void passage.

The void channel connecting the evil **** and the sky is very wide and can hold many souls at the same time.

"Send all the beasts and attack the city!"

The ancestors of the aliens gave the order.

After he gave the order, someone immediately turned into a rainbow with Yu's voice and disappeared here.

Of course, it is far from heaven, and it is impossible to pass it so far.

However, they have messengers along the way.

This voice is a jade, flying to the next messenger, the messenger continues to speak, and continues to fly to the next messenger.

In this way, the news spread to heaven, it will not take long. ,, ..

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