The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 110: control

The heart that killed the ancestor laughed, full of blood, turned into a **** sword light, and kept hitting the prison monument.

At the same time, he manipulated the blood bead, and also emitted a **** light, with amazing power. However, at this moment, an infinite black light suddenly appeared on the head of the sacred ancestor, which turned into a huge black lotus, and went to suppress the ancestor.

"I want to do this to me and find death!"

The heart that killed the cold drink of the ancestors, a wave of palm trees, a **** sword light burst out, bombarding the black lotus.


With a fierce roar, the black lotus was hit, but it was not defeated as the ancestors expected.

The black lotus flies backward, and the next moment, on the lotus, there is a character.

A young woman in a black dress is a fascinating world.

"Being blocked actually prevented the killing of the sacred ancestors!"

Many people are surprised.

Killing the heart of ancestors is the existence of martial arts. Even if it is a random blow, it cannot be blocked by ordinary people, even if it is a demigod, it is difficult to resist.

The blow to kill the ancestor was blocked.

"it is good?"

Killing the ancestor's own heart was also a glimpse, and then the eyes were filled with cold light, **** concentration, turned into a shocking blood sword, squatting towards the black lotus.


The sound was crisp, and the black lotus suddenly spread and turned into a black petal. Each petal turned into a sword, constantly rushing towards the blood sword of the ancestor.


Between heaven and earth, it seems that the sound of the sword, the sound of the sword and the sound of the earth collide.

Although those black swords were often broken, after each black sword fell, the **** sword light that killed the heart of the ancestors would also weaken.

When the last black sword collapsed, there was less than one blood sword of the sacred ancestor, and it was easy to be blocked by a woman.

"It's blocked again!"

"This time, the heart that killed the ancestor is really touched!"

Many people are shocked.

Who is this woman, so powerful, can stop the attack of ancestors.

"I know, this is Xie Nianqing, Zifeng's wife, Xie Nianqing!"

"What? Zifeng's wife is so powerful!"

Countless people were deeply shocked.

Many people understand the combat effectiveness of Zifeng. Before the two wars of the two games, it was unparalleled and amazing.

However, now his wife is even more terrifying, and it is amazing to be able to fight against the divine ancestors.

"How is it possible? She is only a semi-god world, how can she stop the attack of the divine ancestors?"

The first king and those who were old kings were deeply shocked.

They looked out, Xie Nianqing's territory was half-god and half-human, but the explosive power of the explosion was astonishing, far higher than them.

Yes, now, Xie Nianqing's cultivation has reached a demigod.

There are still two years to go on Huangquan Island, which is nearly two hundred years away from Huangquan Island. With the help of the fruits of life, Xie Nianqing's cultivation reached a demigod.

Moreover, Xie Nianqing's combat effectiveness is far superior to ordinary people and powerful forces.

At first, when Xie Nianqing entered the five-star heaven, he was able to suppress the emperor's peak. Now, Xie Nianqing has reached the demigod, whose power far exceeds other demigods. Not only were they shocked, even the ancestors of the aliens and Zulong were shocked.

"Is she so strong?"

On the battlefield, Huang Ling, Qiuyue, Xie Nianqing and others were expecting the glory of the wind, and secretly sighed.

"Ah, kill, kill, kill!"

The two strategies of killing the ancestor's heart were blocked by Xie Nianqing, which stimulated his killing and enthusiasm.

He yelled at Xie Nianqing frantically, completely ignoring the prison monument.

The prisoner's monument is the battle of giants with the Celestial team.

thump! thump!

Xie Nianqing and the murderer's ancestor made several actions. Although Xie Nianqing fell in a downwind and retreated many times, she still prevented the ancestors from attacking.

Many people are surprised!

They understand that Xie Nianqing's combat effectiveness is truly amazing. It has surpassed other demigods. Although it is not an opponent of the divine ancestor, it is already able to fight.

If you change to another demigod, you will be killed by a divine ancestor.

"Die to me!"

Killing the ancestors was even crazier, and the blood beads in his hands were blown up.

This **** bead is a weapon beyond the heavenly soldiers. It is controlled by the sacred ancestors and has a strong sense of terror.


Xie Nianqing drank alcohol and fingerprinted. Around her body, there were endless black lotus flowers. These black lotus flowers turned into sword light and killed the hearts of the ancestors.

The sacred pearl of the ancestors, bloody, the size of a mountain, screaming with **** light, the power is terrible!

Xie Nianqing condensed the endless lotus sword to face the sacred ancestors, but after all, Xie Nianqing was still better than killing the ancestors. The endless lotus sword was defeated, and the blood-red light almost swept Xie Nianqing and made her retreat.

"Who are you? You are not a person in this world!"

The heart that killed the ancestor stared at Xie Nianqing, and his blood-red eyes flashed with shock.

When he started, he felt that Xie Nianqing's practice and control were not the power of the world.

"Who am I, you are not qualified to know!"

Xie Nianqing is cold and open.

"No matter who you are, in this world, kill you, no one will know, kill!"

Killing the heart of the ancestor's cold drink, the body's blood is more concentrated, the blood light does not enter the blood beads, and the **** beads vibrate violently.

roar! roar!

In the **** beads, there was a sudden roar, and then a huge demon crawled out of the **** beads.

This demon, blood-red, covered with blood-red scales, wide mouth and fangs, killed the sky.

Behind him, a pair of blood-red wings stretched out to the sky!


The devil shouted, and then went to Xie Nianqing.

"The devil in the abyss, hey, but it's an immobile demon!"

Xie Nianqing's indifference opened, and a cold light sword appeared around his body, killing the blood red demon.


The devil roared, his wings flapped, and a gust of wind blew Xie Nianqing.

On the other hand, the killing of the ancestors also began, forming a blood-red sword light, and sighed to Xie Nianqing. Faced with the attacks from both sides, Xie Nianqing was even more invincible. The Jianguang she attacked was quickly defeated.


The blood-red sword of the sacred ancestor, Xie Nianqing, although Xie Nianqing condensed a black lotus body in time, he was still blown up, his body trembled, and the corners of his mouth were overflowing with blood. ,, ..

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