The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 116: Wonderful terrain

Thinking of this, Zifeng's heart was also a little hot.

Just now, he also saw that when Gu Hongshan and others became a "mega" country, their combat effectiveness was indeed very strong.

Whether it is strength or defense, it has been greatly improved. If Zifeng can cultivate this secret technology, its combat effectiveness will also soar.

"Child, promise them, promise them, this is your great opportunity."

To understand the sea, the bones are called.

"Okay, okay, anyway, I've been wandering outside for many years. I'm looking for a tribe to take a break."

Zifeng nodded.

Gu Hongshan and others were very happy. Zifeng is very talented. If he can join their eighth tribe, then the eighth tribe will have an unparalleled arrogance, and they will naturally be happy.

"Okay, let's go back to the tribe."

Guhongshan Road.

"Brother Hongshan, slow, I have one thing, I want to ask you to help."

Zifeng said suddenly.

"How is this going?"

Gu Hongshan asked.

"I was chased by a group of outsiders and almost died in their hands. This kind of hatred cannot be reported."

Zifeng's eyes flashed coldly.

He wanted to borrow the descendants of ancient gods to get rid of the masters of the different magic universities who had just chased him.

Zifeng is not the kind of person who has no hatred. If there is hatred, he will report it immediately when he has the opportunity.

"External? Where is it?"

Gu Hongshan, some people in ancient times, also showed indifference.

"In a valley a hundred thousand miles away, I worry that this is not enough for us."

Purple Wind Road

Before, Zifeng felt that there should be many masters from different magical schools in the valley. The only people who chased him before were only a small part.

"This is easy to handle. We are contacting some ethnic groups and bringing them to the end."

Guhongshan Road.

Then they took out a strange stone, similar to the jade from the outside, but it looked much older.

They passed the news and waited quietly.

Soon after, I caught a glimpse of the body, which is the eighth tribe of the descendants of ancient gods.

Before long, a group of descendants of ancient gods gathered here, with more than 30 people.

Everyone was shocked when Gu Hongshan introduced Zifeng.

"You follow me."

Lu Mingdao then took Gu Hongshan and others to the valley where the former Devil Academy gathered. That valley is very secretive. If you don’t look carefully, it’s hard to find. Before that, Zifeng accidentally came here.

Not far from the valley, they stopped.

In the mouth of the valley, a shadow disappeared.

Obviously, the people in the Devil's Temple are still there, but they also keep people on guard.

"We just killed it."

Leading to the ancient mountain road.


Zifeng said to stop and say: "We don't know how many people will kill them directly, but this is dangerous, and the other person is very alert. If we kill people directly, the other party will immediately escape. We may not be able to eliminate them. "

"Brother Zifeng, what good do you have?"

Guhongshan Road.

"I will lead them. They chased me before. They were unsuccessful. Now when I see me, I will definitely catch up. You are ambushing, waiting for them to chase, you can shoot them, kill them all at once. , And wait for the opponent's strength to weaken. After that, kill the valley again, you can kill each other."

Purple Wind Road

"A good method is really a good idea."

"Yes, just do it."

The descendants of other ancient gods nodded.

"Brother Zifeng, you must be careful to do this."

Gu Hongshan reminded.

"Don't worry, I have to take me away."

Zifeng nodded.

Lu Ming is very attractive to attract the other party, and he will certainly do so.

Afterwards, Gu Hongshan and others ambushed, and after the ambush, Zifeng walked towards the valley ahead.


A big rumor came out, Zifeng was very close, and he was discovered by the other party.

"This is Zifeng, this is another child!"

"Catch him, this time, don't run away."

Suddenly, there was a noise in the valley.

Zifeng turned and ran, and ran to the side where Gu Hongshan was ambushing.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

In the valley, a dozen people rushed out.

They are all masters of different magical academies, including the last time they chased Zifeng.

"This time, see where you are going?"

Shouted a master from a different magic school.

This time, they directly sent a dozen masters, just like the last time, because of the interference of the devil, Zifeng ran away.

This time, more than a dozen people were sent to see where Lu Ming could go.

"We noticed this, this kid will come back, be careful and deceive!"

"Yes, if he runs into some unfamiliar terrain, we'd better not chase him."

In the Devil Academy, there are also people who are cautious.

Zi Fengming was finally hunted down. This time he ran back again. They worry that Zifeng will take them to some Jedi and kill them with the power of the Jedi.

However, they never thought that Zifeng would not rely on any Jedi to kill them, but instead rely on the power of the descendants of ancient gods.

Therefore, Zifeng will naturally not run into some wonderful terrain.

Hey! Hey! Hey!.

The two sides chased each other and quickly came to the place where the ancient Protoss ambushed.

The place left by the ancient gods was ambushed. The terrain is not complicated, so it is not uncommon. Therefore, people who are different from demons are not very alert. Hey!

The escaping Zifeng suddenly stopped.

"Child, why don't you escape? Don't you know that you can't escape, and then send you on the road."

The last time I saw Zifeng's black robe, the old man's indifference, a knife hit Zifeng.

"You are on the way!"

Zifeng's mouth sneered.


A huge fist suddenly came from behind Zifeng, his fist was covered with red scales, and his fist broke the black man's knife.


The huge body of Gu Hongshan appeared behind Zifeng.

thump! thump! .

In all directions, a tall figure rushed over and was surrounded by a dozen masters from different magic schools.

"not good!"

"Ah, fooled!"


The people in the Devil Academy were terrified, they wanted to go back and escape. They never imagined it. There are many ancient descendants here.

However, how does Zifeng get together with the descendants of the ancient gods?


Gu Hongshan screamed and killed the people in different devil temples.

The descendants of thirty ancient gods all turned into huge ancient gods and killed more than a dozen people in the Devil's Temple. ,, ..

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