The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 117: Strong and powerful

"People, let's discuss it, let me save a place."

Zifeng left a word, and turned and left with Qiuyue and others. "Zifeng, does he really want to go to war? This is really a dissatisfied leopard. If he wasn't a sinister army, he would be dead!"

"In order to face it, in front of so many people, being irritated by the party in front of you, there should be no fights, no shame!"

"That's also true, but it's not wise to risk your life for the sake of face!"

There are many people around.

"Hey, these people, where do you know the power of the young master!"

A few months after hearing about the fall, I felt very depressed and upset.

"no problem!"

Zifeng smiled, but he didn't care.

They left here, found a hotel and stayed.

Zifeng lived in a room alone, kneeling on the bed.

"Two hundred years have passed since the old quantity. The energy of the star core, how about your oil refining?"

Zifeng asked.

With his current practice, he participated in this Taiwanese battle, and Zifeng was not sure about it.

The arrogance of the king's nine kings is incredible. I don't know how many powerful beings exist.

This time, it was probably just a slap in the face, and Zifeng wanted to push himself to the strongest state.

Zifeng needs to use the energy of the star nucleus to influence this field.

In the past two hundred years, Zifeng has not used the energy of the star core. He has been absorbing energy training. Otherwise, his cultivation will not be as slow as promotion.

Two hundred years later, how much energy will be refined?

"Refining and refining are refining, but not too much. It is too low for you to repair, and the refining speed of aging mothers is greatly reduced."

The indicator complains.

"I should be enough to hit the gods."

How Zi Fengwei got to the end still blamed his mind.

"Your cultivation has reached the peak of the gods and the influence of the gods. This is naturally a stable problem, but now you control ten kinds of divine powers. It is difficult to say if you want to attack the three gods."

The term is rampant.

"There is already a lot of energy coming, try it."

Zifeng's eyes lit up.

Can improve more realm, master, this will be a big point.

"That's ready"

The sound of the vocabulary sounded, and then, the volume of the words in the ocean, exuding a dazzling brilliance, pure powerful energy, rushed out and poured into Zifeng's limbs.

Zifeng has been fully operational, he has begun to absorb this energy and affect this field.

This energy is too strong. Zifeng felt that his entire body was swelling, full of fierce energy.

"The energy is so rich, the energy is so rich, it's actually just a small part of the refinement of this star."

Zifeng was not shocked.

This energy is very pure, although it is very powerful, but the absorption rate is also very fast.

Under the influence of Qiankun Wandao, this energy was quickly absorbed and transformed into the power of the purple wind. In the pubic area, the flames of the ten fires became brighter and brighter, and the flames rose.


In Zifeng's body, a roar was heard, and the flames of the ten gods were all high.

In an instant, Zifeng's breathing improved a lot.

Heaven and God, double, breakthrough. After breaking through the gods, Zifeng didn't stop because there was still a lot of energy left in his body.

Zifeng continued to refine this energy, and his cultivation quickly improved.

The gods are two stable, the gods are two in the early stage, the gods are in the middle of the second

Soon, Zifeng reached the pinnacle of the gods.

Not far from the gods.

His body still has some energy, but it is not enough to influence the three gods.

"A loud noise"

Zifeng's eyes looked hard, and a wave of hands appeared on the ground.

These nerves are all heavenly gods, and the inner spirit is much stronger than the next product.

This was a rare opportunity, Zifeng wanted a loud noise to shock the gods Sanzhong.


A lot of nerves burst open and turned into a rolling spirit. Zifeng opened his mouth together, and his spirit was like a rolling wave. He rushed to the mouth of Zifeng and was swallowed by Zifeng.


Zifeng began to refine and perfect this spirit.

He hopes to use this temperament and the energy left before to influence the three gods.

Time, day after day.

In the blink of an eye, three months are approaching.

Zifeng refining Shen Jing has accumulated a lot of energy.


At the core of the movement, the energy of the refined crystal, combined with the previous energy, began to influence the three gods.

Three months have come, and a large number of creatures have gathered in the central square of this planet.

There are many people in all races in the Qin Tian Star Territory.

This time, even the top players of all major forces came to many people.

For example, veterans of all major forces are observing in secret.

After all, this battle is not only a confrontation between the younger generation, but also related to the security of Qin Tianxing's domain.

"The people of the nine kings are here"

Suddenly, someone called.

In the distance, a rainbow-like light flew to this side.

There are dozens of them.

Among them, there are more than a dozen older people, all of whom are powerful and powerful.

The rest are young people.

These people standing on the battle platform looked at them proudly.

Compared with the number of people around the square, their numbers are indeed poor, but their momentum in turn suppressed the Qin Tian Star Domain.

"Qin Tianxing, you have to go out."

This was still the last time a youth in a golden robe came out, and his voice spread throughout the audience.

Bingxian came out and appeared in the air.

Then, nine magical nights, kendo promises and so on, have come out.

A total of seventeen people.

Almost everyone comes from Chiyan, Hail and the three hegemony forces.

"There are only seventeen people. You seem to be missing one person. Last time, this arrogant boy, why didn't you come?"

The young man in the golden robe looked away and smiled.

Bingxian and the others looked at each other, their eyes sinking.

One of them is missing because the purple wind has not yet arrived.

However, the icy lake has laid so many layers of defense that it cannot change its ending.

Prosperity! Prosperity! .

When Qin Wu's Seven Injury Fist was knocked down, the nine-layer ice shield burst and burst.


Boxing troops bombed the icy lake. The ice lake screamed on the battle platform, his body heavy. He didn't know how many bones had been broken. The body is like muddy soil, lying on the ground, blood is constantly flowing out. ,, ..

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