The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 124: horrible

The same idea as him is not a minority, and there are several other young people standing beside him.

call out!

Suddenly, Zifeng felt a cruel murder and rushed towards him.

This is a big city on the battlefield of Dongminggu.

Lu Ming found many people in the air.

This number is moving and landing in this city.

Inductively, I found that in some buildings in the city, there is a strong breath in the air, and many young geniuses are practicing retreat. Zi Feng sank, and then walked to the place where he breathed the most.

Soon after, Zifeng came to the center of the city.

Many people gathered there.

"The remnants of ancient times, the remnants of ancient times, in a secret place, still contain a trace of spirituality, exchange a piece of alien iron!"

"The copy of ancient Danfang, made on the ancient battlefield of Dongming, must be a boutique, as long as it is a local martial arts, you can take it!"


When Zifeng came here, he heard a scream, like a foreign market.

This made Zifeng bow his head and sighed.

Then I brought a girl next to me and asked.

The girl was also very kind, and she probably spoke, and Zi Feng was stunned.

This is equivalent to a small square market.

In the first three months of choosing Emperor Tianwei, this is a process for people to experience, find opportunities, and improve their cultivation.

During this period, everyone may have income and some treasures, but they may not be able to use them by themselves.

Therefore, in some big cities, many geniuses gather together and will take out the treasures they do not need and exchange the treasures they need with others.

So there is a small square market in front of you.

Zifeng also aroused people's interest, and strolled here to see if he could find what he needed.

There are about five or six hundred people here, they often drink, and the things they take are also weird, which makes Zifeng an eye-opener.

However, he didn't see Zifeng's heartbroken.

"The animal is you!"

Suddenly, an angry scream rang, and the next moment, Zifeng felt a cold breath enveloped him.

Zifeng quickly turned around and saw several young people walking towards him.

Zifeng couldn't help smiling. Isn't this the long-armed youth of Feihushan?

This is really the road to the family.

The so-called enemies meet and divide into eyes.

At this time, the eyes of the armed youth were full of resentment, staring at Zifeng, and said: "Little Beast, I didn't expect to see you here. This time, I will never let you escape."

"Moreover, hand in the elixir of life quickly, otherwise you will die very badly."

The long-armed young man was depressed.

"You are a fool, so many days have passed, and the elixir? I entered my stomach early and turned into a smell, you want it, if you really want it, I still remember where Pull, I can take you away, but I didn't expect your taste to be too strong!"

Zifeng smiled.

Insult, this is an insult to red fruit.

The eyes of the long-armed youth suddenly turned red, the blood in the body burst, and the violent breath rose.

"Dead! Dead, animal, let me die!"

The armed youth is a big man.


Zifeng soared in the sky, hovering, and said: "If you want to fight, come up!"


The long-armed young man also rushed to the sky.

These two men acted and naturally warned others.

"This is the flying dragonfly of Feihu Mountain. It is the strongest in Feihu Mountain. It is said to be the only one in three wars!"

"Who is the other person? Dare to fight the flying dragonfly? Is it the strongest in a certain area?"

"I don't know, I don't know!" The others talked a lot, squinting at the sky.

In the sky, Zifeng stood opposite the long-armed young man.


Suddenly, the two moved together and turned into two rainbows, rushing to each other.

Then, they collide in the air, just like two meteors collide together.


With a thunderous roar, the two quickly retreated.

"Kill, Daewoo Wang Shenquan!"

The cockroach screamed at Zifeng again and rushed out.

A terrible shock hit the sky in the blink of an eye and came to Zifeng.

"Kowloon is going to heaven!"

Zifeng's eyes lit up and walked out.

At the place where the footsteps stomped on, the space trembled violently, turned into a violent force, and rushed forward.


This time, an even more shocking vibration appeared, and the momentum was huge and amazing.

call out!

Then, the figure like a shooting star flew backwards.

This is a fly.

"The flying smashed, and the flying scorpion was lost. Who is this person? It's terrible!"

"Is this the charm of the high empire?"

"Don't you understand? This person can only defeat the Flying Scorpion in the early stage of Wu Zong's six repairs. Are these several battles?"

"God, didn't you say that I haven't found it yet. It's true. Is it terrible?"

Below, hundreds of days, one by one, sucking cool.

In the air, the flying dragonfly flies for kilometers, stops in the air, and leaves blood in the mouth, which is an incredible color.


He is low-lying.

He is a genius in the Three World Wars, the crown of Feihu Mountain, countless so-called geniuses, are **** in front of him.

He always beats others. He is now defeated by Zifeng, which makes him unacceptable.

"Nothing is impossible, die!"

Zifeng shouted loudly, his figure rose to the sky, and the flying sky appeared on top of the flying dragonflies, condescendingly, and walked out.


It seems that there is a Taicang Mountain that fell from the sky.

"stop me!"

At this time, his body suddenly swelled, his body was a big circle, his arms were very thick, and he was more like a giant.

This is a mystery that can temporarily improve part of the combat effectiveness.

"Give me a swallow!"

Zifeng manipulated Jiulong's blood, exuding powerful devouring power, and aimed at the cornice.

Feilong's body trembled, feeling shocked by the blood and blood. He wanted to leave the body, his breathing suddenly dropped.


At this time, Jiulong and Flying Dragonfly walked towards the sky.

Screaming screams, the body fell to the earth like a cannonball.

There is a big old house there.


The noise broke into these houses, causing the earth to roar fiercely.

"Heavenly palm!"

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