Wang Fugui vomited blood

“This is a little troublesome.” Wang Fugui frowned when he was not there, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, Li Xueyang’s mother asked worriedly: “My lord, did something happen to my daughter?”

Wang Fugui shook his head and said: “No, let’s arrest another person now, your daughter may know where it is, so we come hereask. ”

“A fugitive?”

When the woman heard that she was the one to be arrested by Yiqi Daomeng, and then thought about her daughter’s disappearance these two days, she was so frightened that she almost lost her breath.

At this time, Wang Fugui also knew that the other party had misunderstood, and explained: “Don’t worry, I’m not a fugitive.”

At this moment, Li Xueyang walked in with a blank expression. Without even looking at them, they were about to walk upstairs.

Wang Fugui’s eyes lit up, he jumped up and blocked her way, and said: “Miss, tell us where Bai Yue Yue is? There will be no good results if we fight against our Dao League.”

Li Xueyang raised his eyelids, raised his palm, slapped Wang Fugui twice, and knocked Wang Fugui to the ground.

“Don’t mess with my old lady today!”

After finishing speaking, he went upstairs angrily.

Wang Yu, who was holding the tea, shook his hands slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Seeing Wang Fugui who turned into a pig’s head with just two slaps, Wang Yu felt a little flustered.

Are all fox demon girls so violent?

Wang Yu, who originally had some thoughts about her, was instantly crushed by him.

This kind of violent girl should be left to Fan Yunfei, he still prefers cute and soft girls.

Looking at Li Xueyang who went upstairs, Wang Yu thought to himself: “She just used demon power.”

At this time, Wang Fugui was also helped up by his two younger brothers.

Meng Erfei said with emotion: “I didn’t expect this girl to have such a strong demon power, what should we do, young master?”

“It must be outsmarted.”

Wang Fugui wiped his nosebleeds with his hands, and said confidently: “As long as you become her lover, you can easily find out the secrets. This young master is known as the king of girls, and now I will show you my strength.”

“Master, why don’t you let Master Wang Yu have a try? I think Master Wang Yu is more reliable.” Fan Qishou whispered.

Wang Fugui yelled, “Aren’t you looking down on me, my young master? Is my title King of Sister-in-law just for nothing? Hurry up and prepare the equipment for me.”

“Yes, young master!”

Fan Qishou and Meng Erfei saluted Wang Fugui at the same time, and rushed out quickly.

“You really don’t need my help?” Wang Yu asked.

“No, no, my cousin just needs to help us catch Bai Yueyue.” Wang Fugui waved his hand and said, “Cousin just watch, I will catch her soon.”

Wang Yu was speechless. Is it really okay to say in front of his parents that he will take down his daughter?

“Cousin, just wait for my good news.” Wang Fugui said inflatedly.

It wasn’t until Wang Fugui left that Wang Yu said to Li Xueyang’s parents, “Don’t mind me, my cousin has this personality.”

“By the way, do you guys know Bai Qiuen?” Wang Yu suddenly remembered that these two seemed to ask Bai Qiuen for help in dealing with Fan Yunfei.

“Young master also knows Daoist Bai?” Li Xueyang’s father said: “My daughter doesn’t know what’s going on. Not long after she was born, various strange things happened at home. We also heard that Daoist Bai is very powerful, so we asked him to help us Exorcism.”

Li Xueyang’s mother also said at this time: “Bai Daoist Priest’s mana is indeed very high, and nothing strange has happened to our family in the past few days.”

The three of them chatted one after another.

In the room upstairs, Li Xueyang sat on the stool boredly, propped his face with one hand, and said speechlessly: “Really, how could my parents bring a few strange men to the house? They really are so worried about my marriage. Won’t you go out?”

“But yes, inexplicable things happen every time we have a blind date, and it’s all done by this stinky fox, Fan Yunfei.”

As he spoke, he picked up a dress beside him and changed it in front of the mirror.

There was a small crack on the roof facing her.

The smaller Bai Yue strangely said to Fan Yunfei who had turned into a dog: “So you built the nest in her attic…”

Fan Yunfei: “…”

“Hey, how come there are petals falling outside?” Li Xueyang, who had just finished changing, saw a large piece of pink petals falling on the balcony.

Walked over curiously.

“this is……”

Looking up at the huge missile-like plane in the sky, Li Xueyang was shocked.

At this moment, a huge hook with a long iron chain behind it pierced into the wall next to her with a bang.

Li Xueyang was startled.

“Master, do you want to make it to this extent?” Meng Erfei asked while holding a handful of petals in his hand, sprinkled them down.

“You don’t understand. No woman would refuse this move.” Wang Fugui stood at the door above the plane, letting the wind blow his clothes.

“In order to catch Bai Yueyue.”

Holding flowers in one hand, Wang Fugui grabbed the iron chain with the other and jumped up quickly.

“Even if it’s to sell your hue, you won’t hesitate.”

Let go of your hands, and your feet slide down quickly like you are stepping on a skateboard.

Along with the petals in the air, Wang Fugui showed what he thought was a perfect smile, and shouted: “I’m sorry, it might be a little presumptuous. But please be good friends with me, okay?”

Li Xueyang opened his mouth wide and stammered, “But…but you…”

Seeing Li Xueyang’s expression, Wang Fugui was delighted. Look, she’s already been smitten by my perfect plan.

Bai Yue, you can’t escape from my palm.

Li Xueyang pointed to the eaves, and continued, “I’ll hit my head.”

The proud Wang Fugui didn’t notice the eaves at all.

The face is intimately in perfect contact with the eaves.

Wang Fugui: “…”

The body fell to the ground with a swish.

Afterwards, Meng Erfei and Fan Qishou found a bed sheet from nowhere and blocked WangIn front of wealth.

Meng Erfei said very apologetically, “I’m sorry, miss, please wait a moment, let’s touch up the makeup.”

Ding ding dong dong…

Ding ding dong dong…

Within a few seconds, Wang Fugui, with a Band-Aid on his forehead, came to her with flowers in his hands.

She whispered softly: “All of this was within my expectations. The reason why I bled from the head was because…you are so beautiful.”

At this time, Meng Erfei and Fan Qishou fully set off what is called a younger brother.

Putting one hand next to his mouth, he said in a low voice: “My Young Master Wang was born into a noble family, and he has a blood certificate from 18 generations of his ancestors, which is guaranteed to be true.”

Meng Erfei added: “The young master is not only very rich, but also has a high moral character. Most importantly, he looks good. He often brings us to improve the relationship between neighbors.”

“Are you chasing me?” Li Xueyang asked in surprise, holding her mouth.

Based on his years of experience in picking up girls, Wang Fugui sneered inwardly, and completed the first step.

“But it’s Young Master Wang Yu that I like, so I’m really embarrassed.” Li Xueyang blushed slightly, and embarrassedly rejected Wang Fugui.


Wang Fugui spat out a mouthful of old blood and passed out.

“Master, don’t scare me!”

“Hurry up and take the young master to the hospital.”

Meng Erfei and the two of them picked up Wang Fugui and couldn’t control anything else. They quickly jumped off the balcony on the second floor, drove the red sports car, and rushed towards the hospital.

Li Xueyang was left in a daze.

“what happened?”

Li Xueyang’s parents pushed open the door and asked anxiously.

They heard cries from upstairs and thought something happened to Li Xueyang, so they hurried up.

At this time, Wang Yu was sitting in the car, looking at the unconscious Wang Fugui suspiciously, and said, “What happened?”

“It’s hard to describe!”

Meng Erfei, who was sitting in the back, told Wang Yu what happened just now.

Wang Yu was taken aback when he heard it, and secretly thought that his appearance seemed to have ruined the plot.

Immediately my head grew dizzy.

In the plot, Li Xueyang seemed to agree to Wang Fugui, and the two went to the cinema to watch a movie.

It seems that because of his appearance, Li Xueyang did not accept Wang Fugui, and even vomited blood and passed out.

what the hell is this?

Rubbing her temples, the car quickly drove into the hospital.

Lying on the hospital bed, Wang Fugui was very weak, holding Wang Yu’s hand weakly: “Cousin, I tried my best, and I must catch Bai Yue.”

Patting his hand, Wang Yu sighed and said, “Don’t worry, after you die, I will bury Bai Yue with you.”

Wang Fugui: “Yes.”

The little nurse on the side had a black thread: “Hey, why are you making it look like life and death. He’s fine, just take a bottle of glucose and he’ll be fine.”


Wang Yu stared at Wang Fugui with an unkind expression, and slapped him on the head: “What the hell are you making trouble with me here?”

“Hehe…” Wang Fugui smiled awkwardly.

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