Initial System Upgrade

Just as it was traveling fast, its body slammed into a certain void, making it dizzy.

Shaking its little head, the Evil Beaked Beast looked dazed.

what’s the situation? There are also walls in the void?

Carefully coming to the position it just bumped into, the two paws of the beak beast touched the void lightly.

I touched an invisible hard object, no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t get past it.

The body was attached to the invisible hard object, and the beaked beast slowly crawled on it.

The beaked beast thought: “I don’t believe this thing has no end.”

Slowly crawling, it didn’t know how long it had passed, and the beaked beast was a little desperate.

According to its many years of experience in the void, it has been turning in circles.

It’s like being inside a seamless egg, it can’t be broken when beaten, and it can’t get out if it goes on like this.

Ten minutes later, the beaked beast limply lay on the table.

Wang Yu smiled and said, “How about it, little guy, now you can’t run even if you want to.”

Without answering Wang Yu’s words, the beaked beast rolled its eyes at him.

Their IQs are not low, otherwise they would not have helped Tu Shan reproduce the scene in the original book.

Calm down, think about it slightly, and it’s not difficult to guess that it has something to do with the blood that Wang Yu dripped on its forehead.

And it was just summoned by Wang Yu from the void.

You heard it right, it was called back.

As if not wanting to see Wang Yu, the Ebeak Beast turned around and pointed its butt at him.

Wang Yu wasn’t angry either, he closed his eyes and looked inside.

On the eight mirrors around the Yashen mirror, one of the mirrors showed the appearance of the beaked beast.

This is the contract. Since the body of the Evil Beak is similar to the soul, Yashen Jing independently judged that the other party met the charging standard.

Moreover, Wang Yu knew the limitations of the Yashen Mirror.

For example, the signer cannot be more than 100 meters away from the Yashen mirror, cannot attack the host, and cannot surpass the host by two stages in strength…

“Ding, the system upgrade is complete!”

While he was researching the beaked beast, he suddenly received a system prompt and hurriedly turned on the system.

The strongest auxiliary system:

[Host: Wang Yu]

[System Level: Lv.1]




【storage space】

【Mission point: 7】

【Personal template】

After a brief glance, I found that the system level has been upgraded from Lv0 to Lv1, and three functions have been added.

This made Wang Yu not only a little excited, but seeing that he had managed to save more than one hundred mission points, now there are only seven points left.

All of a sudden, his face darkened, and he was very depressed.

He also never thought that the system upgrade would consume so much. But it’s gone, even if Wang Yu is not happy, there is nothing he can do.

Wang Yu’s eyes lit up as he scanned the newly added store.

According to his years of experience in novels, this store, as the name suggests, sells things.

Thinking about the things in the heavens and the world, Wang Yu began to salivate.”Xianxian Sword, Pangu Axe, Good Fortune Jade Butterfly, I’m finally going to counterattack!” Wang Yu rubbed his hands excitedly, and inevitably opened the store a little nervously.

As soon as the screen changed, a line of words appeared in sight.

When he saw what was written, Wang Yu jumped up from the sofa excitedly.

“My God! My luck is so good.”

I saw it said: Since the host opened the store function for the first time, you can choose a product for free.

Excited heart, trembling hands.

The text stayed for a few seconds, and a scene similar to a game mall appeared in front of Wang Yu’s eyes.

The screen not only has text, but also pictures below the product.

What surprised him slightly was that there were only five items in the store.

And through the system prompt, after buying all five, the product will be automatically refreshed. Otherwise, you can only spend ten mission points to refresh.

Wang Yu’s face was gloomy, and his mood suddenly became unhappy.

“Your system is really desperate for money.” After complaining, Wang Yu looked at the products.

“One-time Moonlight Treasure Box: 200 points (free collection)”

“Gum fruit: 50 points (free collection)”

“Encyclopedia of low-level ninjutsu: 30 points (free to receive)”

“Hundred birds facing the phoenix marksmanship: 10 points (free to receive)”

“Uchiha Itachi’s Kaleidoscope Sharingan: 120 points (free collection)”

Taking a breath, Wang Yu stared at the last product without blinking, his voice trembling: “Uchiha Itachi’s kaleidoscope, this… it’s real.”

After pinching himself, Wang Yu couldn’t believe his eyes.

That’s a kaleidoscope sharingan, and it belongs to Uchiha Itachi, so you can get it for free.

Wang Yu calmed down for a while, and murmured: “Let’s read the introduction first, what the hell is this Moonlight Box?”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully receiving the one-time Moonlight Treasure Box. It has been placed in the storage space, and the host signed for it in time, happy cooperation.”

Wang Yu: “…”

The air froze instantly.

“Ah! What’s the situation!”

Wang Yu sat on the sofa and cried, “Whoa, my kaleidoscope. Why, I just clicked on the picture and got it.”

There were screams in the house. Fortunately, Butler Liu and the others went out to inspect the work at this time and were not at home.

The beaked beast turned its head and looked at Wang Yu strangely, thinking: “Why did this human suddenly go crazy? Could this be the few days that human beings have every month that mother said? Well, it must be like this.”

Ignoring him after that, the beaked beast floated around the house curiously.

After being sad for a while, Wang Yu sighed. Looking at the kaleidoscope that has been restored to its original price, I can only stare helplessly.

Looking at his pitiful mission points again, Wang Yu suddenly felt that there was a long way to go.

“Hey! Let’s see what this Moonlight Box is for. It’s even more expensive than a kaleidoscope.”

Entering the storage space, a small blue box was quietly placed there.

The box is rectangular, with no extra logos, just a few small red diamonds on both sides of the box.

Taking it out, Wang Yu found that it was only as big as a palm.

“Ding, I found a special item, do you want to detect it?”

Just as he was researching the Moonlight Box, the system suddenly gave a reminder.

Wang Yu thought about it and chose to confirm.

“Mission point-1, detection begins…”

Wang Yu’s face darkened, and he had the urge to scold his mother.

“This system is too dark, it actually costs mission points.”

But no matter how angry you are, it’s useless, after all, it’s a cheat for you to survive here.

“One-time Moonlight Treasure Box: You can travel randomly within a thousand years. Three tasks will be issued after the time travel, and you can return after completing the tasks.”

[Reminder: After using it, it will be used for body time travel, and the system will immediately arrange an identity. 】

[Note: There are risks in wearing meat, so you need to be cautious when making a decision. 】

“It’s a good thing!” Wang Yu’s eyes lit up. It is indeed a moonlight treasure box that is more expensive than a kaleidoscope.

Licking his tongue, Wang Yu resisted the temptation to use it now, and returned it to the storage space.

Good things are good things, but Wang Yu doesn’t plan to use them right now.

After a few days, the strength will at least reach the Nascent Soul stage. By the way, check the information again to see what major events happened in that era.

This kind of thing is not a trivial matter. It is related to his own life, so he couldn’t help but be careless.

After the things were put away, Wang Yu glanced at the beak beast, and his heart moved.

“Evil Beak Beast: It has no body and is born with bad luck. Anyone who steps into its body will be bound by bad luck, and eating the fruit of the bitterness tree will greatly increase its power.”

“Level: Early Nascent Soul (weak).”

“Abilities: Misfortune, manipulation, tearing apart the void, and vision of heaven and earth.”

“Very good ability!”

Wang Yu beckoned: “Erbeak Beast, come quickly.”

Even though he was not very willing, the Evil Beaked Beast obediently floated over.

Looking at the small and exquisite Ebeak Beast in front of him, Wang Yu reached out and squeezed it.

This time, the beaked beast did not resist, and quietly lay on his palm, allowing Wang Yu to swing back and forth like pinching a doll.

“Ding, a special creature is found, do you want to detect it?”

Wang Yu had a puzzled expression on his face and didn’t understand what was going on.

After thinking about it, I decided to probe it.

The left and right are just a little bit of consumption, anyway, there is only a fraction left, and it’s not bad at all.

“Mission point-2, start detection…”

“reducetwo? ”

Wang Yu was stunned for a moment, seeing that the task point directly changed to four, with a very rich expression.

“Black Fox Empress (clone): No entity.”

“Level: Early stage of Demon King (early stage of Nascent Soul).”


[Location: Below the window]

“Black Fox Empress?” Wang Yu was taken aback. How could it appear in his room.

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