Qing Tong’s Careful Thoughts

Wang Yu touched Tong Tong’s golden hair, shook his head, and said, “Don’t even think about it, we met nine demon kings, five of them were unconscious, and three of them were covered with injuries. How can there be such a coincidence?” .”

As if enjoying Wang Yu’s touch very much, Qingtong squinted her eyes, pointed at the crocodile on the ground, and said, “But, isn’t there another one intact?”

“Please, come over and take a closer look.” Wang Yu pointed at the crocodile speechlessly: “Didn’t you find something wrong with this crocodile?”

Qingtong took a closer look. Except for a few scars cut by Wang Yu, there is nothing wrong with it!

Biting her lips lightly, Qingtong pouted her ruddy mouth, and finally gave up and looked at Wang Yu.

Wang Yu looked at Qingtong’s alluring appearance, so he didn’t turn into a werewolf on the spot. In the end, relying on his will to be single for more than 20 years, he turned his attention to other places with difficulty.

Taking a deep breath, she cut off a certain thing in her heart.With this thought, Wang Yu quickly changed the subject and said, “It’s demonic power. Although it doesn’t have any injuries on the surface, the demonic power in its body is like a burning candle, and the flame is already crumbling.”

“I guess it should be the result of being supported by someone before we arrived, and the demon power was consumed too much.”

Wang Yu chuckled lightly.

As a man who has watched Detective Conan, this simple reasoning is not a problem.

If you want to say why he knew that Qingtong did it, it’s because her performance was too exaggerated.

Every time he killed a demon king, Qingtong would keep praising him. Under normal circumstances, he would not have any doubts.

However, eight of the nine demon kings were seriously injured, which was obviously the result of being preempted. It’s okay to say one or two, but once there are more, Wang Yu is not a fool.

They must have guessed that someone beat the other party to serious injuries one step ahead, and didn’t kill them. If you use your brain a little, you can find out that someone is helping him.

Combined with the fact that you know the list of those demon kings that you have accurately picked up, you can judge who it is.

At first he thought it was done by the Yiqi Daomeng. Wang Yu guessed it for no reason. After all, he is the son of the younger brother of the head of the Wang family, so it is completely reasonable for the other party to do so.

But then he thought something was wrong, and he had a big demon king with him. He didn’t believe that they didn’t know about it, not to mention that the ten demon kings that Wang Yu picked up were all low-level.

The other party probably wouldn’t do that.

Thinking about how many demon kings Qingtong had in the original book, Wang Yu observed Qingtong beside him intentionally or unintentionally.

He found that every time he got rid of a demon king, Qingtong would take out his phone once.

Although the action is very stealthy, don’t underestimate the sharp eyes of a single dog.

Thinking of this, Wang Yu suddenly realized whether this counted as cheating. In doing so, will the final score of the system be lowered?

But things have already happened, and Wang Yu can’t blame Qingtong, after all, she also has good intentions.

“Well, it’s time for us to go to the last monster you prepared for me.” Wang Yu chuckled lightly, and pinched his little nose with clear pupils.

Wang Yu’s actions made her blush, and followed Wang Yu with her head down.

“Master, aren’t we looking for water monsters?”

“Well, I’m lying to you, there are no water monsters around here at all.”

“The young master hates it the most. He actually lied to me.”

Despite saying this, Qing Tong didn’t show any dissatisfaction on her face.

Between green water and green mountains, a small natural farm stands on a flat ground.

A few peasants were working in the fields, some old people in the village were enjoying the shade under the shade of trees, and some children were playing outside.

The scene was peaceful and harmonious.

However, at this time, a weasel as big as a wolf appeared in the grass not far away.

With saliva still in his mouth, the weasel stared enviously at the cattle in the field.

“Jie Jie Jie… Today’s food is available.” The weasel panted heavily, and was not in a hurry to get out.

At this time, it is squatting on a grass field. The whole grass is more than one meter high, and it can be completely covered by the grass when it squats down.

But because the location is a bit remote, those people controlled the cow and didn’t pass by it.

After waiting for a while, the weasel became impatient.

Standing up, it was as big as a full-grown cow.

A middle-aged bearded man is in a good mood today because his cow gave birth to three calves yesterday.

You must know that most of the time, a cow can only give birth to one or two calves at a time, and three calves are already very popular.

So I plan to do it for a while and take my bull home.

Just as he was planning this, he suddenly found a person not far in front of him looking at him in horror.

This made him a little strange. He knew that person, he was a cousin of his own, and the relationship between the two was pretty good.

Just when he wanted to say hello.

He heard his cousin yelling: “Old Li, run! There are wolves behind you!”

The middle-aged man was stunned and hadn’t reacted yet.

He felt that the rope he was holding was shaking non-stop. He looked down and saw that his family’s usually very tempered cow was shaking today.

With a “bang”, the cow lay powerlessly on the ground.

Only the middle-aged people came to their senses and quickly looked back. She was so frightened that her face turned pale, she didn’t dare to speak, and her legs kept shaking.

“Yellow… weasel!”

The middle-aged man let out a scream, and sat down on the ground regardless of his image.

“Jie Jie… This cow is mine now.”

The weasel wagged its tail and greedily stared at the bull paralyzed by its demon power.

I’m thinking about how to eat this delicious meal for a while.

Looking at the weasel who was bigger than him, the middle-aged man summoned up his courage and quickly protected the bull: “No, this is my cow.”

“Your family’s? No, no, it’s my lunch now.”

The weasel shook its huge head, obviously losing patience.

The other party is an ordinary person, and he is a top demon king. As long as he succeeds in becoming a big demon king after a while, he will have nothing he wants.

At that time, you won’t have to be as worried as you are now, hiding those damn Taoist priests from Yiqi Daomeng everywhere.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and the weasel couldn’t help roaring excitedly.

“Since you are ignorant, I will eat with you today!”

The weasel opened its jaws with envy, and was about to bite down on the middle-aged man’s neck.

Under the desperate eyes of the middle-aged man, the sharp teeth of the weasel rested on the front of his neck.

As long as you move forward a little bit, you canforce his throat.

The middle-aged man gasped for air, his back was already soaked. His face was pale and weak, and he was trembling all over, not daring to move.

And the weasel’s eyes were as big as copper bells, his body was stiff, his expression was ferocious, and his expression was sharply painful.

Mechanically, she turned her head and twisted her neck.

“Huh~ Fortunately, I caught up.”

A big-headed monster grabbed its tail with one hand, and a red steel fork with the other.

This is not the point.

The point is that the fork head has been completely inserted into its lower body.

The feeling that makes it painful to die comes from this.

A big bug came out of the ground. Report to the big-headed monster: “Second King, Big Sister and the others are coming soon.”

The big-headed monster looked solemn: “I see.”

Just as the big-headed monster was distracted, the weasel subconsciously used its unique skill.

Taking a deep breath, he controlled his belly and violently shook the food he ate this morning.

“Open it for me!”

The weasel roared loudly, and his stomach began to swell, and a gust of air quickly swam backwards from his stomach, only to hear a “Peng” sound.

A large gust of yellow gas took the two big-headed monsters with them, and they were blown away more than ten meters in an instant.

Accompanied by a foul smell.

The big-headed monster stood up in a daze, and looked around.

who am I? where am I? what happened?

His eyes were dull, and it took him a while to remember.

Yes, I was dealing with that weasel.

“Fuck, the peak demon king!” The big-headed monster took a closer look, and the monster aura on the weasel was about to soar into the sky. This guy might not be far away from breaking through the big demon king.

“Oh my god! The information doesn’t match. Doesn’t it mean that the other party is just a low-level demon king?” The big-headed monster was startled, and shouted loudly, “Third and fourth, the idea is a bit tricky, come out and help.”

“Okay, second brother.”

In the woods, two intermediate demon kings flew out again.

“It’s you guys.” Weasel’s eyes were red, obviously he knew them.

After hearing this, the three demon kings posed together in a pose.

“That’s right, we are the three generals of Sister Qingtong, the two-horned golden-eyed beast, the bird-beaked insect king of the North Sea, and the Numu big-headed ghost king.”

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