Bump Man Appears

As he expected, the weasel is behaving badly now.Certainly.

I was suspicious of it by nature, so I didn’t dare to come out directly.

Observed the two of them carefully. Since Wang Yu held half of Qingtong’s body and his back was facing the weasel, he didn’t recognize Qingtong for a while.

“A kid who is not as strong as the demon king, and an ordinary woman without any cultivation.” Weasel’s eyes swept between the two, and finally stayed on the roast chicken.

Looking at the chicken that is constantly turning over on the fire, the strong aroma is constantly emitting.

He was so greedy that he salivated, and shook his head fiercely: “No, it smells so good. It looks like the rich second generation of human beings are here to play. Don’t be cowardly. I’m the man who wants to be the Great Demon King.”

The weasel, who couldn’t stand it anymore, jumped out immediately.

“Boy, keep your chicken and women, or I will eat you up.”

The weasel looked ferocious, looking at the woman in Wang Yu’s arms, feeling sad for a while.

Why does this kind of low-strength little boy have women, but it doesn’t have a demon king or even a female weasel.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and then he thought about his marriage proposal being rejected. Weasel’s heart began to twist and become extremely unbalanced.

Looking up to the sky and screaming: “I am a wolf, not a tortoise!”

Wang Yu: “…”

“It seems to have suddenly gone crazy.”

“I’m going to eat you!” The weasel rushed forward losing his mind.

A strong demonic aura rushed over!

Qingtong was shocked: “Master, be careful!”

Stretching out a hand, a large piece of white spider silk spewed out.

The speed was so fast that before the weasel could react, it had already arrived in front of it.

When the weasel saw clearly the person in Wang Yu’s arms, his expression was frightened: “Fuck, it’s that bitch Qingtong!”

in a blink. The spider silk was already in front of him, and it only took a second before the large white spider silk crazily entangled the weasel tightly.

There are three layers inside and three layers outside, and eventually it becomes a huge egg.

“Ah, this…” Wang Yu was shocked. Is this really the peak demon king?

But looking down at Qingtong, Wang Yu took it for granted. After all, Qingtong is the Great Demon King,

It should be noted that even though there is only one level difference between the peak of the Demon King and the initial stage of the Great Demon King, this level is as far apart as heaven.

Many demon kings are stuck at the peak of the demon king and cannot go any further.

This is because the big demon king is a qualitative change, and every big demon king is a character who can be called a mountain.

Just like when Fan Yunfei was at his peak, half of his foot stepped into the realm of the Demon Emperor. In a few strokes, he defeated a water demon in the realm of the Great Demon King in the Western Regions.

It’s far away.

When Wang Yu came back to his senses, Qingtong had already left his arms.

With her hands behind her back shyly, Qingtong lowered her head slightly, and drew a semicircle on the ground with one foot.

The girl is full of feelings.

Wang Yu looked at Qingtong and felt something was wrong. His eyes involuntarily drifted to Qingtong’s snow-white legs, he was stunned,

It suddenly occurred to her that when Qingtong first appeared in the original work, her lower body was like a spider.

But now with these legs, Wang Yu suddenly had a bad idea. Could it be that Wang Fugui and his grandfather cured him?

Thinking of this, Wang Yu’s face darkened, which meant that Qingtong had already been seen by that old man.

As soon as this thought came into his mind, Wang Yu quickly couldn’t help asking: “Qingtong, have you ever seen a perverted old man wearing an Ultraman mask?”

“Master, are you talking about the father of the Patriarch of the Wang family?” Qingtong replied after thinking for a while.

Wang Yu’s mind was like being bombarded by five thunders, and there was only one thought in his heart. It’s over, it’s still too late.

Thinking of Qingtong being taken advantage of by that old man, Wang Yu became inexplicably angry.

Qingtong clearly felt that something was wrong with Wang Yu’s appearance, but no matter how she thought about it, she couldn’t figure out why.

Looking at Wang Yu with a dark face, Qingtong hesitated to speak, “Master, did Qingtong do something wrong?”

Biting her lips lightly, Qingtong’s eyes were red, and tears swirled in her eye sockets. It seems that the next second, it will drip.

Looking at Qingtong’s appearance, Wang Yu immediately reacted, and comforted him: “It’s okay, it’s not your fault, don’t worry, I will avenge that old man for you.”

After clenching his fist, Wang Yu’s eyes lit up. A violent murderous aura emanated from his body.

That perverted old man who absolutely can’t do that.

Qingtong looked at Wang Yu with a cute face, secretly wondering. I have only heard of this person, but I have never seen him. Why did the young master say that he wanted to avenge me.

What revenge?

It’s so strange. Could it be that the young master misunderstood something? Do you want to tell the young master?

Qingtong was very confused, but the young master looks so handsome.

Well, sometimes misunderstandings arise like this.

However, at this time, it was on a sandy beach thousands of miles away.

An old man wearing an Ultraman mask and a blue tunic suit walked slowly on the beach with his hands behind his back.

At this moment, he stopped, his nose itching.

“Ah… ah… Ah Qiu——!”

After he sneezed a few times, the old man sniffed hard, and muttered, “What’s wrong today, some beautiful woman must be thinking about me, my damn charm that has nowhere to rest!”

Suddenly, the old man’s eyes moved.

On the opposite side came a beautiful woman with a protruding front and back, wearing a pink bikini.

His eyes were instantly fixed.

The nosebleeds spurted out like a fountain.

Calmly took out a bottle of liquid from his pocket, the old man poured a little on his hand, and shouted loudly, “Beauty, let me treat the two tumors in front of you!”

“This old man, do you need special services?”A very rough voice came from the mouth of the beautiful woman. The expression was twitchy, and she kept casting eyes at him.

“It’s half price for the elderly.”

The old man’s forward body instantly froze in the air.

“I miscalculated, I’m actually a demon.” The old man gritted his teeth and said, “Where is the demon, I will do justice for the sky today!”

“Slip, slip…”

The old man jumped backwards and quickly fled the scene.

“Damn it! The good mood has been ruined.” The old man cursed secretly, and left this sad place sullenly.



“Hey, who will call me at this time?”

The old man in the mask was puzzled, and turned on the phone: “Hello, who is it?”

“Father, where are you now?”

“Son, what can you do with me?” The masked old man picked his nose and asked nonchalantly.

“Father, you should still remember Xiaohao’s son, Wang Yu.” A middle-aged man’s voice said on the phone: “According to the latest reliable information, he is very likely to be the reincarnation of the sword fairy.”

The masked old man was silent for two seconds, and said, “Is there any evidence?”


Wang Fugui’s father said excitedly: “I just got the news that Qing Tong, the maid of that lord, has a close attitude with Wang Yu, and Tu Shan Yaya also has contact with him.”

“Father, if you don’t believe me, I’ll send you a video right away. It should be him.”

Then, he voluntarily hung up the phone.

After a while, the masked old man received a video.

The content of the video is the scene of Wang Yu fighting Tu Shan Yaya.

After reading it, the masked old man laughed wretchedly: “Hehehe… Daoist soldiers and sword immortals are actually my grandsons. No, I have to go back and meet my grandsons.”

At this time, the weasel had the urge to scold his mother.

She was actually overshadowed by someone.

One moment, he boasted of his wit and force, but the next second he was slapped in the face.

“It’s so uncomfortable, my head hurts.”

The weasel knew that this was the onset of Qingtong’s neurotoxin.

But now it is tightly entangled with spider silk, plus neurotoxin, now it can’t exert any demonic power.

“Master, what should we do with this weasel? Kill it now?” Qingtong asked.

Wang Yu rested his chin in his hand, and was thinking about how to obtain the avatar technique.

However, I learned from the Ebeak Beast that the weasel’s avatar is completely empty-handed. Although the breath is the peak demon king, it really only has the peak of the little demon king.

It’s a big difference.

After a few blows, it was wiped out by the three demon kings, leaving behind a yellow hair.

But Wang Yu didn’t think so. Isn’t this the Monkey King’s ability to summon younger brothers?

When I think about pulling a few hairs at random in the future, there will be scenes of a few younger brothers.

I’m excited just thinking about it.

“But how to deceive it.” Wang Yu was in trouble for a while.

After finally making a decision, Wang Yu said, “Qingtong, let it go.”

“Okay.” Qingtong nodded.

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