The Probe from Liu Yanyan

Since Wang Yu’s attire is really scary, he must be troublesome to be seen in ancient costumes.

So the two didn’t take the right path. Anyway, Wang Yu could fly, so he flew directly to the balcony on the third floor that Liu Yanyan rented.

Entering the room from the balcony, Liu Yanyan sat down on the sofa. Until now, sheThe body is still a little soft.

Angrily said to Wang Yu: “It’s all your fault, it’s all right now, my clothes are all soaked.”

“I’ll take a shower first, don’t peek!” Turning around to warn Wang Yu, Liu Yanyan waved her small fists as if I would hit you if you dare to peek.


The bathroom door was closed.

Wang Yu won’t be so bored. Looking around, the equipment in the house is quite complete, including computers, sofas and air conditioners.

The moment he saw the computer, Wang Yu walked over.

As the saying goes, if you want to understand this world with technology, Du Niang is your best choice.

Fortunately, all computers in this world are similar, and Wang Yu turned on the computer very lightly and familiarly.

The next step was to open the browser and search for a few keywords, and Wang Yu gradually began to read it.

On Liu Yanyan’s side, after closing the bathroom door, she carefully listened to the movement outside the door.

I felt relieved when I noticed the sound of footsteps not coming in her direction.

Skillfully took off her clothes, revealing her slightly pale skin. Different from normal white, the white on Liu Yanyan’s body is a bit like sickly white.

Turning on the shower head, cold water wet her body. It made Liu Yanyan’s mind in a trance and calmed down a lot.

“It’s too simple. Is flying zombie so easy to subdue?”

After calming down, Liu Yanyan’s IQ gradually rose. Recalling everything that happened just now gave her a very unreal feeling.

She had never seen a flying zombie, and the flying zombie at home had never appeared since she could remember. I just heard that there is a flying zombie enshrined under the ancestral hall at home, and it cannot be awakened until the family is alive or dead.

Even jumping stiff, I only saw it in her father’s place.

The jumping stiffness here is not the kind of zombie that can only jump, with its hands stretched out and unable to bend.

Rather, it refers to a zombie who can jump ten meters at a time and is unable to speak, but has a high IQ.

Zombies at this level are basically invulnerable, and because zombies don’t feel pain, the lethality of zombies is greatly enhanced.

The only weakness is the soul. The reason why the Immobilizing Talisman can hold a zombie is because the soul of the zombie is too weak.

Reaching the first level of jumping stiffness, the soul level is basically no less than that of a ten-year-old child. What’s more, Flying Zombie, which is one level higher than Jumping Zombie, can awaken memories of life.

Zombies themselves jump out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements, and there is no limit to their lifespan.

It’s just that God opened a door for you, and will definitely close a window for you.

Zombies can only appear in certain extremely dark places. It is also divided into the land of innate extreme yin and the land of acquired extreme yin.

Congenitally extremely cloudy land refers to a place with specific geomantic omens, plus the fact that the sun does not shine all year round. It takes a long time to form. And this time may take more than ten thousand years.

This kind of congenitally extremely cloudy land can never be found.

And the extremely cloudy place in the Houtian refers to a large place where corpses are buried, which are the so-called mass burial mounds and cemeteries in ancient times.

Cremation was not popular in ancient times, because they believed that people must be whole after death. If cremation was used, the soul would be completely different after death and would not enter the underworld.

In addition, in ancient times, wars broke out at every turn, ranging from hundreds of thousands of people to tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people.

The scene was quite tragic. After the war, most of them would dig a few huge pits and bury them on the spot.

This is the origin of the extremely cloudy place in the acquired world.

After death, by chance, the body does not rot. Instinctively absorb evil spirits to practice, and slowly form zombies.

Flying Zombie, if a zombie of this level is not born in an extremely dark place, it must be a pit of millions of people to be raised.

It’s impossible for Liu Yanyan to say that she’s not afraid, but compared to ordinary people, as a member of a corpse exorcising family, she has dealt with zombies all year round.

There is little resistance to zombies.

After wiping her body, Liu Yanyan didn’t think of a good way to deal with him until now.

She has already broken into Wuzhilian’s mind control, why is she so uneasy.

Slowly wrapping her body with a bath towel, Liu Yanyan walked out generously.

It was discovered that Wang Yu was actually sitting in front of the computer, not knowing what he was looking at.

For a moment, he was very curious, walked gently behind Wang Yu, and said in surprise: “You can use a computer? What are you looking at?”

“It’s nothing, just know something.”

After Wang Yu read it, he frowned and never let go. A very normal world, and a very normal world.

I didn’t find anything strange.

It seems that this world hides quite deeply.

Wang Yu suddenly laughed, so it’s interesting. Anyway, there is no task, so I can only stay for three years.

“I’m going to take a shower, you can play first.” Wang Yu got up and walked towards the bathroom.

Liu Yanyan didn’t say a word, but stared at the computer inexplicably, and looked at Wangyu’s back.

The corners of his mouth suddenly turned up, and he muttered in a low voice: “It’s boring, a zombie that has been buried for a thousand years can actually use a computer, what kind of special ability is it?”

Just as she was about to sit on the stool, she suddenly smelled the vague smell of blood coming from the stool. Liu Yanyan frowned and pushed the stool back.

When he came to the bed, he took out a black laptop from his small backpack, opened it, and searched for Wang Yujia’s historical figures.

They found them one by one.

On Wang Yu’s side, he unbuttoned his heavy golden armor, revealing his strong body. Visually, his current body height is about 1.78 to 1.75 meters.

For a man, this body is really not tall. In addition, although Wang Yu’s body is white, he took off his shirt to reveal his eight-pack abs, giving people a sense of strength.

Turning on the shower head, the temperature of the water made him feel nothing. Turn on the water heater to the maximum, only faintIt feels a little hot.

After a simple rinse, some black and red substances from Wang Yu’s body were washed off.

Taking out a shower gel from the shelf beside him, his eyes suddenly fixed on an item.

On a drying rack in the corner, the clothes that Liu Yanyan had just changed were hanging.

Wang Yu’s main gaze stayed on the smallest object.

Pink, with a pattern.

Wang Yu felt that the pattern was very familiar. Thinking about it carefully, good guy, what is it if it’s not Doraemon.

Of course, he only stared at that thing because of that pattern.

Looking down at the rising brother, Wang Yu stretched out his hand to give this shameless guy a slap, but halfway, he hesitated for a long time but didn’t do it.

After taking a bath, Wang Yu found an embarrassing problem, that is, there was no change of clothes.

The set of golden armor that I was wearing before smelled a pungent smell of blood, so Wang Yu didn’t intend to wear it anymore.

After searching for a long time, Wang couldn’t find the second bath towel, so Wang could only help Liu Yanyan helplessly.

“Girl, do you have any clothes?” Wang Yu poked his head out and asked.

Liu Yanyan raised her head and said, “No, find a way by yourself.”

“Isn’t it? Anyway, I’m your little brother now?” Wang Yu said helplessly, pointing to the red mark in the center of his forehead.

She curled her lips proudly, and Liu Yanyan’s eyes revealed a glimmer of light: “Want clothes?”

Wang Yu nodded quickly.

“Tell me your real name, and I’ll get you clothes. I know, Wang Yu is definitely not your real name.”

Wang Yu felt helpless in his eyes, “Girl, that’s really my name!”

“Impossible, then why didn’t I find your information?” Liu Yanyan didn’t believe it: “Be honest, otherwise I wouldn’t have taken you in.”

“I’m just a small person, and I’m not famous, how could you find me.” Wang Yu said.

“It seems to be the same thing.” Liu Yanyan said seriously: “But I always feel that you are not honest, and I always feel that taking you in is a wrong choice.”

Wang Yu said playfully: “That’s fine, you remove the mark on my head, and I won’t pester you anymore.”

“That can’t be done, you are dead, no one is looking at you, the world will be in chaos.” Liu Yanyan picked up a fixed phone from the bed and said, “Help me buy a set of men’s clothes, if you are tall… How tall are you?”

“One meter seven eight, right?” Wang Yu said uncertainly.

Liu Yanyan’s eyelids twitched. This guy doesn’t even remember his height, so it’s possible that his memory has not been fully recovered.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Yanyan was looking at Wang Yu. Although he only showed one head, he still looks very attractive, with delicate features.

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