: The Skeleton Soldier Shows His Power

A woman with disheveled hair held a short knife and said calmly, “It’s not the first time. This group of all-sexuals just run fast.”

“I don’t know what their purpose is. It’s really troublesome.”

Xu San sighed. He was almost annoyed to death by this group of people of all genders. They were simply a bunch of troublemakers.

Trouble is trouble, the procedures that should be followed should not be bad.

Xu San said to his opponent: “Two people, bring Zhang Xilin’s body back. Baby, you still need to contact Zhang Chulan.”

“Oh.” Feng Baobao nodded.

Just when they thought they were fine and were about to leave.

In Feng Baobao’s always cute eyes, he suddenly moved and kicked Xu San away from the side, using his body to jump up.

Xu San, who didn’t know why, felt a pain in his lower back, and leaned to one side unpreparedly.

The next moment, a white bone spear pierced the original positions of the two of them.

If it weren’t for Feng Baobao’s kick, I’m afraid Xu San would have been pierced to death.

Everything happened so suddenly that no one who knew anything had time to react.

In the blink of an eye, several skeleton men surrounded them.


Xu San also reacted, and couldn’t help but feel a little cold. Almost, almost got stabbed to death by that skeleton man.

“Third brother, we are surrounded.”

A Nadutong member shouted.

Afterwards, they approached Xu San and Feng Baobao’s positions, vaguely protecting them.

Xu San’s face was gloomy: “What’s the situation with these skeleton people? I haven’t heard that there are people who can control this aspect in Quanxing.”

“I don’t know, be careful, these skeletons are not simple.” After Feng Baobao finished speaking, he clenched the short knife in his hand.

In just a short while, dozens of identical skeleton men surrounded them with bone guns in their hands and red flames in their eyes.

On a certain roof, a small blue transparent beast was secretly observing them.

From time to time, the pictures I saw would be sent back to Wang Yu.

The situation was grim, and every member of Everywhere was extremely nervous. This is the first time they have encountered such a scene of dealing with skeletons.

Although so far, the skeleton has no intention of launching an attack. But no one dared to relax, and they all looked nervously at the increasing number of skeleton men around them.

“Third Brother, there is no way to go on like this. There are more and more skeletons.”

After hearing this, Xu San made a decisive decision: “Baby, let’s try their strength.”

“no problem.”

Feng Baobao squatted down with both legs, and rushed towards the nearest one of the skeletons. Wielding the dagger in his hand, he slashed at its head fiercely.

The skeleton’s reaction was not slow, and the bone gun went up to meet it.

The two collided, and Feng Baobao’s dagger left a slight white mark on the bone spear.

When Xu San saw Feng Baobao rushing over, he immediately used his power of thought, and a few small stones floated in the air. Xu San gave a shout.

The small stone was like Li Xuan’s bow and arrow, shooting at a skeleton man at an extremely fast speed.

That was the one who attacked him just now.

The skeleton man waved the bone gun and blocked two stones, but one was not blocked and shot straight to its chest.

The huge force knocked it into the air, several huge cracks appeared in the skeleton of the chest, and the body smashed into a hut.

The wall was smashed to pieces, one can imagine how powerful the force was.

Xu San took a deep breath, the faster the speed of the stone, the more thought power it needs to consume.

The first two stones were only used by Xu San as a test, and the stone that finally hit the skeleton man was the backhand.

Just when Xu San thought that the skeleton would solve it for him, the skeleton stood up again unsteadily.

Jumping out from the ruins, Xu Sanyan’s pupils shrank. He clearly saw that the bones in the chest of the skeleton had been smashed by him, why there is no trace of it now.

Xu San was shocked for a moment. Could it be that these guys are immortal.

In fact, he was thinking too much, even though the bone soldier seemed to have nothing to do. In fact, if he observes carefully at this time, he will find that the skeletonThe flames in his eyes were not as big as they used to be.

This is the only shortcoming of the bone soldiers. Only when the flames are exhausted, the bone soldiers will dissipate.

Otherwise, even if its head is smashed, the bone soldier can quickly return to its original state.

But now Xu San, who is in a state of confusion, how could he notice this problem.


All the bone soldiers raised their bone guns, let out a low growl, and all moved.

Frenzied attacks on the members of Everywhere.

For a while, the scene was chaotic.

Xu San knew that he couldn’t hold back his hands, so he opened up his firepower immediately. The small stones on the ground continued to shoot wildly in all directions, knocking back the bone soldiers several meters around.

But the bone soldiers who retreated rushed up again not long after.

I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Except for the bone soldier who had been fighting her all the time, Baobao Feng didn’t bother them.

And Feng Baobao was expressionless at this time, and kept attacking.

That appearance was very casual, and every time she landed a knife, it would leave a long mark on the body of the bone soldier or the bone spear.

The bone soldier was beaten back one after another by her, but Feng Baobao beat him faster and faster.

The flame in the bone soldier’s eyes became smaller and smaller as Feng Baobao’s dagger fell, and the frequency of the knife marks disappearing on the bone soldier gradually decreased.

Feng Baobao was keenly aware of this, and confirmed her guess, the speed of the knife was a little faster.

In the end, under her continuous attacks, the flames in the skeleton soldiers’ eyes dissipated unbearably, and the entire skeleton slowly disappeared.

Feng Baobao turned around and shouted: “Xu San, this kind of skeleton can be consumed to death.”


Xu San’s face was pale, and he said solemnly: “Everyone attack the skeletons ahead.”

Grabbing a few stones in his hand, he used his mental power to shoot towards a skeleton in front of him first.

When everyone heard Xu San’s order, without any hesitation, they threw off the bone soldiers that were entangled with them, and used their abilities one after another. They attacked the skeletons in front of them.


The bone soldiers at the forefront withstood most of their attacks, and finally the flames instantly shattered.

“It’s effective!” Xu San’s expression brightened, and at the same time, he looked at the more than 30 skeletons around him in distress.

There are too many of them. If you want to destroy them all, you will definitely suffer some damage, and you may be wiped out by the exhausted army.

Xu Sanyi gritted his teeth and gave an order: “I will open a way, everyone retreat!”

At the same time, he clasped his hands together, and a white air flow emanated from his body.

The small stones around him slowly floated up, forming a huge boulder no less than half the size of a human in front of him.

“Give it to me – open!”

There was a flash of white light in his eyes, and the huge boulder knocked away the bone soldiers blocking the way one after another with a “swoosh”.

“Rush out!” Xu San shouted. Then his body crumbled. As soon as your legs give up, you will fall to the ground.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Feng Baobao grabbed his back and rushed out quickly.

Wang Yu, who was far away on a bus, smiled lightly. It was interesting. He didn’t expect to see so many capable people in just a few days.

At the same time, they contacted the beaked beast, brought it back, and released the bone soldier.

Liu Yanyan sat beside him, looking at Wang Yu curiously, not understanding why he suddenly laughed.

“Hey, where are we going?” Liu Yanyan asked.

Wang Yu shrugged: “How do I know?”

“Ah?” The corner of Liu Yanyan’s mouth twitched: “No way, then why do we need to get on the bus?”

“I didn’t know, I’ll get on the bus as soon as I see it.”

“No way!”

Liu Yanyan covered her forehead with one hand, feeling very helpless.

“What are we afraid of? It’s not that we don’t have money.” Wang Yu suddenly tilted his head and looked at Liu Yanyan, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised, “By the way, you ran away from home, right?”

“I want you to take care of it.” Liu Yanyan turned her head away arrogantly.

“Why did you run away from home?” Wang Yu asked curiously. Girls nowadays are so wild, they run away from home at every turn, and they are not afraid of being betrayed.

But think about her ability to control zombies… Well, if someone really wants to kidnap and sell her, the unlucky one must be the other party.

Liu Yanyan was taken aback by Wang Yu’s question, and lowered her head sadly.

Wang Yu saw it and frowned.

Is there something unspeakable to hide?

“You know what? My life is like a puppet.”

Just when Wang Yu was secretly guessing why, Liu Yanyan suddenly said in a low voice: “I am the sole heir of the Liu family in Xiangxi. From the day I can remember, until I was fifteen years old, I never went out.”

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