Let me pick up a courier

“Damn it! Zhang Chulan, what expression do you have? Hey, explain it clearly to me.”

Xu San happened to notice Zhang Chulan’s disappointed eyes, and said angrily.

“what are you saying?”

Zhang Chulan wouldn’t admit it even if she was killed. She put her hands on the back of her head, looked around boredly, and whistled.

Suddenly, he noticed Liu Yanyan sitting on the ground, and was taken aback.

Then Zhang Chulan rubbed her eyes, looked again, and there was a trace of strangeness in her eyes.

He seemed to see that the woman’s face was blue just now, but after another look, it became normal.

After staring at it for a few seconds, Zhang Chulan secretly thought that he might have misread it, and then forgot about it.

On the other side, Wang Yu successfully came to the branch office of Everywhere.

Today’s Wang Yu changed into a sky blue casual outfit. Wearing a black mask and peaked cap, she wrapped herself tightly.

“Stop, no entry is allowed here!”

When Wang Yu was about to enter, he was suddenly stopped by someone.

Looking up, a middle-aged man in a gray courier suit blocked him with one hand.

“What if I must enter?”

Wang Yu looked at him with a half-smile and said.

“Idlers are not allowed to enter here.” The middle-aged man frowned and replied with a bad attitude.

“If you want to force your way, then…”

Before the middle-aged man finished speaking, he raised a hand.

All the workers in the warehouse put down their work and stared at Wang Yu coldly.

The scene was once deserted.


“Then what, I’m here to pick up the courier.” Wang Yu smiled awkwardly.

“Pick up the courier?” The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, then he reacted and said, “We don’t support personal pickup here. Please go home and wait patiently. We will send someone to deliver it to you as soon as possible.”

After finishing speaking, she was about to reach out and push Wang Yu away.

“Wait, wait.” Wang Yu hurriedly avoided the middle-aged man’s hand, and said, “My courier is a little different, I can only pick it up. And it will easily deteriorate after a while, it is a living thing.”

“Living thing?”

The middle-aged man was a little puzzled, and asked the people behind him: “When you were carrying the courier, did you find the courier containing living things?”

“Brother Dalang, you forgot, we don’t accept live animal couriers here.”

A young guy said.

The middle-aged man named Da Lang also remembered that there is indeed a rule here that express delivery of live animals is not accepted.

“Young man, did you go to the wrong place? We don’t have live animal couriers here.”

Wang Yu glanced left and right, and said softly, “Eight people.”

“What are you talking about?” The middle-aged man asked without hearing clearly.

“It’s nothing. You should have seen my courier.” Wang Yu was wearing a mask, and no one knew what his expression was now.

I heard a voice coming from the mask.Smiling lightly, he said slowly: “One of my couriers is named Liu Yanyan and the other is named Lu Liang. They are two living people. They should be here, don’t you think so?”

“Who the hell are you?”

At this time, no matter how slow the reaction was, they could understand that Wang Yu was targeting the two prisoners arrested yesterday.

What’s more, the eight people present all participated in yesterday’s operation.

The middle-aged man known as Da Lang quickly took two steps back, looking warily at Wang Yu, who was wrapped tightly all over his body.

“Warning, the other party may be a monster of all sexes. Hurry up and notify third brother!” The middle-aged man shouted.

But after waiting for a while, he didn’t hear the reply behind him.

The middle-aged man looked back subconsciously, and found that except for him, the other seven people were lying on the ground.

It made him realize the seriousness of the matter, and when he was about to turn around, he saw that mysterious man had already come in front of him.

One hand grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

“I’m just here to pick up a courier. I don’t need so many people to welcome me.”

Wang Yu felt that he was becoming more and more like a villain, but he had to say that Lu Liang’s hands were really good, as expected of the ability to play with the soul.

He just tried lightly, and they fainted.

“Good… strong!”

Although the middle-aged man’s body was lifted, he still did not give up struggling.

Both hands grabbed the mysterious man’s hand that was strangling his neck. The middle-aged man was blushing and exerting all his strength.

But I just couldn’t break his hand.

“No… Impossible! How is your strength…”

He never dreamed that he, who possesses great strength, would not be able to break apart the young man in front of him who was half his head lower than him.

“Sao Nian, you must know the truth that a mountain is higher than a mountain.”

Wang Yu raised his hand coldly and pinched the middle-aged man’s neck and slowly increased his strength.

“Damn it! Don’t underestimate me!”

Da Lang became angry, and the Qi in his body gradually flowed between his fingers.

With the flow of Qi, his body began to expand rapidly.

The tall man who was already over 1.8 meters swelled to over 2 meters.

“Give me… open!”

Clutching Wang Yu’s fingers tightly, Da Lang exerted all his strength and kept breaking them outward.

Trying to break free from Wang Yu’s chokehold.

But things are really as simple as he imagined?

That is of course impossible.

As a top zombie, although Wang Yu’s strength has not been specifically tested, it is definitely not something he can break free.

Wang Yu, who easily stunned the other party, entered the elevator.

Standing in front of the corridor, Wang Yu subconsciously looked at the only open door in front of the corridor.

If he feels good, Liu Yanyan is behind that door.

Instead of rushing in, Wang Yu instead entered the closed door next to him.

Break it off, it’s locked.

Wang Yu frowned and raised his right foot. With a bang, the door was kicked open.

Lu Liang sat inside.

Lu Liang raised his head boredly, and when he saw that it was Wang Yu, his expression brightened.

One night, he almost despaired.

I finally saw my relatives today!

“Brother Yu! You finally came to save me.”

Wang Yu’s eyelids twitched. What happened? Could it be that the way he opened it was wrong.

Afterwards, he exited the room and closed the door smoothly.

After seeing it, Lu Liang became anxious: “Brother Yu, I was wrong, save me quickly!

A few seconds later, Wang Yu opened the door again.

Lu Liang excitedly said, “Brother Yu!”

Wang Yu: “…”

Why do I have the urge to beat him up?

He casually summoned a bone soldier, and then left him alone.

When I came to the room where Liu Yanyan was detained, I found that there were screams coming from inside.

When I went in, I saw three men kneading into a ball on the ground like punks fighting.

And a woman who looked very sloppy stood aside and watched calmly.

After seeing Wang Yu’s appearance, a gleam flashed in his eyes. Then he continued to be in a daze as if he hadn’t seen Wang Yu.

Wang Yu glanced at her with a strange look in his eyes.

I really didn’t expect this girl to be immune to the influence of the Evil Beak.

It’s not easy. Wang Yu felt a very special power in her. There is always an incomprehensible and very ancient atmosphere.

Now, he can judge the opponent’s ability by relying on the opponent’s breath.

Although he hasn’t been in this world for a long time, he has also seen Xia He and the others’ auras in all colors.

But the looming air in the girl’s body turned out to be transparent.

Paying more attention to her, Wang Yu didn’t notice anything else. Although he didn’t know why she didn’t stop him, but if there was a fight, he was confident that he could solve the opponent within five moves.

But they didn’t stop them, and Wang Yu wouldn’t go up to find trouble for no reason.

After all, he hasn’t decided to be a bad guy in this world yet.

Strolling past the three of Zhang Chulan who were wrestling together, Wang Yu could confirm that the one wearing the blue top was Zhang Chulan through the picture sent by the beak beast.

That is, the protagonist of this world.

It seems that Zhang Chulan is nothing special.

“Girl, I have worked so hard to save you!”

Looking at Liu Yanyan who was sitting on the ground at a loss, Wang Yu reached out helplessly to pull her up.

At this time, Liu Yanyan also recovered.

Seeing Wang Yu in front of him, he hugged him.

Like a little sloth, hanging on his body. He said happily: “I knew… I knew you would come to save me.”

Hugging Wang Yu tightly, Liu Yanyan has never been the same as she is today.It’s warm inside.

Originally, I wanted to blame this troublemaker who caused him trouble.

He was not a real zombie at all, and his heart softened inexplicably. Touching Liu Yanyan’s beautiful hair, Wang Yu smiled and said: “Okay, okay, from now on, big brother will cover you.”


This time Liu Yanyan didn’t talk back, but nodded like a good baby.

Burying her head in Wang Yu’s arms, listening to the other’s heartbeat…

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