Baobao Feng’s Burial Plan

Looking at Wang Yu on the field, Feng Baobao raised his chin with both hands, thinking about where he put the shovel…

“The winner of this round is… Wang Yu!”

After being confirmed by the referees one by one, Jia Zhengliang had one side of his face protruding, and he had fallen into a deep coma.

Once again, Wang Yu felt that Invincible was so lonely.


It seems that something is wrong.

Wang Yu looked at Jia Zhengliang who was being carried away, and then remembered that the leeks had not been cut yet.

The technique of controlling objects sounds quite powerful.

But now it’s too late to regret it, so I can only watch Jia Zhengliang being carried away.

Back in the auditorium, Liu Yanyan and Lu Linglong didn’t know where they went.

Even the king is gone.

Damn it, eat a big meal after talking. Now I can’t even find anyone, bah, scumbag.

With a cold face, Wang Yu has lost interest in the next game.

Facing a beautiful woman in a black uniform beside her, she was slightly surprised and said, “Xia He, your face-changing speed is quite fast!”

Xia He: “…”

This bastard, what does it mean to change faces so fast. No, how did he know it was mine.

No matter, my wife is still angry now.

With a sulky breath in his heart, Xia He snorted twice, “Our business is endless, and I’m still angry now.”

“En.” Wang Yu nodded indifferently, and ignored her.

Whatever, Xia He felt that he was going to drive him crazy.

She came here to listen to the apology, but she didn’t expect that they didn’t mean to talk to her at all.

Clutching his up and down chest, Xia He really didn’t know how to describe his mood.

Suddenly, Wang Yu stretched out his hand.

Touching her forehead, she muttered, “I don’t even have a fever! Why do you feel like you’re out of breath?”

Xia He’s body froze, and he patted Wang Yu’s hand angrily, “I’m fine.”

“Then why are you so angry?” Wang Yu was very puzzled, he didn’t offend her.

“You still ask me why I’m so angry?” Xia He blew up on the spot when he heard this.

“I want to go!”

With an angry and cold face, Xia He turned his back, leaving him a cold back.

I don’t know if it’s the illusion of being single for a long time, Wang Yu seems to be able to see a few labels on her head.

It reads on them respectively: If you are angry, if you can’t coax well, it’s all your fault.

Subconsciously touching his head, Wang Yu began to ask himself when did he offend her.

After thinking for a while, Wang Yu suddenly thought of a possibility. Could it be that she was angry because she was threatened by that Wang Jian and said she would give up on her at that time?

Thinking of Xia He at that time, she seemed to be in tears.

But I did it to save her!

Wang Yu was very puzzled, and tentatively asked, “Well, are you angry because of that incident?”

“Nonsense, I’m not angry because you didn’t choose me between me and that broken stone.” Xia He said stubbornly with mixed feelings.

Well, after such a test, all the reasons were found out.

It really is because of that…

“But… I was saving you!”


“Even if I give him the stone, he won’t let you go.”

“Hmph! How do you know you won’t let me go if you don’t give it to him?” Xia He said angrily with his back turned to him.

Wang Yu spread his hands, find the point of contradiction.

It’s easy to handle now.

Following the strategy of quarreling and reconciliation between men and women seen on TV, Wang Yu squeezed his face with his hands and showed a stiff smile.

He stretched out his hand to straighten Xia He, who was sitting with his back facing him.

I didn’t expect Xia He to bend down suddenly. Originally, Wang Yu wanted to put his shoulders on his shoulders, but he didn’t expect…

Xia He: “…”

Wang Yu: “…”

“Uh, this should be a bra strap, right?” Wang Yu was silent for a moment, and hooked it with his fingers.

Finally let go of your fingers.


With the crisp sound of the sling being bounced off, Xia He’s body tensed and his expression froze.

Isn’t it just about to tie a shoelace, what happened?

Is this idiot enlightened?

Then what should I do now? Is it to pretend to be angry, or to take the opportunity to improve the relationship.

No, I want to see him more embarrassing now. If you get the chance, dig out his true identity.

Looking back, Xia He planned to appreciate Wang Yu’s appearance.

Is it embarrassment, shyness, or desire.

“I said…you want to see my sister, why are you sneaking around, it’s not like my sister won’t let you see.” Xia He raised her face proudly, and then, there was no more.

After a few seconds, Xia He came back to her senses. The bastard ran away irresponsibly. She was so angry that she immediately gritted her teeth.

But then, the corners of her mouth suddenly turned up, and she muttered: “Don’t try to get rid of my old lady, you still need an explanation from my old lady.”

I was not interested in watching the competition anymore, so I walked towards the outside of the field.

On Wang Yu’s side, he who managed to escape was studying the dog charm in his hand. It’s a pity that he can’t study the structure of this kind of magical thing.

If there is a main system, one detection can be done, and it will take some task points at most.

Before he knew it, Wang Yu came to a deserted path.

Wang Yu walked nonchalantly, holding the dog charm in his hand.

The next moment, Feng Baobao in brown work clothes, holding a shovel, appeared behind him with a cold expression.

With a low drink, Feng Baobao waved the shovel in his hand, and slapped Wang Yu’s head from top to bottom.

And Wang Yu didn’t seem to notice, looking ahead calmly.


A bell-like sound sounded.

“Huh?” Feng Baobao was puzzled for a moment, feeling that he had already exerted a lot of force, why didn’t he faint yet.

It’s not scientific!

Raising the shovel again, Feng Baobao was going to use all his strength this time.

Unexpectedly, the shovel was caught by one hand. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t pull it out.

Wang Yu’s forehead is covered with black lines. Girls in this world really have problems.

In fact, he had already noticed the shovel just now, and he still knew Feng Baobao.

Just as she was wondering what she was doing with the shovel, she didn’t expect that she was here to pat him.

But this dog spell is really powerful. He remembered that this dog spell can make the bearer immortal and keep young forever, and can be immune to death and all fatal attacks on the bearer.

It’s a very heaven-defying ability.

Remember that hanging it around your neck has the same effect.

In other words, Feng Baobao’s attack just now was judged to be fatal…

This will be studied after returning home. The problem now is Baobao Feng.

Wang Yu was very worried about her, remembering that she seemed to have the ability to live forever.

With cute eyes, Feng Baobao held the shovel tightly in both hands and stood motionless on the spot.

Finally, Feng Baobao tilted his head and asked in doubt, “Your anger feels so familiar to me. Have we met somewhere before?”

“Eh… You attacked me for this reason?” Wang Yu thought she was going to say something, but she was indeed a troubled girl again.

“No, it’s not because of this.” Feng Baobao shook his head and denied, “Because you are a huge obstacle for Zhang Chulan to become the number one, so I want to guarantee that you will not show up tomorrow.”

“Then do you have any specific plans?” Wang Yu asked.

“Yes, I’m going to knock you out with a shovel and carry you away.” Feng Baobao said seriously, “Last night I found a small forest where no one goes, and I plan to bury you with only one head exposed. You won’t die.”

Hearing Feng Baobao seriously talk about his kidnapping plan, Wang Yu felt ashamed for a while.

God! There must be something wrong with this world.

Why is there no normal girl? I’m afraid he will have no love in the future.

“What, is there something wrong with my plan?” Feng Baobao looked at Wang Yu with a stunned expression, and thought there was some loophole in his plan.

Frowning and thinking for a while, he suddenly clapped his hands and suddenly realized: “By the way, I still have to prepare food for you, otherwise you will starve to death.”

“I said, is this how you want to eat me?”

Wang Yu felt that he was underestimated.

“You are really strong.” Feng Baobao looked solemn, picked up the shovel in his hand, and said in a firm tone: “But, in order for Zhang Chulan to win the first place, I must knock you out.”

With that said, Feng Baobao’s shovel came to him.

Block it with a punch.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for comprehending part of the power of immortality (remnant).”

“Longevity?” Wang Yu stared at Feng Baobao strangely. Such a perverted ability is simply a super buff in this world.

Just imagine, even though I can’t beat you right now. But I can fight your life, anyway, I won’t die naturally. Wait until the opponent is about to die, and then go to revenge.

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