Hu Li talked, but Jiang Chen was inexplicably lost in thought.

If you can first let the public subconsciously form a congenital impression that he is very powerful, extremely intelligent, and omnipotent.

After that, no matter how unreasonable he came out, the first reaction of others would be amazement, not questioning.

After thinking for a few seconds, Jiang Chen finally agreed to Hu Li’s proposal.

“Okay, this matter is up to you, what you need to cooperate, just make a report after the plan is done.”

In addition, the relevant patents will trouble you, first apply for construction printers, as well as new building materials.

As for the follow-up, we’ll talk about it when we want to take it out.

By the way, last night’s song, you can also help me register the copyright. ”


Hu Li nodded, and seeing that Jiang Chen had nothing else, he turned and left.

However, Jiang Chen himself fell into rare contemplation.

It’s just a college entrance examination champion and a scholarship winner of Didu University for four consecutive years, although it cannot be said that he is not genius enough.

But at least, the level of genius is far from the level of black technology that can be taken out at will.

After pondering for a moment, the corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth suddenly revealed an inexplicable smile.

“Since you want to hype the character, then simply do a big vote.”

“System, the method of proving the Goldbach conjecture.”

Jiang Chen thought about the communication system, and in the next moment, a row of special goods in the shape of manuscripts suddenly flashed in his mind.

At a cursory glance, there are more than 50 items.

The super problem that has plagued mankind for nearly three hundred years, and may continue to plague it in the future, has appeared here with more than fifty solutions.

I don’t know what the mathematicians who study this conjecture will look on their faces.

However, Jiang Chen didn’t care too much.

Goldbach conjectured that for him, it was just a pedal, and when its heat almost passed, he would produce even more amazing results.

“Sort by price from lowest to highest.”

“Reorder again according to the degree of matching of the current world level of mathematics.”

As the more than fifty books in the system moved again, Jiang Chen’s face involuntarily bloomed with a smile.

There are three proof methods that match more than 100% of the current mathematical level in the world, and these three happen to be the top three in order of price.

Well, it can’t be said to be exact.

After all, those that do not match enough must prove that some of the mathematical knowledge applied in it has not been discovered or proved by mathematicians in this world.

In this way, the price is naturally high.

Almost without much hesitation, Jiang Chen instantly chose the one with the lowest price.

With the consumption of four hundred and fifty divine glory points, a proof paper on the Goldbach conjecture suddenly appeared in his mind.

To his surprise, the paper wasn’t that long, and if printed on A4 paper in a four-size font, it might have been less than ten pages.

It took about four or five minutes for Jiang Chen to gather his spirit and transmit this piece of paper to the “snow fox” through brain waves.

Then I found the website of ActaMathematica, and an email was immediately photographed without hesitation.

Throughout the history of science in the world, the Goldbach conjecture may not be the hardest or the greatest, but it is definitely one of the best-known conjectures.

Especially for the Chinese people, this proposition has also been given some extraordinary special meaning, and its influence is far beyond the scope of mathematics.

The Mathematics Annual Report is one of the four famous journals in the mathematical community, and there is no need to mention its popularity.

In the whole of China, since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, all the papers published in the four major international mathematical authoritative journals add up to only about 30.

If only those completed entirely by inland Chinese people or inland Chinese research institutions are included, this number will be cut by three-quarters, specifically eight articles (as of 2016).

Being able to publish an article in these journals was even considered eligible to run for membership in the Imperial Academy of Sciences.

Taken together, Jiang Chen believed that the sensation caused would be incomparable.

Jiang Chen was thinking, and the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

When I opened it, there was actually someone who wanted to add his WeChat friends.

Without even a note, refused.

With a slight movement of his finger, he immediately clicked on the two big red characters without hesitation.

“Loud again?”

Jiang Chen just put the mobile phone into his trouser pocket, but before his hand could be withdrawn, it rang again.

This time there was a note.

Note: “I am Su Xian’er’s older brother. ”

Jiang Chen hesitated for a few seconds, shook his hand and refused, and nodded again.

At the other end of the network cable, a manor-style detached villa.

Su Qianqiu looked at the mobile phone stunned, some could not react, and his brain was buzzing.

I seem to have been rejected just now?

And rejected twice in a row?

Or a friend you added on your own initiative?

“Hahaha, this kid has a character, I like it.”

Looking at his eldest brother’s skeptical expression, Su Ziang smiled on the sofa and couldn’t stand upright.

Seeing that Jiang Chen once again chose to refuse, Su Qianqiu silently put away his mobile phone and turned his gaze to his younger brother.

For him, adding friends is just a whim.

As long as Jiang Chen was still walking around with Su Xian’er, it was only a matter of time before the two met, and he was not in a hurry at this time.

On the contrary, the matter on Su Ziang’s side is a major matter related to the survival of the Su family.

“What’s going on over there with you?”

Hearing the eldest brother’s words, Su Ziang’s laughter immediately paused, and he sat up with one hand on the sofa.

He took out a box of Supreme Nanjing from his pocket, flicked his wrist lightly, and a cigarette was mysteriously held in his mouth.

With a click, the flames of Zippo slowly rose.

Su Ziang took a deep breath and spit out his eyes, only then said with a solemn face:

“It’s not good.”

Su Qianqiu instinctively frowned, his younger brother is a complete monkey, dare to fight, never afraid of things, and even dare to gamble with his life at a critical moment.

It was precisely because of this that the Su family arranged for him to be in charge of those businesses that could not be put on the table.

To make him so sad shows that the situation has reached a very serious and even dangerous point.

“Although we were careful enough, we didn’t cause too much trouble.

However, the wind above is not quite right, and some of the people who secretly supported us in the past are hurriedly putting aside the relationship.

And the world below is not calm anywhere, and it can even be said that chaos has emerged.

There is a surnamed Boss Hong, and there is a gang from overseas, who has jumped very fiercely recently, and has put his hand on my head several times. ”

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