The Kind Death God

Chapter 151: Curse

The waiter took a look at Dumb and murmured as he walked out, "It's really a flower on the cow dung. It's a pretty girl. Why did you find such a husband?" Just before he was about to leave the room. Suddenly felt a cold on his neck. In surprise, he stood still and did not dare to move a little. There was a short blade on his neck, and Fengfeng’s cold voice sounded, "Don’t let me hear you say me Husband’s bad words, even 10,000 people like you can’t compare to him. Go--"There was a strong force from behind, and the waiter staggered out of the room and fell to the ground with a plop. The sound of the door closing came clearly.

For a long time, the waiter struggled to get up from the ground. Just about to yell at him, he recalled the cold feeling on his neck, and quickly swallowed what he had said before, staring at the door fiercely, grimly. 'S left.

After Mie Feng closed the door, she darts over to Ah-Dai. Since her own vindictive spirit has a dark attribute, she doesn't dare to help Ah-Dai at all, so she can only look at him anxiously.

Duan's mind was completely in a semi-conscious state, and the true energy in his body was fighting desperately against the evil spirit of the Hades sword. If Ah-Dai had Xuanyue by his side and his heart was full of kind thoughts, even if he used the sixth move of the Nine Jues of the Mind Characters, he would not necessarily fall into such a crisis. However, the depths of his heart were corroded by the ferocious aura, and he was full of murderous intent. When he used it out of the underworld, it suddenly seemed like a thunder shook the ground, and he couldn't control it. Now he can only rely on the powerful vitality of life to resist the invasion of evil.

Mie Feng's heart moved, and he whispered in Duan's ear, "Bing, do you remember Bing? You can't do anything for Bing! You have to destroy the Killing Hand Society and fulfill your promise to me. You will surely be able to survive. In the past, there must be nothing wrong." Perhaps it was Dui who really heard Miefeng's call, and the aura in his body seemed to calm down a lot.

Mie Feng stood up and walked back and forth in the room. Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something. She took a deep look at Duan on the bed and strode out.

In the lobby of the hotel, the waiter who had brought Miefeng to the room was saying to another waiter: "Although the little lady is pretty, she is really fierce. She pulls out the knife at every turn. I just scared me. My soul is gone, I haven't married a wife yet, so I don't want to die!"

Another waiter chuckled and said: "You, why are you so courageous, a little girl scared you like this, no wonder you can't find a wife. Isn't she just a woman? What's so great? Is she better than Are we men strong enough?"

"What's wrong with women? Can't women kill people?" A cold voice sounded, and a murderous aura instantly enveloped the two waiters.

The two waiters were ordinary civilians. When did they encounter this situation? In the powerful murderous aura, both of them were limp on the ground, their whole bodies trembling, watching the slowly walking Miefeng begging constantly. Then, "Girl forgive me, girl forgive me! The little one dared not talk anymore." "Girl, I, I didn't mean to talk about you. There is an old man in my family, and a young man in my family. Forgive me. "

With a flash of light, Miefeng put the short blade away, looked at the two kowtows in front of him with disdain, and said: "I won't kill you. Killing people like you will dirty my hands. Get me a copy." The record of the praying mantra. It is in the Holy Vatican."

"Yes, yes. So the girl is also a loyal believer of the gods! The little ones are too, I will take them for you."

The mantra is a very popular mantra on the mainland. It is often sung by all the gods and the loyal believers of the Holy See. The mantra has no special effect, but when it is chanted, it can produce a weak sacred breath and make people It's just calm. The reason why Miefeng thought of the god-given mantra was because of evil intrusion in A'Dai's body. She wanted to use the method of singing the god-given mantra to help A'Dai tide over the difficulties. However, she herself was not sure, as a member of the dark forces, whether the curse she chanted would work. Now she has no other choice but to try her best.

After a while, the waiter had already picked up a small hardcover book and handed it to Mie Feng respectfully. Mie Feng snorted coldly and said, "Tell you, if someone from the official family comes to investigate, no one is allowed to reveal our coming here. Otherwise, be careful of your dog's life." The waiter stared in surprise and went to the second floor.

Back in the room, Miefeng sat down by the bed, Ah Du's face was red and white, and his body was still trembling. Large drops of sweat flowed down, seeming to be extremely painful. Miefeng put the mantra aside, took out the towel from the bathroom, wiped the sweat from his head for Dumb, took the small book of the mantra with the other hand, and smiled bitterly: "Unexpectedly, I also begged the gods for blessings. One day." Open the first page of the mantra, take a deep breath, and muttered: "The **** of self-consciousness, when walking to save all beings, see the growth of the gods, save all sufferings and evils, pray to the gods, suffering is both Emptiness, emptiness is suffering, feeling thoughts and consciousness, **** prays for blessing,..." The difficult sentence resounded clearly in the room under Miefeng’s continuous recognition, as the thousand-word praying mantra reverberated and disappeared. Feng found that his inner heart had gradually calmed down, it seemed that everything was no longer so important, and there was nothing in his mind except the small words on the praying curse. In addition to practicing martial arts, for the first time in her life, she did something with all her heart, and gradually became more proficient in singing. Mie Feng had already sat cross-legged on the bed unknowingly, singing over and over again.

I don’t know how long it took, the mind of Miefeng gradually blurred. When she didn’t know how many times she finished chanting the last character of the mantra, she stopped, her mind was completely asleep in fatigue. . Suddenly, a golden light shot from outside the window, and Mie Feng did not resist at all. The golden light had already submerged in her eyebrows, and Mie Feng's whole body trembled violently, and it took a while before she calmed down.

Slowly stood up from the bed, her black eyes had turned into gold, and those golden eyes were filled with kindness and tenderness. Looking at the face of Duan, she whispered: "Child, my poor child Ah! How can I bear to see you in such a great danger? Fortunately, this girl is singing the mantra with all her heart. Otherwise, I can't help you! But, I can't help you too much, this is after all What you have to face. Use your will and wisdom to solve your current problems." She lifted her right hand, stretched out her index finger, and clicked on the center of Ah'Dai's eyebrows, her fingers fell down, and the light flashed. A golden symbol flew out from between his fingers and sank into the center of Ah-Dai's eyebrows. Ah-Dai's whole body shook. A strand of golden light fell along the center of his eyebrows and tried to fall down until it fell into the dantian. Mie Feng retracted his finger, stroked it gently on A'Dai's face, bent down, kissed A'Dai's forehead softly, and said softly, "Child, everything depends on you. You must cheer up and overcome difficulties. I'm leaving, one day, we can be reunited." She floated up, landed on the bed, and returned to her original posture. The golden light flashed, and a golden light floated from Miefeng's brow and heart. It disappeared from the window like lightning, as if nothing had happened.

After a long while, Mie Feng rubbed his hazy eyes, took a deep breath, and brought his mind into reality again. She was surprised to find that her body and mind were so refreshing, and all the negative emotions had disappeared. His gaze fell on Ah-Dai's face, Ah-Dai seemed to have calmed down, the expression on his face no longer changed, and his nose was very even, as if he was asleep.

Miefeng floated down from the bed, looked at the dumb on the bed quietly, and muttered: "No wonder so many people believe in gods. It seems that there are gods! Gods! Please bless dumbs. , Let him wake up quickly. Although he kills a lot, but those are wicked people who have a way to die! He shouldn't be punished."

Duan was in a coma, and his mind sank completely into his heart. The evil aura and the sacred aura contained in the life of true aura constantly competed for the control of his body, just as two diametrically opposed and opposing energies continued to collide with each other. Suddenly, a weak sacred breath was injected into the body. Although the sacred breath was very weak, it was exceptionally pure. With its addition, Shengsheng Zhenqi gradually gained the upper hand, with the help of the continuously injected sacred breath. , And gradually pushed back the remaining evil spirit of the Pluto sword. The body's initiative is back under the control of Dumb. The silky sacred aura was actually brought by Miefeng's chanting of the God-Chan. Although the evil qi had been suppressed, the injury inside Ah Dui's body was not healed, and under the constant maintenance of the true qi, he gradually recovered. I don't know how long it took, and Ah Dui's mind that fell into a deep sleep gradually awakened. He found that he seemed to be in a golden ocean. Waves of golden energy continued to moisturize his body. He looked down at him. Dumb found that he was sitting cross-legged in the golden ocean. In, that full of vitality, warm energy is constantly washing his soul. It feels so comfortable! With a move in his heart, Ah Dumb was surprised to find that the form he was seeing right now was the golden body in his dantian? How could the mind run into the golden body? Looking around, there are golden rivers all around, constantly introducing the golden waves from the ocean into the river, and then converging into the ocean again after recycling.

Dumb wondered, what's wrong with me, why is this happening? Why does my mind stay in the body? Gradually, he recalled everything before. what! I used the fifth move of the Pluto swordsmanship, which was that the surging evil aura invaded into my body and plunged myself into a deep sleep. Using his mind to control his hands and feet to move, Dui found that the current golden body is like his own body, which can be controlled as he pleases. When his mind moves, he follows the waves of the golden ocean and flows into a wider river. , He found that in order to adapt to the width of the river, his body has shrunk a lot. It seemed that it was only a momentary effort, and his golden body returned to the ocean, and he had already circulated in the golden river. However, just at this moment, he found that some parts of the river just now seemed to be damaged. Dumb realized that those rivers were his meridians, and the golden ocean was the vitality in his dantian. Now that the mind is in the golden body, I will repair the meridians first, and then find a way to restore the mind to the body.

Thinking of this, under the urging of his thoughts, he once again entered the river just now. Under the flow of the waves, he soon came to the place where the damage was found before, stretched out his hands and stroked the damaged place, golden energy came out through his palm, and under the action of the energy, the damaged place was wrapped in vigorous vitality. , The damaged place of meridian was quickly repaired, and it quickly restored to its original state. The waves traveling in this river seemed to be much smoother. A Duan was overjoyed and returned to his dantian along the accelerated waves. Choosing another river again, he slid in again, driven by the waves. In this way, the meridians one after another were continuously restored in his pure energy that contained huge vitality. The golden sea in the pubic area didn't seem to be so turbulent anymore, the golden liquid gradually calmed down and gradually became a lot thicker. After repairing so many rivers, Dui found that there were only two meridians that his body could not enter. One was the thick meridian leading to a place not far from the golden ocean. There seemed to be the same energy as himself, although the energy was the same. , But there seems to be a restricted area, only a faint golden liquid will flow out under his deliberate urging, but he himself cannot enter it. After constant thinking, Dumb understood that it should be the chest area where the second golden body was. The other inaccessible place is a complex group of meridians far away from the golden ocean. There seems to be many complex energies entangled there. It seems to be black sewage, which is incompatible with the golden ocean. From the above analysis, Dumb knew that it should be his brain, and the complex energy entrenched in the brain was the evil spirit of the Pluto sword and his own fierce spirit, although he didn't know why they were there. But Dui knew very well that if he didn't use his golden energy to dredge the meridians there, he would probably not be able to regain complete control over his body. Thinking of this, he aroused the liquid in the golden ocean and soared up the river that led to the widest brain. He made up his mind to drive all the negative energy out of his body this time.

Ten days, ten days have passed, but Ah-Dai was still asleep, and there was no sign of waking up. Mie Feng looked anxiously at the calm dumb face, and sighed deeply. For the past ten days, she has been chanting the mantra for at least twelve hours every day, hoping to help the dumb wake up with the sacred breath she condensed. Although she could feel that the god-given curse was effective, Dui still did not wake up. Five days ago, a layer of golden light suddenly appeared on Dui’s body, and the light continued to circulate under the giant spirit snake armor. Dui’s body seemed to be wrapped in a golden cocoon, although it felt like Dui should be He was constantly recovering, but after another five days, the golden cocoon hadn't moved for a long time. Mie Feng's patience has gradually faded away. If it hadn't been for the prayer curse to bring her peace, I am afraid she would have been unable to bear it, using her own energy to explore the situation of Dumb.

Just as Miefeng was about to recite the God-Inspired Mantra again, she was surprised to find that the golden light emitting from A Duan suddenly became stronger. The golden light swelled violently with his Dantian position as the center, and a huge golden light group slowed down. Slowly rising, gradually moving upwards from the pubic area, countless golden trickles from the limbs of Dumb converged toward the golden light in the center like a sea of ​​rivers. After a while, the golden light has increased even more. , Dui's body was gradually unable to see clearly in the thick golden light. Finally, when the golden light was intensified to its peak, Dumb's body disappeared, completely disappeared in the golden light. Mie Feng clearly felt that the energy contained in the golden light was so huge and pure, it seemed to be entirely composed of sacred aura! Could it be that the gods have come to take care of Dumb? Thinking of this, she stood outside the range shrouded in golden energy, and chanted a godly mantra religiously.

The formation of the golden light cluster outside of Duan is actually the enlargement of the condition in his body, turning into a golden figure, he is leading all the energy in the golden ocean to push up to the brain, lurking in the gathering of evil and vicious spirits. Near the place, due to the complicated brain structure, Duan didn't dare to act rashly, gathering the energy of the golden ocean behind, but he personally stepped forward, shrank his body, and directly entered a dark blue meridian. Dumb knew clearly that if he had a little carelessness while driving away the evil spirits in his brain, the result would be irretrievable, and even his own body might die directly. As soon as he got into the dark blue meridian, he felt a monstrous evil spirit pounce on him, as if he wanted to drive himself out of the meridian. Dumb stayed in his body, lightly radiating the huge energy contained in his body, resisting the invasion of evil spirits. How can the evil energy of a meridian contend with the golden body energy that contains the enormous vital energy? When the evil energy collided with the golden light radiating from him, the whole meridian vibrated violently, and the evil air gradually melted away, but the vibration of the meridian gradually intensified, making Ah Dui startled. He hurriedly converged his energy, and he was surprised. The discovery, due to the turbulence of the meridians, his mind seemed a little vague. At this moment, he understood that his current will is still affected by the noumenon. Once the noumenon’s meridians are destroyed, his will will also disappear, that is, if he cannot drive away the evil in the brain Qi, it will sleep forever, and thoughts can only stay in the golden body. If you destroy any meridian in your brain while driving away evil air, you will die directly and everything will disappear. Therefore, what I have to do now is to eliminate all the evil and fierce qi in the meridians without harming the meridians of the brain. However, what exactly should we do to get rid of the evil spirit without hurting ourselves? Judging from the current situation, that is simply an impossible task.

Thinking of this, Ah-Dai couldn't help feeling a sense of decadence. Why would this evil spirit choose to gather in his brain? If you can take a risk in other places, but the structure of the brain is so complicated and fragile, it is too difficult to do. Without thinking of a proper solution for a long time, he decided to withdraw from the meridians first. His current body was completely enveloped by the evil air, but he did not dare to resist too much. He could only store the golden energy in his body and quickly recede outward. Although Ah Du didn't dare to deal with the evil air in his meridians, the evil air didn't let him go. As his body withdrew, the evil air quickly chased up, still wrapping his body.

With a swish, Ah-Dai came out of the meridians enveloped by the evil air, and the dark blue evil air also followed. A-Dai's heart moved, slow down as much as possible to let the evil air follow. He kept close to the golden ocean. Dui carefully controlled the golden meridians full of sacred energy, slowly concealing the energy contained in the meridians, and entered the broad meridians under the envelope of evil air. Dumb sneered in his heart, I dare not move you with the meridians in my brain. When you get to my place, you don't even want to go back. In order to prevent the evil air from eroding the meridians, he first exploded the sacred energy contained in the meridians, and the entire meridian suddenly turned into a clear golden color. Following the golden body of Ah-Dai into the meridian, the evil air became frightened and released Once I opened Dui's body, I wanted to withdraw from the same way, but how could Dui let it withdraw? The golden light suddenly released, and Dumb’s golden body quickly expanded. He circled his hands, controlling the end of the meridians, sealing the exit with the energy of the golden ocean, and then flew forward and went straight to the dark blue group. The evil air smashed away without any worries. With the full force of Ah-Dai, the evil air did not have any ability to resist, and it was dissolved by Sheng Shengzhen Qi full of sacred aura.

After eliminating this evil air, Dumb calmed down and thought to myself, no matter how much evil air stays in his mind, he will have a certain amount. If I follow the method just now, I will bring out the evil air little by little. Eliminate it again, and in the end it will surely destroy the evil and viciousness.

Thinking of this, Ah-Dai regained his self-confidence, once again shrank his body and flew out from the meridians, still using the golden ocean-like vitality as a backing, adjusted the state of the golden body, and fully contained all the energy, no more Flew back to the meridian just now, but changed to another thicker meridian and drilled in. This meridian contains grey ferocious air. The ferocious air is more ferocious than the evil air. As soon as Dui rushed into their territory, the surging gray air suddenly rushed up, trying to completely complete Dui with his teeth and claws. Swallow. However, the golden body can be said to be the foundation of all true qi, and the energy contained in it is so great that the fierce qi in this meridian cannot play any threatening role. Dui did not withdraw immediately, but remained floating in the meridians as it is, waiting for the gray gas to completely surround him before slowly withdrawing from the meridians. The vicious air is better to deal with than the evil air. Although it is very fierce, it is not as strong as the energy penetration of the evil air. In the whole meridian, half of the fierce air seems to be drawn out by dumb. Under the effect of the vital energy, it is very Soon they were resolved again. Dui was overjoyed in his heart. He knew that he had found the right way. For the time being, he gave up the dark blue meridians and used the gray meridians to find the ferocious energy lurking in. In this way, the fierce energy continued to flow one after another. Was led out, and then went through an encirclement and annihilation. I don't know how long it took, Ah Dui found that the color of the meridians in his brain had recovered a lot, and his mind was more sober. Nearly half of all the evil spirits have been resolved. Duan decided to temporarily let go of the evil spirits. It is not so easy to eradicate them completely. The goal was to turn back to evil spirits again. Duan kept using the same method to eliminate them. These foreign energy in the body. His mind became clearer and clearer as the alien energy contained in the meridians of his brain decreased.

In fact, the ferocious aura is simply incomparable with the evil aura produced by the sword of Hades. The ferocious aura came from the evil thoughts of Ah-Dai and the instant resentment of the people killed by him, which gradually accumulated as more and more people were killed. But the evil aura of the Pluto sword is the inherent evil aura that has been absorbed by the soul and itself for thousands of years. The two energies are essentially different. If it hadn't been for the fact that when Ah-Dai first used the Netherworld, all the true qi was contained in him, but now it would have been controlled by that huge evil qi. However, even so, the combination of evil and fierce qi still produced a huge destructive power. With the help of the sacred aura brought by the sacred mantra of Extinguish the Phoenix, Ah Duan’s vitality was able to forcefully suppress these two alien energies. Down. However, these two alien energies are not so easy to deal with. Although they can't compare the amount of energy to generate true qi, they instinctively know that the brain is the most important place. Together, the energy is completely concentrated in the brain, as long as they attack with real qi, they will resist with all their strength and keep their last position. During the time when Ah Dumb was asleep, he was really angry and couldn't help them. Dumb is most grateful for the scabbard that seals the sword of the Hades. If there is no mysterious and powerful spell on the scabbard, the evil spirit of the sword of Hades is restricted from escaping, and the soul of the sword itself has already commanded the evil spirit. Controlled his body. Dumb can be said to be very lucky to be able to maintain his body to the present state. Although the soul of the Pluto Sword is very low in wisdom, it has an instinctive effect and is the source of evil. After absorbing an unknown number of souls, the soul of the Pluto Sword has become incredibly powerful. Once it is found Opportunity, dumb will never have the day to turn over.

With the passage of time, the evil and fierceness of the brain has finally faded away, and the meridians of the brain have restored some of their original colors. Several meridians have even been regained control by Ah Du. Dumb is not in a hurry now. He knows that if he wants to completely eliminate these evil auras, he must consolidate the occupied territory and not give the enemy a chance to turn over. Therefore, he wanted to use the vitality in his dantian to consolidate the occupied meridians, transform those meridians into golden rivers, and gradually regain lost ground. Just do it when you think about it. The golden waves gradually poured into the largest meridian occupied by Dui. Dui carefully integrated them into the meridians to strengthen the meridian. When the meridians were about to be completely repaired by the energy, Dui suddenly discovered that the whole The meridians in the brain seemed to move. The gray ferocious aura and the dark blue evil aura madly pulsed toward the meridians that he was consolidating. At this moment, Dui realized that these alien qi must be feelings. When it came to his own danger, he would fight with all his strength. He didn't panic, floated up and landed at the end of the consolidating meridian, and enlarged his body to the extent that it just blocked the entrance of the meridian. All the evil and evil two qi were all blocked out, and at the same time, he continued to strengthen the entire meridian, and the golden ocean in the dantian was hoarded outside this meridian under his extraction, forming a huge energy vortex.

With this victory or defeat, Ah'Dai's heart couldn't help but become tense, one after another surging energy constantly impacted his body, and even the powerful energy of his golden body, under the constant impact, also chills and vitality suddenly Weakened a lot. Feeling that the golden ocean of the dantian has been arranged according to his own thoughts, the golden body of Dumb fully absorbed the energy, and instantly retreated, following the consolidated meridians and retreated like lightning. What greeted him was the ocean-like surging of zhenqi, and under the nourishment of zhenqi, the golden body suddenly returned to normal.

The mixed qi of evil and fierce rushed into the meridians frantically, and the liquid Shengshengzhenqi suddenly rushed forward under the command of Ah-Dai, wrapping different kinds of zhenqi from all sides of the meridians, and the final battle began. The endlessly circulating liquid Shengshengzhen Qi was arranged into a bag-like appearance, and the evil and ferocious Qi continued to rush in and were quickly swallowed by this arranged energy bag. Under the frenzied impact, the fierce energy in Dumb's brain rushed fiercely towards the trap he arranged like a sea of ​​rivers. Dumb radiated all the energy in his golden body into the golden energy bag. No matter how fast the evil spirit rushed in, he could completely wipe out those energy.

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