The Kind Death God

Chapter 55: Conquer the Bone Dragon

Ah Dui finally broke free from the roof, his whole body weak and weak, falling to the ground. Sheng Xie couldn't take care of hunting down the bone dragon. He fluttered the huge dragon wings to greet him. Then he attached Ah-Dai to his back, and then fell down. Ah-Dai rode on the first root of Sheng Xie’s head. In the middle of the second golden horn at the front of his back, he grabbed the first golden horn and breathed continuously. The remaining vitality in his body healed his injured body, and the feeling of weakness spread throughout his body.

The holy evil roared and walked towards the bone dragon step by step, feeling the threat of death, the huge body of the bone dragon curled up constantly trembled. Dumb felt soft in his heart, patted Sheng Xie's back, and said, "Forget it, don't kill it. It is only used by the bad guys. It won't help you kill it." The bone dragon nodded repeatedly, a pitiful pair. Under the attack of the sacred energy of the holy evil just now, it actually seemed to have some consciousness.

Sheng Xie stunned, stopped, and hummed at the bone dragon. The bone dragon fell to the ground in fright, and did not dare to move. Dui turned his head and looked at all the magicians, and saw that they all seemed to have fallen into the fixation method, including the six old magicians who came out later, standing in place one by one, all eyes focused on Dui. The black six-pointed star was shrouded in colorful light, unable to release dark creatures, and the situation was finally controlled. The rocks and rock power have also rushed in, and they looked a little embarrassed, their clothes were torn a few times, and the giant spirit snakeskin vest faintly revealed. They hadn't seen Sheng Xie either, and were at a loss where they were. Dumb realized that he was too impulsive, and even released the holy evil in front of everyone.

Reluctantly controlling his body, A Duan jumped off Sheng Xie's back, and when he landed, his body almost fell down. Sheng Xie's golden eyes showed a worried look, and the big head rubbed against Dui, as if asking about his injury. A Dumb said softly: "Xiao Xie, I'm fine, I don't want to kill this bone dragon, what should I do?"

Sheng Xie blinked, raised his front paw, pointed at Ah Dui's chest, and groaned softly. A dumb heart moved, and he immediately understood the meaning of the holy evil, and said in a low voice: "There are too many people here, you should go back first. Use the blood of the dragon as a guide, open the door of time and space." The blue light came from Dui. The chest revealed, the bone dragon was sucked in first, and the holy evil then entered the blood of the dragon under the light of blue light.

Dui sat down on the ground, breathing non-stop. He desperately needs to find a place to heal. The holy evil disappeared, and everyone gradually came to a sense of surprise. Rock and Yanli quickly stepped forward and helped Adumb up. Yanli asked, "Dumb, what the **** is going on! What are the two big guys just now?"

Six old magicians surrounded by the rest of the magicians, Star said: "Little brother, what kind of magic was that you just now! It's so amazing that you can summon such a big creature, it's incredible. Now, the summoning magic has long been lost, where did you learn it?"

Dui smiled bitterly: "Don't ask me, I, I..." The violent dizziness made Dui unable to hold on anymore, his body softened and he fainted in the arms of the rock. Fainting, maybe the best way to answer everyone's questions.

The only earth magician among the six old magicians frowned and said: "This kid is too exhausted, let him rest first." He looked at Brother Rock, and said: "I am the president of the Wizards Guild, the earth magician. Shikari, thank you for your help, please follow us to the back first."

Looking at Ah Dumb's weakness, the rock nodded and said, "Well then, I'm sorry to trouble you, President Kari."

Kari turned his head to look at the magicians around him, and said in a deep voice: "No one will tell you what happened today. Rilko, you go find someone to repair the union's house. No one is close to the sealed one. The dark passage, five elders, please go to the sacrificial hall in the city yourself and invite the bishop there. Maybe his light magic can completely eliminate this dark passage." Because the relationship between the Huasheng Empire and the Holy See is not Very good, so, there is the most sacrificial hall in Guangming City, but the sacrificials generally don't interact with ordinary people, and only the elders of the Wizards' Guild have the ability to invite their bishops. Fortunately, the black-robed magician who used taboo magic did not exert the true power of this taboo magic because of insufficient skill. Otherwise, even the five elders of the wizards' union and President Kari would not be able to seal the dark passage.

The five elders nodded one after another and led their orders. Kari rushed towards the rock and said: "You come with me." As he said, he turned and walked back.

Kari didn't ask the Rock Brothers anything, but arranged a big room for them and asked the water magician in the trade union to give A-Dai a simple treatment. Duan's internal organs were shaken, and under the treatment of the water magician, the injury gradually stabilized, but the skill was consumed too much, and it was temporarily unable to wake up. Kari ordered the people to provide a lot of food to Brother Rock and told them to call the guard at the door to look for him when Dui woke up.

After arranging everything, Kari led more than a dozen members of the Magic Guild to the City Lord's Mansion in Guangming City. Although Kari didn't show any emotions on the surface, he was extremely angry. The enemy's sneak attack was obviously premeditated, so many assassins and dark magicians appeared in the city of light, he didn't even get any news. The other party unexpectedly used taboo magic such as Devil's Summon, apparently trying to destroy the wizard's union, even destroying the city of light, and his intentions were so vicious, which shocked the earth magician who had practiced for many years. He understood that this sneak attack was not only aimed at the Mage Union, but also at the entire Huasheng Empire.

When he came to the gate of the city lord's mansion, Kari stopped and rushed to the guard: "Please give us a message. It is said that the president of the Magician Guild, Kari, begged to see the lord of the city."

When the guard saw so many magicians, he was so frightened, he hurriedly agreed, and quickly went back to his house to report. After a while, the gate of the mansion opened wide, and a middle-aged man in his fifties greeted him surrounded by guards. This man had a righteous face. Although he was over fifty, he had no old attitude and had deep eyes. His eyes showed his extraordinary scheming, a plain white cloth robe could not cover his stalwart figure. It was Aldous, Lord of Bright City. He has a very high position in the Huasheng Empire, especially in the military department. He is second only to the commander-in-chief. He has always been bravely fighting for the first place in the war, rushing to the forefront of the army, and he is loved by the soldiers. The army of the Guangming Province is under his control, directly under the command of the empire. At the same time, he is also the brother of the current queen of the empire, a hereditary marquis, otherwise, the Huasheng Empire would not send him to guard such an important place in the province of Guangming.

"President Cary, what brought you here." Aldous laughed and greeted him. The relationship between the Mage’s Union and the Huasheng Empire has always been much better than that of other countries. The Huasheng Empire is also the only country with a magician army. Therefore, even if a great official such as Aldous sees the magician’s union Long is also respectful. What's more, the two have been friends for many years.

Cary sighed and said, "My Lord City Lord, let's go in and talk about it. I have something very important to report to you."

Aldos was stunned, looking at Kari's heavy expression, knowing that something very important must have happened, and hurriedly said: "President, please inside." The two entered the city lord surrounded by guards and magicians. At the mansion, Aldous retreated left and right, and brought Cary to his secret room. Kari asked the magician who followed him to guard outside, leaving him and Aldous in the secret room. Aldous said in a deep voice, "Brother Cary, what's going on, can you come to me in person."

Kari's eyes showed concern and said: "This time the matter is very serious. Just now, more than 20 people broke into our wizards' union, tried to kill our wizards, and used dark taboo magic. Among these people are five dark magicians. Depending on their strength, at least one has the level of a magician. The rest are killers with strong skills."

Aldous was shocked. The public security in Guangming City has always been very good. Suddenly this happened, and it was in the Mage's Union. As the city lord, he had an inescapable responsibility. Hurriedly said: "Brother Kari, what about the union casualties? I didn't get a report on my side!"

Kari sighed and said, "Thanks to a man who claimed to be a disciple of the Tiangang Sword Sect who happened to be in the trade union, his martial arts were very strong, and he was hit hard to block the attacks of those people. It bought us time. However, those people actually used the forbidden demon summons, obviously thinking that we were so vicious in the Wizards’ Guild, there must be a certain reason. They have already escaped."

Aldous pondered for a moment, turned his head and walked out of the secret room, and ordered his personal guards to give orders to immediately martial the city of Guangming and send troops to search for the enemy's traces.

After giving the order, Aldous returned to the secret room, "I have sent someone to search. Brother Kari, who you said would be so bold, even your wizards’ union would dare to move."

Cary snorted coldly and said, "I don't need to point it out. I think you should be able to guess it."

Aldous took a deep breath and murmured: "You mean, are people from the Sunset Empire?"

Cary nodded and said with deep meaning: "The Magician Union has always been attached to the Huasheng Empire, and it will inevitably pose a great threat to the Sunset Empire. The total number of magicians in the other three countries is not as large as the Huasheng Empire. Moreover, those magicians are basically under the control of the union. If Huasheng goes to war with the sunset, with the help of the magicians, I am afraid it will be difficult for the sunset empire to please!"

Aldous walked back and forth in the secret room. After a long while, he stopped. He shot a cold light in his eyes and said, "So, the Sunset Empire has the ambition to invade our territory."

Carrie said: "Although it is still impossible to prove that the Sunset Empire really has this intention, it must be prevented. With the treacherousness of the Sunset Empire, I am afraid it is impossible. Only they have the ability to summon so many dark magicians to attack our magicians. Union, Orr, you have to be cautious! The provinces of light and the dark provinces of the sunset empire are bordered, and if there is a war, here will be the first to bear the brunt. Okay, I won’t say more. People in the union are panic now. , I have to go back to deal with it. I hope you can send some troops to protect us. I will immediately issue orders as the president to gather the magicians scattered in the empire as soon as possible, and be ready to respond at any time."

Aldous nodded and said: "Okay, then I won't keep you. I will report this matter to your majesty as soon as possible, and everything will be determined by your majesty. By the way, Brother Cary, I want to see the rescuer if I have a chance. You are the master of the Tiangang Sword Sect."

Kari walked out, stopped when he reached the door, and said, "Okay, I will try my best to arrange it. Brother, you should also be prepared! You are a well-known strategist, and you should understand that you don’t fight. The reason for preparing for the battle, although we hope for peace, when the wolves come, we have to hit them head-on."

Aldous said gratefully: "Thank you, Brother Kari, you must also be careful about everything. You also need to control the overall situation of the Mage Union."

Kari didn't speak, walked out of the secret room, and returned to the wizards' union with his magicians. Soon after they returned, Aldous sent a thousand-man city guards to station around the union, and all the pedestrians were under their surveillance.

In the next three days, the army of the Guangming Province began a large-scale mobilization and assembly. On the grounds of military training, eight elite legions and a hundred-man magician legion were concentrated on the border between the Huasheng Empire and the Sunset Empire, and logistical supplies With the support of strong national power, they quickly gathered forward. Among the four empires, the Huasheng Empire has the best position. To their south is the coastline, and to the east are two mountains of Death Mountain and Tiangang Mountain, which separate them from the Sorbian Federation, and to the north is the Holy See. Only the sunset empire to the west can pose a threat to them. Although the Sorbian Federation is the most powerful and covers the largest area, it is divided into six major races after all, so that they will not pose a threat to any country.

In the early morning of the next day, Ah-Dai finally woke up from his drowsiness. Since his dantian had a silver body, the true qi in his body will move slowly even without deliberately cultivating it. After a day of rest, the breath in his body finally stabilized , Skill has also recovered a few percent.

Opening his eyes, Ah Dumb's consciousness gradually recovered. The pain in his whole body made him groan slightly. Looking around, he was the only one in this strange room. Dumb's mood was extremely heavy. He originally thought that after the teaching of Master Tiangang Sword Saint, his skill could already travel in the mainland without any problems, and he could seek revenge for the killer. But who knows, it's just some ordinary killers and a few magicians, and they can't do anything about it. How can I avenge Uncle Owen? Although the power of life change is huge, his own skill is not enough to use it for a long time. When will it be possible to reach the realm of mastermind that surpasses heaven and earth! A feeling of decadence filled Ah Du's heart, and his whole body seemed to be weaker.

Just as Dumb was thinking about it, the door opened, and the rock and rock force walked in. Rock Li said: "Brother, the food provided by the Wizards' Guild is really good, even early there are so many kinds."

The rock said irritably, "You know eating. Dumb has been in a coma for a day, and I don’t know if it’s better. We are unlucky enough, obviously we are here to get the money, and we are all involved in the Killing Hand Association and the Mage Union. In dispute."

Dumb struggled to sit up, "Big Brother Rock, you are back. This, is this in the Wizards Guild?"

As soon as I saw Ah'Dai wake up, the Rock was overjoyed, and he hurried over to support Ah'Dai's body and said, "Brother, we are in the Mage Guild. How are you? Are you hurt better? What did you do so hard that day? ?"

Dumb smiled bitterly: "I can't watch those killers kill the people in the Mage Union."

The rock rushed into the rock and said: "You are here to take care of Dumb. I will tell the President Kari about his waking up." After speaking, he got up and went out.

Yanli took the position of the rock, let Ah'Dai lean on his shoulder, and said, "Brother, you are really amazing! You can stand up to so many assassins, one word is strong."

Dumb sighed and said, "My strength is still too weak, otherwise I won't be hit hard. Who is the Kari that Big Brother Rock said?"

Rock Li said: "Kari is the leader here. I didn't expect this to be the general meeting of the Mage Union. Those magicians are very grateful to you! Without you, they would probably have many people killed by the killer. What happened to those two big guys that day, that power is really terrifying!"

This time I just remembered that the bone dragon is still in the blood of the dragon. Although the strength of the bone dragon is strong, it is much worse than the ten thousand-year giant snake in Tiangang Mountain. If you are in its heyday, The transformed solid energy should be able to beat it. He moved in his heart and said: "The bone dragon was summoned by the dark magician who was with the killer. As for the dragon, it seems that I summoned it." The Heavenly Gang Sword Saint told him that he must not easily kill the holy evil. Tell the story.

Yan Li screamed, "Brother, it turns out that your magic is so powerful. I haven't heard of anyone who can summon a dragon. I said that your magic is bad, it seems I was wrong."

"Yeah, summon the dragon, let alone you have never heard of it, even the president of the wizard's guild of me has never heard of it." The door opened, and Kari walked in with the rock. He is still in a yellow magic robe, with a slight smile on his face. He walked quickly to the bed and smiled and said: "You are called Dumb, right? Thanks to you this time, or the loss of our Mage Union would be great."

Ah Dumb smiled shyly and said, "You are welcome, are you the president of the trade union?"

Kari nodded and said, "You really opened our eyes to us that day. I didn't expect that you could summon a dragon. Although I have never seen what a dragon looks like, I think that what you summon must be the most sacred. The silver dragon, and only the powerful sacred aura of the silver dragon can restrain the evil bone dragon so quickly. Can you tell me how you conjured the silver dragon?” It turns out that after the evolution of the sacred evil, the body is gray. The scales have a shiny luster. Under the light, it can indeed flash a faint silver light. On the mainland, no one has seen what a dragon is like. The Holy Evil successfully defeated the bone dragon. Beautified by the magicians.

Dumb murmured and didn't know how to answer, and he couldn't speak.

Kari didn’t force him, “Don’t worry, this powerful summoning magic is naturally a personal secret. However, as the president of the Mage Guild, I am deeply as powerful as you in the Mage Guild. The magician is proud."

Dumb smiled bitterly in his heart. He is just an intermediate magician who knows fireball and flame arts. With the help of the holy evil, he has become a powerful magician. However, he can't explain, he can only be vague. Said: "I, I just happen to be, and I am not sure to summon the dragon you mentioned."

Kari nodded and said: "I have seen records about summoning magic in some of the ancestors' magic notes. There is indeed a certain chance of the success of summoning magic. However, despite this, your summoning magic still surprised us! Especially! It was the last time you returned the summoning dragon, and took away the skull dragon. What a huge amount of mana is needed to do it. But I checked your body, and although your mental power is not weak, it seems to be free. That level is still some way away."

Dumb couldn't answer Kari's words at all, so he changed the subject and asked, "President Kari, why did those people in black attack the Mage Union that day?"

As soon as he mentioned the invading man in black, Kari's thoughts turned around, his face sank, and he coldly snorted: "Those nasty guys are naturally instigated. However, you should still know less about these things. The few dark magicians in the world are very powerful, especially the guy who casts the devil’s summons, I’m afraid his magic level is close to that of the magister. Fortunately, we dealt with it in time, and the forbidden magic has not yet exerted its power. It is time to seal it, otherwise, once too many dark creatures appear, I am afraid that the city of light will be destroyed. After a day of hard work by the priests of the Holy See, which dark passage is finally completely wiped out, it is really dangerous! Right! Dumb, are you really a member of the Tiangang Sword Sect? Me and your Sword Sect teacher Lu Wen are very good friends."

Dumb said: "That's my fourth uncle."

Kari showed a look of surprise in his eyes, and said: "So you are still a third-generation disciple of the Tiangang Sword Sect. No wonder you have achieved this at a young age. The future is limitless!"

A Duan said in frustration, "My skill is still too low. I almost died in the hands of the bone dragon that day."

Cary smiled and said: "Stupid boy, don't underestimate yourself, your skill is not low at all. The ability to withstand the attacks of five wizards and twenty killers with one person's power can only be described by a miracle. It’s just that you don’t seem to be very proficient in the use of your own power, otherwise, your attacks will definitely be able to exert greater power."

A dumbfounded, said: "Really? But how do I feel that I am so useless."

Carrie said: "Of course it is true. You saved the lives of more than a dozen magicians in the trade union with your own power. How could it be useless? You can be said to be the great benefactor of the trade union! After thinking about it, take a good rest and get back to the body first. If you have any needs, just say, the union will try to satisfy you."

Looking at Kari’s sincere smile, Dumb’s confidence gradually returned, and his pale face suddenly became a little more vigorous, "Thank you, President Kari, I don’t need anything, as long as I’m resting for a while, I’ll be fine. ."

Cary nodded and said, "Okay, I won't bother you, I will go now. Tomorrow, I will see you again."

Rock and Rock Force sent Kari out of the door. Dumb leaned on the bed. Thinking back to what Kari had just said, he blocked the attack of five wizards and twenty killers. It seemed that he was really not Very weak!

Rock asked: "Dumb, what are you thinking? I just woke up, would you like to eat something?"

Ah-Dai woke up from his thoughts and shook his head and said, "No need to eat, Brother Rock, please protect me, I want to use my gong to heal my injuries as soon as possible." Since Shengsheng Zhenqi broke through the sixth realm, Ah-Dai has not been so eager for food. Up. There is endless qi nourishing the body, and he only needs a small amount of food to maintain it.

"Okay, then you can heal your injury as soon as possible. You are good, and we can get on the road soon."

Dui closed his eyes, concentrating on urging the vitality in the dantian, the silver golden body gradually lit up, and the mellow vitality wandered through the meridians, constantly restoring the wounded meridians. Since his vitality reached the eighth level, the silver golden body that condensed huge energy began to grow with each time he practiced. Although the growth rate was very small, dumb could clearly feel it. Growing up slowly. He knew very well that when the three-inch-high golden body on his chest was completely melted into his dantian, his skill could reach the ideal realm of the Heavenly Gang Sword Saint. But until now, he hasn't the slightest way to absorb the energy of the golden body in his chest.

Every time the true qi in the body goes through a cycle, Ah's power recovers one point. After eighteen cycles, the injury in his body has basically improved under the vitality of the vitality of true qi, and the power is quickly restored, and it reaches the second stage. In the seventeenth week, the silver golden body in the pubic area had returned to its former luster. Ah Dui didn't stop and continued to practice. After leaving Tiangang Mountain, he hadn't fully practiced the great cycle of ninety-nine-eighty-one weeks. He took this opportunity to consolidate his skills.

Eighty-one cycles took a full day and night to complete. Early in the morning, Ah-Dai opened his eyes, feeling the surging energy in his body, and his chest was very refreshing. There was a sound of even breathing, and Dui found that the rock was asleep by the bed. Obviously he had been protecting the law for himself, while Yan Li was snore on the bed beside him. Dumb felt warm in his heart and floated down to the ground without making a sound. Gently patted the rock on the shoulder.

Rock was disturbed, and he woke up suddenly. When he saw that it was Dumb who was shooting himself, his body relaxed, "Brother, how is it? Has his skill recovered?"

Seeing the tired look of the rock, Dui said, "Big Brother, go to bed and rest for a while, my skill has completely recovered."

The rock was overjoyed, "Okay, just recover. I'm really sleepy. I'll sleep for a while. There is something to eat on the table. You can eat it yourself." After finishing speaking, he turned on the bed, his body was not lying down yet, but snoring It has been spread out.

Dumb put the quilt on the rock, turned around and wanted to go to the table. He hadn't eaten for two days. He was indeed a little hungry. There were a few dishes and six or seven steamed buns on the table. It was already cold. It seemed that the rock prepared him for him last night. But he didn't expect him to cultivate for so long.

After breakfast, Duan took off the dirty clothes on his body. When he was severely injured by the bone dragon, not only his clothes were torn, but also a lot of blood he vomited on it. Putting on the last piece of cloth brought out from Shitang Town, it seems that I really want to buy clothes to wear. The speed of consuming clothes is too fast.

Dui is now anxious to know the situation of the bone dragon that has been collected in the blood of the But here, he dare not let the bone dragon out easily, not to mention that the room is relatively small, and the bone dragon may not be placed. under. If the bone dragon is released to destroy the buildings here, I am afraid that President Kari will fight hard with himself. How can we know the condition of the bone dragon? Dui sat on the chair and took out the blood of the dragon, watching the faint blue light flashing on it, thinking constantly.

Suddenly, Ah-Dai remembered the situation in which he had collected the bone dragon that day. It seemed that Sheng Xie had told himself in his heart that he asked him to collect the bone dragon with the blood of the dragon. In this way, the holy evil thoughts should be passed on to oneself through certain channels and communicate with oneself. But what is this way? If you can find this way, then you can communicate with the holy evil, what a wonderful thing that would be!

Way, way, Dui thought, the holy evil can't speak, the only thing that can communicate with the holy evil is mental power, thinking of this, his somewhat clear brain suddenly opened up after accepting the Heavenly Gang Sword Saint pass. , Hurriedly urged the mental power in the body and carefully transfused the blood of the dragon in his hand.

The blood of the dragon did not reject the mental power he had input, he seemed to feel that he had entered a blue ocean. In this ocean of immense energy, there are many things, exactly those items that he kept in the blood of the dragon. He continuously expanded his spiritual power and found to his surprise that there were two powerful living bodies in the ocean. That should be Sheng Xie and the bone dragon that was taken in.

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