The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 209 Emperor He: Are you two good at fighting?


Warring States roared with a ferocious face. He really didn't expect Hermes to be so unscrupulous. He even came back with a carbine. He felt the smell of death.

The blow came too fast.

At the critical moment, his body still couldn't lift his strength. The twenty power rocks just now made his body a little bit overwhelmed. It would take enough time for him to have the strength to fight.

damn it.

"You are terrible, Jormungandr!"

A lazy voice sounded from the side, and Polusalino finally showed his strength. A lightsaber appeared in his hand at some point, and he clenched several heads of the tall Hermes with both hands, and just covered Hermes' fist with armed color.

"Joermungandr, you will die here today."

"Big fire!"

Sakaski's state is obviously much better than Sengoku and Garp's. The elementalization of the natural system can still come in handy at critical moments. At this time, with a fierce face, there is a giant lava fist from a volcanic eruption.

boom! ! !

One to two.

The powerful force was erupting, and the Warring States just barely defended itself, and then it was blown away by the impact, and hit a huge raised seabed mountain heavily, spitting blood and breathing unstable.

Garp also carried Luffy and others and evacuated far away at the first time.

I have to say it is very resistant.

most central.

The energy continued to expand, and Hermes faced Polusalino and Sakaski very close, and finally vomited blood and his face gradually turned pale. After all, he had already been injured in fighting Garp and the Golden Lion.

Coupled with such a cost-free magnification move, there is not much left in terms of physical strength or domineering.

In fact, the state is not as good as it looks on the surface!

It can be said that returning the carbine this time is all about luck. If you can take one away, it is one. If you can't take it away, you can only look for opportunities in the future.

"Porusalino, Sakaski, are you two good at fighting?"

"Today, the emperor told you that you must pay attention to strength and hole cards when you come out to play!"

Hermes let out a cold snort with bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and disappeared in place using Shrink the Ground Inch. After appearing a hundred meters away, he took out ten power rocks from his pocket again, enlarged them and threw them at Polusalino and Sakas Kei, then clasped Van Gufried with both hands.

However, his eyes glanced in Garp's direction.

He was not surprised that this man would appear here, he must have been paying attention to the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Elbaf's Spear Overlord."

The spiral impact turned into a torrent of rivers, scouring the ten power rocks upside down. At that moment, the world was reopened, and the blazing light shone on the faces of Polusalino and Sakaski, trembling and trembling.

Why does this beast still have a power rock?

And using such a despicable thing in battle is simply not worthy of the word "strong".

But no matter how much the two of them yelled at each other, there was nothing they could do. The top priority was how to survive, maybe this beast would come back with a carbine.

the other side.

When Hermes was still colliding with Sakaski and Polusalino, a figure flew over and appeared in front of Garp covered in blood. Without saying a word, he waved the whole Straw Hat Pirate The ball rolled up, as if there was an invisible force.

A gust of wind blew by, lifting the dark green hood.


Garp's expression was a bit astonished. He didn't expect the dragon to appear at this time. It seems that he has been paying attention to Luffy, otherwise he wouldn't have come so soon.

"I took Luffy and his partner away, do you want to go together!"


"Just this little injury can't kill me!"

Cap refused.

At this time, he must be fighting side by side with the Warring States people. The only worry is Luffy. He was almost stabbed to death by the King of Hunters. Coupled with the impact of several waves of explosions, it can be said that there is only one breath left.

The situation has never been worse.

And he didn't save everyone. It doesn't matter how many of the Straw Hat Pirates will survive in the end, after all, two of them have already died in battle.

The dragon didn't speak either, and quickly retreated after rolling up Luffy and the others.

It's just that they glanced at Hermes for the last time, and Hermes just threw out ten power rocks. Maybe it was a tacit understanding, and the two sides looked at each other for a short time.

Warring States, Sakaski, and Polusalino all sensed the dragon, but they didn't have time to deal with it at this time, and the opponent didn't make trouble.

Then just after Long Feisheng entered the clouds, another figure hurried over.

"Ice Age!"

The terrorist explosion is gradually expanding, and a super-large ice wall is like an insurmountable sky, blocking Sakaski and Polusalino, and weakening the impact of the hegemony and the explosion of the power rock as much as possible.

The timing was just right.

Immediately there was a landslide.

The landscape was changed again.

The destructive disaster is rampant.

"Hoo hoo!"

into a different space.

Hermes' chest heaved violently, looking at the sky of the icy world outside, his pale face was full of ugliness, this situation is no longer suitable for pursuing victory.

My own state is not very good, I can only do one sneak attack, if I do it again, I may lose my money, or my life may be in danger.

no need.

He is the king of hunters, and he will never do anything he is not sure about.

Oh shit.

The fate of these dog days is high, and sooner or later they will all be wiped out.


Without the slightest hesitation.

Hermes and Bruno quickly disappeared.

in the real world.

After everything calmed down, Zhan Guo and the others were on guard, for fear that Hermes would drill out of nowhere and throw a few power rocks. This kind of fighting method is really disgusting.

The initiative is entirely in the opponent's hands.

Be as frustrated as you want.

The dignified admiral of the navy brought three generals, plus a naval hero, not to mention killing the emperor of the hunter, he didn't even catch a person from the emperor's organization, and he was ashamed to say it.

There is no doubt that with this lineup, casually attacking a single Four Emperors will have a 100% success rate.

It can only be said that the Emperor Organization is too cunning and disgusting.


Almost all of them were seriously injured, and their lives were even in danger. If it weren't for the crucial block of Sakalski and Polusalino, Sengoku might have to kneel in front of Hermes' next deadly chain. Hired.

This loss is not usually large.


All five of them sat on the ruins with gloomy faces. They were in a terrible mood. They were so aggrieved that they went crazy, and Sakaski's eyes were red.

"This guy is too difficult to deal with. He throws the power rock at every turn. The key is the cooperation of the door opener. It is simply impossible to guard against."

"And this beast's fighting style is too disgusting. Unless one hit is sure to hit, no force in the sea can withstand the blow of the emperor's organization."

This fight.

Everyone understands why Kaido was caught by the emperor organization before. If it is any one person, if there is a big wave of power rocks, fatal combos, or group beatings, except for some special people, the rest will kneel , I didn't even know how to kneel, the battle was over as soon as it started.

But what's the most fucked up thing.

That is, with the strength of the Hunter King himself, it is worthwhile or even suppressable to face any strong man at the top of the pyramid, provided that he will not be caught off guard by the Hunter King's deadly big move as soon as he comes up.

Such as the golden lion.

The reason why the King of Hunters is so difficult to deal with is because the opponent has power rocks, and his fighting style is unpredictable, his IQ is online and he is never impulsive.

Unlike some strong men in the sea, who would rather die in battle than retreat temporarily, the tallness is the courage of the strong, the self-confidence of the strong, and the charm of the strong.

But in the eyes of Hermes, he is a fool.

He likes to deal with this kind of person, even if he is one level stronger than him, he can handle it. .

Starting point: Shenkou (Brother Runaway Pingtou) 510 starting coins, (Seven Yezi Ming) 500 starting coins, (book friend 20190525141244351) (Debbie C) 100 starting coins.

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