The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 218 Warring States: War Begins, Red Hair Finds Trouble with the Hunter Emperor

"Marshal, the latest news is that the Emperor Organization has appeared in the North Sea and destroyed the Kingdom of Germa."

The rebuilt Marlin Vandeau.

An adjutant opened the door with the information, first greeted the crane, and then passed the information to the Warring States.

"Go down first!"


When the adjutant left, Zhan Guo looked at the information, and then handed it to He to rub his temples. There were too many things going on recently, and he hadn't slept since he came back from the capital of seven waters last time.

So much dark circles under the eyes.

"Why did Yemenjiad suddenly go to the North Sea to destroy the Germa Kingdom? Has there been any grievances between the two sides before?"

Crane read the information.

Her intuition told her that it was not easy.

Since Marin Vandor was destroyed last time and she was almost killed by the Hunter King, Crane began to collect all the information about Hermes, and after connecting them all, she found that all Hermes' actions were planned Sure enough, the IQ is completely online.

Far from being as belligerent and crazy as it appears on the surface.

Moreover, the opponent does not have any weaknesses, and does not have the dignity of the strong. As long as the goal can be achieved, the means can be used. The history of development can be called a miracle.

From that moment on, He knew that facing the Hunter King must not be taken lightly.

At the same time, I also feel a little regretful. If I had paid more attention to this man at the beginning, perhaps the navy would not be so difficult now, and might even maintain cooperation all the time.

"I've never heard of it, but this beast is useless."

Warring States shook his head, and when Hermes' name was mentioned, he felt a little heart attack.

"What is there in Germa Kingdom?"

Crane thought.

With that guy's current strength and status, it is very easy to destroy a kingdom. The strange thing is that there are so many kingdoms in the sea, why did he choose the Kingdom of Germa after thousands of miles away.

There must be something worth the guy doing this.

"The Kingdom of Germa should be most famous for its technology."

I don't know much about the Kingdom of Germa and the Warring States Period, but I still know some rumors or basic information.

"By the way, technology."

With a flash of inspiration, Crane probably knew why Hermes attacked the Kingdom of Germa.

"The power rock in that guy's hands should be running out, and he wants to find another way, or capture scientists secretly like other forces in the sea, and then create a real Hades."

He knows that the Hades, which is rumored to be owned by the Hunter King, is actually just a power rock.

"Didn't the BIG MOM Pirates set their sights on the Germa Kingdom before? It's that scientific research ability that they fancy."

"This damn bastard, as long as there is no power rock, he can be wiped out at the right time."

Crane's analysis is good news for Warring States, because as long as Hermes has no power rock, then at the right time, the navy can completely kill that bastard.

"Pluto is not so easy to manufacture, even with blueprints."

Warring States sneered in his heart.

"We still need to keep an eye on that beast."

"Of course, as long as Ye Mengjia survives, the navy will be shamed forever."

"But the more troublesome thing is the whereabouts of the red-haired pirates, and some time ago at the Shichibukai meeting, the pirate named Lafayette recommended the captain Blackbeard Marshall Teach as the Shichibukai."

Sengoku didn't waste all his time on Hermes, because right now he needs to deal with the problem of Fire Fist Ace.

That's right.

The second captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace, was captured by the Blackbeard Pirates and handed over to the Navy in exchange for the position of Shichibukai, but the two parties only talked on the phone.

Sengoku also agreed.

As long as Blackbeard hands Fire Fist Ace to the Navy, then Blackbeard can replace Crocodile as the new Shichibukai, and the most important thing is the information about Ace's identity in his hand.

As for the red-haired pirates, they left the new world and headed for the great route.

Little did they know that the target of the Red Hair Pirates was the Emperor Organization.

"This is real?"

Looking at the information that Zhan Guo took out from the drawer, Crane looked solemn after reading it.

"I have already sent someone to investigate secretly, it should be close to ten."

Sengoku also nodded solemnly, and at the same time, he already had a plan in his heart to restore the majesty of the navy and change the current decadent situation of the navy. Because of the exposure of the identity of the Karp family, the navy is now in a mess.

In general, the navy is already in dire straits, both externally and internally, and if nothing is done, it may collapse at any time like a dangerous building.

The arrest of Fire Fist Ace made the Warring States see a breakthrough.

At least it can divert a large part of attention and buy more time for the Navy.

"you mean?"

Crane looked at Zhan Guo's expression, and combined with this information, she already guessed what Zhan Guo wanted to do.

"The Navy badly needs a war, a war to win."

Sengoku's eyes are full of firmness. No matter how difficult it is, he will promote this war and achieve a complete victory. Only in this way can the navy's current bad situation be changed.

This is necessary for him personally, the navy, and the world government.

Victory is so needed.

"Maybe we'll fail."

Crane was a little worried.

If the identity of Fire Fist Ace is true, then they will face not only the Whitebeard Pirates of the Four Emperors, but also the disbanded Roger Pirates, and even some other forces.

For example, the potential enemy emperor organization, the revolutionary army, and the other four emperors are all possible.

"I will go to Mary Joya to personally convince the Five Old Stars to use this war to lure some people out, and then they will all be wiped out."

Sengoku's tone was cold.

He is not only targeting the Whitebeard Pirates, as long as the World Government mobilizes all its forces, whoever dares to intervene will die one by one.

Even the Warring States has already thought about it.

He wants to bet his life on this war, victory is the best, if he fails, he will die with justice.

that night.

Sengoku left Marin Fando and went to Marie Gioia.

new world.

A sea ship flying the flag of Germa 66 is sailing towards the North Sea.

"How come~"

in the room.

Reiju looked at the news paper, covering her mouth in disbelief.

The kingdom of Germa was destroyed, and the father and the others did not know whether they were alive or dead.

She went back with good news, because the BIG MOM Pirates were willing to cooperate with them, but she didn't expect that she had just left Wanguo before seeing the news that the Germa Kingdom was destroyed.

It was the King of Hunters who made the move.

It was a nightmare.


The Four Emperors, Shichibukai under the king, the Revolutionary Army, and many other kingdom forces all knew the information that the Emperor organized to destroy the Germa Kingdom.

It can be said that everyone who is in the sea has been paying attention to the emperor organization.

This is a very powerful shit-stirring stick. If they are accidentally offended, they will become the second navy and the Kingdom of Germa.

Chambord Islands.

A certain mangrove area.

"Shanks, the King of Hunters appeared in the North Sea and wiped out the Kingdom of Germa."

Beckman walked in from the outside with a cigarette in his mouth.

He really didn't expect that the old man Shanks said to meet would be Rayleigh, the right arm of One Piece.

"Why did you run to Beihai?"

Shanks' heart sank. He came all the way from the New World just to trouble the Emperor Organization. Why did those guys appear in Beihai again?

"Shanks, what is your purpose for coming to the Great Route this time?"

Opposite the red hair, Rayleigh looked serious.

"Find trouble with the Emperor's organization."

The redhead didn't hide anything, and directly stated the purpose, which made Lei Li and the smoking Shaoqi startled slightly, and then they were surprised and dignified.

When did the Emperor Organization and the Red Hair Pirates end their feud? ?

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