The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 282 Going to Poison Marin Vanduo


The scenery of Sky Island is even more charming, and it feels like the starry sky is so close.

A group of people sat around and had dinner. Hermes sat at the head and watched the recent news. The navy was dispatching troops, and the Whitebeard Pirates were missing.

The territory of the Red Hair Pirates was robbed by Beasts and BIG MOM Pirates.

There are also other famous pirate groups, kingdom forces, etc.

Every now and then there is news of a supernova.

The other is some entertainment news, one of which caught Hermes' attention.

"The world's largest entertainment city, Gulan Tezolo, appeared in the Makabaka sea area of ​​the new world."

As expected.

This should be the city of the Golden Emperor. The richest man in the world is rumored to own 20% of the world's Baileys. Black and white take both. Using the power of money can manipulate the Tianlong people, and even use the power of the world government.

He is also the golden emperor of the underground world.

It can be completely understood that as long as this man is caught, Yemengade can become the richest man in the world.

Very funny.

It's time for the Emperor Organization to add fresh blood.

He absolutely does not admit that he is interested in the other party's wealth, but just wants to give a little love.

"Boss, what are you going to do in two days!"

Hody Jones bit his meaty leg and looked at Hermes, who was in the first place. The boss said that he had a plan before, but he didn't know what the plan was. They didn't have many power rocks.

Before the little boy developed it, it was a life-saving thing.

Or is it just over this time?

"It is definitely not possible to appear on the stage openly. This way, the Warring States Period cannot be overthrown, and the benefits cannot be maximized."

Hermes put down the newspaper, his face full of a winning expression.

Seeing a pair of eyes looking over, Hermes had no choice but to tell the truth, "I plan to go deep into the tiger's den this time, and then you just need to wait for my signal in a different space."

"The death of the Warring States is the primary goal."

"Deep into the tiger's den? Would it be too risky?"

Man Xueli's big eyes blinked, she knew that this man would have a heartbeat, and ordinary people would never have imagined that Hermes would sneak into Marlin Vandor in advance at this time, and lie in ambush under the noses of so many experts.

Dangers and opportunities coexist.

According to Hermes' thinking, if it really succeeds, then the Warring States will surely die.

"Playing is exciting."

"It's all small scenes."

Hermes pressed his hands to show his composure, then continued to look at the news, and then said, "What do you think of this Golden Emperor?"

"Golden Emperor?"

Guy Ram took the newspaper and passed it on after reading it until everyone had read it.

"Boss, do you want to subdue this guy?"

"The richest man in the world?"

"Black and white take both."

Hermes' thoughts are self-evident, and Lu Qi and others understand it.

"With this idea, it's time for the Emperor Organization to add some fresh blood. I think he is very suitable."

"Are you sure you're not interested in the other party's money?"

Man Xueli looked suspicious.

"What do you mean, I'm such a vulgar person?"

"That's the decision. After the war is over, I will go and clean up this guy. By the way, see if there is any news about "Pure Gold"."

Hermes rolled his eyes, and didn't want to talk nonsense with Man Xueli.


There is only one day left before the execution of Fire Fist Ace.

The whole world has already looked over, and in the dead of night, there are two daring people who are going to sneak into the new Marlin Vandor.

"Boss, why am I panicking."

in a different space.

Bruno looked at the navy with people coming and going, all of them were ready to go, with serious faces, and there were bright lights everywhere. This should be the big square in front of the headquarters building.

That's right.

Hermes and Bruno had sneaked in without anyone noticing.

"Calm down."

"We are in a different space. If we are discovered, it will be bad luck."

Hermes wasn't sure if there was any foreign aid in the navy that could restrain Bruno's family fruit. It stands to reason that the chance of this is pitifully small, but he is not afraid of ten thousand or just in case.

So take some risks.

No wonder Bruno panicked. If they were discovered, they would at least be surrounded by Admiral, Zefa, Karp, Sakaski, Kuzan, and Crane.

Just because of the two of them, it's definitely over.


Bruno also wanted to cry, but from the moment he was forced to join the Emperor Organization, both Lu Qi and him knew that he had his head pinned to his waistband.

Follow this crazy man, as if you will see grandma the next moment.

I'm used to it.

"Go to the kitchen first to see if there is a chance to poison."

Hermes is very unscrupulous. The purpose of sneaking into Marin Vandor this time is to add obstacles to the navy. He can be as vicious as he can. Prescribing drugs is undoubtedly the simplest and most effective way.

What kind of laxatives, intestinal poisons, he brought a lot of them in a mess.

"It should be over there."

Probably looking for a direction, the two groped forward in a different space.

Going around.

It took almost an hour to find the Naval Logistics Department, but it was even tighter than imagined, and there was no chance of attack. Hermes couldn't help cursing in his heart.

This little bastard in the Warring States Period is quite cautious.

the other side.

In a building to the left of the headquarters building, Sengoku is receiving a group of people.

It was the Shichibukai who rushed to the king one after another, namely the sea rogue, Hawkeye, Moonlight Moriah, and Boa Hancock. As expected, Blackbeard hadn't arrived yet, and wanted to invade the city of advancement as in the original book.

As for Jinbei, he was imprisoned in Jincheng City.

Familiar plot, familiar formula.

As for Tyrant Bear being exposed by Hermes, Long cursed in his heart more than once, and this exposure directly led to the bankruptcy of their plan.

The Navy has yet to find a suitable replacement.

"Hey, hey, it seems that two of you are missing."

Doflamingo leaned back on the chair, with his feet resting on the long table in front of him, wearing a pink goose feather coat, he was still so rebellious, but he was a little more stable than before.

It seems that the ups and downs of these years have smoothed his water chestnuts a lot.

"Marshall Teach is still on his way, Jinping has been imprisoned for certain things, and it's just you guys!"

Sen Guo sat on the first seat with a calm expression.

His sharp eyes swept across the people present one by one, and he continued in a cold tone, "The navy will record your actions in this war. If someone steals, rapes, cheats, or violates the law, I will personally liquidate it afterwards."


"Don't be so serious!"

Hancock and the others frowned. The attitude of the Warring States period made them a little horrified. They even sent someone to record their actions. To be honest, it was an offense to human rights.

It's a pity that the arm can't twist the thigh.

It can also be seen from this point that the navy attaches great importance to this war. At present, no one wants to lose the title of Qiwuhai. Sengoku is clearly warning.

"Everyone will have a good rest tonight. I hope you will play your due role in the war. There are many capable people in this sea, and they can replace you at any time."

Here Sengoku is receiving Qiwuhai.

And Hermes and Bruno went around, probably turning Marin Fando around, and finally came to a residential area, which looked unpretentious, and there were many government personnel in black suits.

Among them are CPOs.

"It's a bit out of place!"

Looking at the guy standing outside the door, Hermes rubbed his chin in a different space, and his intuition told him that there were big people inside, and only Tianlong people could make the CPO stand guard.

And five old stars.

It is impossible for Tianlong people to come to Marin Fando at this time, so it is the five old stars?

Good guy.

The Navy has spent a lot of money this time, and even the five old stars have personally ended up.

It seems that the scale of this war on the top is far beyond the original.

"Boss, do you want to go in and have a look?"

Bruno felt that it was necessary to learn about the preparations of the navy in advance, so as not to be ambushed when the time came, and knowing oneself and the enemy could win every battle.

"Be careful."

Hermes was also very curious, he wanted to see if it was Wu Lao Xing.


When they came to the window, they didn't intend to sneak in. After all, they didn't know what abilities Wulaoxing possessed. If they were discovered, they would startle the snake, and the next plan might be affected. .

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