The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 302 On the way to find the Golden Emperor

"Cough cough cough~"

"Damn it, how could it be so strong!"

far away.

A green sprout of a plant emerges from the scorched soil, and eventually grows rapidly and transforms into a wild pasture. This is his unique method of Devil Fruit, which can be integrated with plants, and can also achieve alternative regeneration through plants.

That punch just now caused him a lot of damage.

He admitted that he underestimated the other party.

think about it.

He is not absolutely sure that he can win the opponent, and he is not sure whether there are other people from the Emperor Organization on this island. It is better to leave than to waste time here.

Sensing the aura coming from the pole in the distance, Huang Mu's pale face paused, turned around and rushed into a valley forest, the aura quickly disappeared.

The next second, Badgers fell from the sky.



Badgers released his knowledge, and the opponent's breath disappeared into the distance, and finally disappeared.


After finally meeting a naturalist, he let him escape.


The battle ended just after it started, which made Badgers lose interest. He hadn't even had an orgasm yet. Next time he met, he must kill the opponent in a serious manner.

Make yourself look forward to it in vain.


The news that Badgers was fighting an unknown strongman here spread like wildfire, and the news spread across the sea the next day, and the speed of the news was fast enough.

Many people or forces are interested in this unknown strong man.

Just being able to escape from the hands of a fighting champion can already boast for several years, which is enough to prove that he is capable and worthy of being wooed or cooperated.

at the same time.

There are also a large number of new powerhouses appearing all over the world, and some of them are veritable monsters. The effect of the era of great rise is truly manifested.

"Jie Jie Jie~"

"Araki? Nature Department Sensen Fruit?"

In a certain area of ​​the New World, the Death is sailing.

Hermes was wearing beach shorts and lying on a deck chair under the sun umbrella, taking a sip of iced juice from time to time, talking to Badgers on the phone, talking about Badgers' battle this time.


"Unfortunately, it's a pity that it's not useful, and it ran away after only a few moves!"

Badgers' disdainful voice filled the phone bug.

Hermes was speechless for a while.

Don't even think about how powerful you are, who can resist the King's Fist?

It's not that Hermes exaggerated Badgers. With Badgers' current strength, he can be worthy of anyone. The Fruit of Power and the King's Fist can truly threaten anyone.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Badgers is already at the top of the pyramid.

But this guy named Huang Mu made Hermes very interested, mainly because he was a person with natural abilities, which is a plus.

As everyone knows, Huang Mu is the future admiral Lu Niu.

"You have exposed your whereabouts, be careful that some people will not talk about martial arts and specifically surround and kill you."

Hermes is well aware of the current situation of the Emperor Organization, which is absolutely outraged by both humans and gods, especially among those top forces, who can't wait to deal with it quickly.

But under normal circumstances, Badgers and others don't need to be coaxed.

At the same level, 1V1 is worthy of anyone, and 1V2 needs to escape. If it is 1V3, then struggle and surrender, save your life first.

Anyway, there is a reliable background.

"Boss, trust me, come and kill one."

"Also, do you need me to rush to Phi Phi Island?"

Badgers is full of self-confidence, and with Hermes behind his back, he Badgers is the most prodigal boy, and it will be over if he does anything.

"Need not!"

"It's just a Golden Emperor. The reason Gailam is rushing away is because of his ability to capture the opponent's heart."

That's right.

Hermes is on his way to Phi Phi Island, and the goal is naturally the Golden Emperor. At the same time, he also notifies Guy Ram in the New World to rush. Since he wants to subdue the Golden Emperor, he must need some means.

"Oh well!"

call ended.

Hermes didn't call anyone else, this time it was just him and Bruno, plus Van Gufried, and Man Xueli was in the small people of Sky Island.

And Alpagacino.

As for Guy Ram and Lu Qi, they are outside. Guy Ram has already rushed to Phi Phi Island. Lu Qi doesn't know where he is wandering. It is said that he is going to meet Kalifa and others.

Since Lu Qi and Bruno were abducted by Hermes in the capital of seven waters, the CP9 team has not dispersed and is still operating. Not long ago, Kalifa, Kaku and others completed their missions on the Great Route.

Even the World Government gave several people an order to snipe Lu Qi and Bruno.

I don't know what to think.

The other is Hody Jones, who returned to the Fishman Island a few days ago, and it is also an honor to return to his hometown.

As soon as they arrived at the port, they attracted the attention of the entire Murloc Island, and those thug Murlocs in Murloc Street cheered even more. Everyone knew that Hody Jones was a member of the Emperor Organization.

The reward amount is as high as 640 million Berry.

That's under the command of the most handsome man in the world. He needs to be powerful, powerful, and influential. It can even be said that when Hody Jones arrived in a kingdom, he asked the other party to provide a woman with wealth for free, otherwise The country will be destroyed.

That kind of invisible oppression is definitely not something that ordinary kingdoms can resist.

Thinking back to when the King of Hunters killed innocent people indiscriminately on Murloc Island, it caused the entire Murloc Street to go berserk, and now Murloc Island has selectively forgotten about this matter.

When a person is strong enough, any hatred is powerless.

"Lord Hody Jones, King Neptune invites you to visit Dragon Palace City."

Murloc Street.

Hody Jones was drinking with his former murloc friends, and was constantly being asked about the Hunter King, the deeds of the Emperor Organization, and what was going on inside the Emperor Organization.

Suddenly, a servant of Dragon Palace City came to Murloc Street, and he was a little uneasy when he found Hody Jones.

In fact, Hody Jones wanted to invite Neptune since he returned to Murloc Island, because Jinbe also came back yesterday, and they are currently in Murloc Island, and the influence of the two is large enough.

He wanted to see if he could use this as an opportunity to take the Murloc Island to a new direction, at least to be safe and sound in the future. He also wanted to realize Otohime's dream so that the Murlocs could live under the sun.

Now he also has a hole card.

That was the promise that the King of Hunters had made. He hadn't used it for so many years, and he was more than once thankful for his decision. As long as he had the King of Hunters as his hole card, Murloc Island would be able to deal with danger even if it encountered danger.


Hody Jones glanced at the waiter and called Neptune's name without the slightest respect in his tone, but after thinking about it, he agreed. He wanted to see why Neptune wanted him.

In the past, whether it was Neptune or Otohime, they put their hopes on Tiger, followed by Shipin, but in Hody Jones' opinion, neither of them could lead Murloc Island to the world.

Because too cowardly.

But it is undeniable that both of them have made great contributions to the Fishman Island, especially Shipei, because of the Fishman Island, he went to become Qiwukai and protected the Fishman Island with the title of Qiwukai.

It's just that Shi Ping is too moral.

So now the title of Shichibukai is deprived, and the Fishman Island has been brought back to the past for a while. I don't know if the navy will be implicated in the Fishman Island. These are what Neptune is worried about.

Speaking of it, Neptune is also a sad reminder.

This king should be walking on thin ice, he can only find his way among various forces, and provide a glimmer of hope for the survival of Murloc Island.

In the past, there was no strong person in Fishman Island.

But it's different now, Hody Jones has become a prominent figure, and just being a member of the Emperor Organization is enough to make many forces or people who have malicious intentions towards Murloc Island throw their hands at them.

In fact, many characters have appeared in Fishman Island, such as Haku from the Revolutionary Army, Sambell from the Roger Pirates, Namuel from the Whitebeard Pirates, and so on.

It's just that they play too little role. .

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