The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 324 I don't know the specific devil fruit that Yermungandr ate

"Thief haha~"

An island in the New World.

All members of the Blackbeard Pirates, who have become rampant recently, are hunting a devil fruit capable user. The leader of the Blackbeard is strutting, holding a newspaper in his hand, and looks a little moved by the news on it.

Sakaski's mad dog actually did something to Kaido and Charlotte Lingling?

Oh shit.

What happened recently.

First, the Golden Emperor was suspected of being subdued by the Hunter Emperor, and now it was Sakaski who attacked the Four Emperors. He was angry when talking about the Golden Emperor, and he was also eyeing the other party.

With the power and wealth of the Golden Emperor in the underground world, if the opponent is subdued, the Blackbeard Pirates will definitely take off.

Who would have thought that the Emperor of the Hunters would take the lead.

In addition, when they were sailing a few days ago, they were unlucky enough to encounter the great white shark Hody Jones of the Emperor Organization. When they saw the great white shark, it seemed to be in spring and attacked them with howls.

They also sneaked into the bottom of the sea despicably in an attempt to sink their pirate ship.

in the sea.

Even if they have a large number, they don't have much advantage. Hody Jones is not a fool, and he must use his strengths to avoid his weaknesses. All kinds of murloc karate set off waves, and hegemony and other attacks.

It turned out to make the Blackbeard Pirates very embarrassed.

Of course.

If it was just a great white shark, Blackbeard would not be afraid, even if it was at sea, but he was afraid that the King of Hunters would be hiding in the dark, and as long as he showed any flaws, they might be greeted with a wave of the sun.

If it is affected by the sun at sea, there is nowhere to escape.

What's more, it may be all members of the Emperor Organization.

Obviously, Blackbeard has left a shadow. Seeing Grandma Tai on the Naihe Bridge at close range during the war on the top is the closest moment to going to heaven. I can't help but be impressed.

Without a full sense of security, the Blackbeard Pirates were actually hunted down by Hody Jones, but Hody Jones was also smart, and only attacked at sea, and he would stop as soon as the Blackbeard Pirates landed on the island.

So much so that the Blackbeard Pirates suffered a nervous breakdown.

This is also why the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy received news that the Blackbeard Pirates were suspected of avoiding something, just because they were afraid that the King of Hunters would suddenly appear.

Blackbeard didn't think he had any luck in the war.

Little did he know that all of this was caused by Blackbeard scaring himself.

"Captain, we can't go on like this."

"That great white shark has seriously hindered our plans."

The evil king and the others had grim faces.

If it wasn't for Blackbeard's order, they would have gone up and killed the great white shark long ago. How could they be chased all over the sea by a mere murloc? It's not impossible.

It is worth mentioning that during the war on the top, Blackbeard invaded the city and got two new members, namely San Juan Dire Wolf and Big Wine Basque Choate.

But San Juan Wolf doesn't seem to be here.

So the Blackbeard Pirates now have almost all members, except for Badgers and Kuzan who will leave the Navy in the future.

The reason why it is rumored that Blackbeard is replacing Red Hair as the new Emperor is that Blackbeard has been frantically hunting down Devil Fruit users recently.

It's just a bad name.

"Find a way to get rid of that great white shark."

Blackbeard was also in a bad mood, but what could he do for safety.

"Did you abandon the pirate ship?"

"It's just a pirate ship, just give it up if you give it up."

"According to me, why not kill the great white shark?"

Katrin flicked her long hair, her fierce face was full of murderous intent.

"Thief haha~"

"What if the great white shark is just a bait? That bastard Yemenjiad is clearly targeting Lao Tzu. I have a very strong hunch."

Blackbeard was terrified when he recalled the war on the top.

Moreover, he felt that Yemengard had no good intentions for him. Although there was no substantive evidence, he believed in his intuition and often wondered why he was being targeted.

"It's been so many days, if the Hunter Emperor was here, he would have done it long ago."

Thinking of that man, Katrin's eyes were filled with apprehension.


Lafitte put on his tall hat, and continued with a serious expression, "I have carefully studied the deeds of the Hunter Emperor, and found that guy is even more despicable and shameless than us, and he will do anything to achieve his goal.

If we really have what the other party wants in us, we will definitely be targeted.

No matter what, if there is no 60% certainty, that man will not make a move easily.

Strictly implement the principle of either not doing it, doing it to achieve the goal.

So the captain is right to be careful. "

"Lafitte is right, we can't always have the same luck as we did in the war."

Poison Q lay on his strong back, looking like he was about to go to heaven at any moment.


Shilieu of the Rain smoked a cigar, feeling a little down on Blackbeard and the others in his heart, feeling too cowardly.

"Thief haha~"

"Abandoning the pirate ship and the great white shark this time, as long as we continue to hunt ability users and find matching abilities for you, I believe we will already be the Four Emperors at that time."

"Isn't it spreading now? It's not in vain for us to spend so much money to build momentum."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit weird, Blackbeard quickly changed the subject.

That's right.

Recently, there have been rumors in the sea that the Blackbeard Pirates are the new Four Emperors. It is a hot search that Blackbeard bought with money. Sometimes the public opinion comes true when it is said.

"Then who shall we hunt next?"

"It's time to focus on a few heavyweight powerhouses, and we must completely confirm the title of Four Emperors."

Blackbeard laughed, he already had a new goal.

If it wasn't for being unsure, he really wanted to take away the ability of the Hunter King, but unfortunately the time is not yet ripe, wait until he strengthens the power of the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Heavyweight strong?"

A lot of people questioned.

"Boa Hancock and Moonlight Moriah, I believe that after the two Shichibukai are eliminated, no one will object to us replacing the red-haired pirates as one of the four emperors of the new world."

"Boa Hancock's abilities are terrifying."

"Besides, the abilities of Moriah's trash, as well as the abilities of his subordinates, are very enticing."

Blackbeard felt a little apprehensive when he thought of Hancock's ability.

That woman cannot be underestimated.

"Boa Hancock's ability is indeed terrifying. If I hadn't eaten the devil fruit, I would really want to have his ability." Katrin Diemei stuck out her tongue and licked her red lips.

The words are full of regret.

"Molia's devil fruit is also very good."

"Shiliu, I heard that Moria has a subordinate who is a superhuman transparent fruit ability user. I think it is very suitable for you."

Blackbeard turned his head to look at Shiliu. He believed that if Shiliu got this devil fruit, his strength would be greatly enhanced. If he didn't have a predetermined devil fruit, maybe he would eat this devil fruit.

Imagine if he eats the transparent fruit, combined with the ability of the dark fruit, it will definitely block and kill the gods and Buddhas, and the enemy may not even know how to die.

However, the abilities of Papa and Yemengard are really attractive.

It's just that he still doesn't know the ability of Jormungandr, because there are too many similar devil fruit abilities. In the devil fruit illustration book he read, there are miniature fruits, large and small fruits, wishful fruits, shrunken fruits and other similar devil fruits.

So what kind of fruit Yemengjia got to eat, he was not sure.

But no matter what kind of fruit the opponent eats, as long as he gets it, he can develop it according to the Hunter King, and he can completely master it in the shortest time.

"Transparent fruit?"

Shileu exhaled a smoke ring, which seemed to be quite good.

"Thief haha~"

"lets go!!"

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