The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 341 That Bastard Yemengard Hid Its Hand


"Marshall Teach!"

In the messy King's Highland, Doflamingo, Torrebol and others crawled out in disgrace. Everyone was pale and spitting blood, and looked seriously injured.

There is no sign of Hermes above the big pit.

Obviously going to hunt down the Blackbeard Pirates.

Doflamingo stood on a piece of gravel, trembling with anger.

Those two thought he was whoever he was, they hit him whenever they wanted, and they left when they wanted to leave. They didn't pay him any attention at all. Such a humiliating behavior was simply outrageous.

"Young master, Mahabas is dead!"

Pika pouted and turned, looking at Mahabas who was lying in a pool of blood and lost his life fluctuation, his chest was blurred, and it was so cold that it could no longer be cold.


"Too much deceit."

The people who survived the catastrophe were full of anger, but they were also accompanied by powerlessness and despair. Could it be that their Don Quixote family is really a soft persimmon? Anyone can pinch or two?

However, the reality is not what they thought.

You must know that the opponent is the existence of the Four Emperors and the existence above the Four Emperors. In the face of these two forces, no matter who else in the sea can be safe and sound, it is only a loss of one of his subordinates and the destruction of the venue.

Long ago, there were rumors that Doflamingo was the scariest of the seven martial arts under the king, and the reason was that he was safe and sound in the confrontation with the Hunter King several times in a row.

Based on this alone, his reputation as a Doflamingo is not bad, and it is also dreadful among experts.

Although Doflamingo is aggrieved now, but he has been active in the top circles, which makes people think so much that everyone has to give three points.

"Dover, we must avenge Mahabath."

"Although they are not opponents of the Emperor's organization, the mere Blackbeard Pirates think that they can provoke us by becoming the Four Emperors. They must teach them a lesson."

Everyone is afraid of facing the emperor's organization, but this time the Blackbeard Pirates fought like that. If the King of Hunters hadn't suddenly appeared to intervene, otherwise the Blackbeard Pirates would be buried in King's Heights today.


Doflamingo looked into the distance, with killing intent under his sunglasses.

Wait, then.

Sooner or later, he will stand at the top of the world, and those who can't kill him will eventually make him stronger.

the other side.

Go back in time a little bit.

All the members of the Blackbeard Pirates appeared out of thin air and fell to the ground one after another. Everyone was pale and vomited blood, until finally Van Oka appeared, his face as pale as paper.

Because he had to teleport the others away first, he was the last person to leave every time, which caused him to suffer more damage. Originally, they were chased and killed by the Hunter King during this period, and they didn't have a good rest after running for their lives. However, there are also injuries on the body, and this time Van Oka's physical condition is even worse.

It was a double blow both physically and mentally.

"Thief haha~"

"Escaped again."

Blackbeard was still terrified, and there was not much gloom on his face, because he had already captured tons of fruits, as long as he was given a little time to adapt to the development, then the King of Hunters would be able to withstand a few punches from him again.

"Admiral, retreat first!"

"That bitch Jormungandr seems to know our purpose."

Diemei looked apprehensive.

Ye Mengjiad's devil is really evil, he seems to know that the admiral can eat the second devil fruit, so he secretly helped them find Mahabas.

"That's right."

"Let's avoid it first."

"The admiral has acquired a second ability, and it's only a matter of time before we regain everything that belongs to us."

The evil king and others are full of confidence.

There are people in this world who can possess two kinds of devil fruit abilities. They are the absolute chosen ones. As long as they are given time, the whole world will surrender at their feet.

have to say.

When Blackbeard successfully obtained tons of pressed fruits, this group of ghosts really started to form a group. If Blackbeard failed before, the Blackbeard Pirates might be disbanded on the spot.

Just when the crowd was fantasizing about the grand future hegemony, a terrifying aura surged.

"Damn it."

"How could it be so fast?"

"Run away."

Everyone woke up and looked at the white spot in the sky, which was running towards them at an extremely fast speed. It only took eight or nine breaths to reach them, and it could be called close at hand.

"Why didn't the knowledgeable color find out."

"Damn it, Jormungandr had reservations about his previous pursuit."

"This vile and shameless beast."

"It's too late, Fan Oka hurry up."

Diemei broke her voice, her ugly face was full of horror.

Because the King of Hunters came too fast, completely different from the speed at which they were chasing and killing them before, and the knowledgeable color could not detect the opponent's aura in advance, if it was not close enough to be seen by the naked eye, and the sonic boom produced by the ultra-fast flight , I really can't find it.

It wasn't like this before.

If it were the previous chase, he would be able to detect the opponent's aura from a long distance, but this is almost here.

Now it can only rely on Fan Oka's teleportation.

As for fighting?

Don't make trouble.

Each of them was injured, and they were still very tired. It is estimated that Yemengjia's three consecutive moves will cause them to fall down a lot, so they can only hide and find a quiet place to recuperate.

"Hurry up!!!"

The piercing sound of piercing the eardrum came instantly.

The sun fades.

What appeared in the eyes of Blackbeard and the others was an oval-shaped object, which became bigger and bigger during the flight. They were fortunate enough to enjoy it. This is a bomb that is far ahead of the times.

Called the little boy, or the first generation.

boom! ! !

A mushroom cloud rose, billowing gunpowder and fire moved around, but the Blackbeard pirates disappeared one by one. Hermes did not stop, but turned around and chased to the other side.

The all-weather knowledge color has discovered the breath of the other party.

Fortunately, Fan Oka's teleportation distance is not too exaggerated, and it is always within the range of Hermes' knowledge and knowledge, which is good news. Now the two sides are fighting to see who will be exhausted first.

Van Oka is clearly in dire shape.

And Hermes is still alive, and his resilience is enough for him to hunt and kill for several months.

In short, as long as Fan Oka is not given a chance to breathe, it will be a matter of time before he finally catches up with the Blackbeard Pirates.

But it was time to close the net, and the fruit was right in front of him. Hermes didn't want to wait for a moment, so he immediately took out his phone bug and started to notify Badgers and others.

Try his luck in different directions, even if he delays for a second, he can get the black beard one second earlier.

for a while.

The imperial organization came out in full force.

the next day.

The Four Emperors Blackbeard Pirates attacked the King Shichibukai Don Quixote Doflamingo in Dressrosa, and the news of the King of Hunters appeared in the newspaper.

It once attracted the attention of many people.

Everyone knows that the Blackbeard Pirates are on the run, but they didn't expect that they would dare to attack the king Shichibukai while they were on the run. It can only be said that they are the Four Emperors.

But there are also rumors that Doflamingo has Blackbeard at a disadvantage.

Regardless, Blackbeard and Doflamingo have earned a wave of fame.

As for the King of Hunters, his reputation has already reached its peak, so he hasn't taken down Blackbeard after so long, but it has made Blackbeard a lot more famous.

But this further deepened the fact that the Hunter Emperor was above the Four Emperors.

That's why the Four Emperors are so unrepresented now. They used to be in the first echelon, but now they are in the second echelon.

In addition, Hancock and Moriah also rushed to Dressrosa one after another, but everything was too late, but Doflamingo did not neglect, but entertained them well.

The two can come, which means that their cooperation is very strong.

This is good news.

It shows that the three parties can rely on each other in a short period of time, and the allies are full of strength.

When Hancock learned that Jormungandr had also appeared, he felt a little palpitated, and he was glad that he came late and didn't meet him, otherwise that dog might attack her. .

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