The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 371 God-like Means

Whoosh! ! !

The green bull didn't stop, and activated its ability as soon as it raised its hand. A large number of vines or branches formed spikes, all of which were covered with thick armed colors, and pierced towards Hermes in unison.

There is a sense of sight that all arrows are firing.

It has to be said that the power of the dense fruit is simply human-shaped nature. As long as there are plants, the green cow is difficult to kill, and the increase that the dense fruit brings to the green cow is all-round.

The only downside may be the fear of fire.


Faced with such a dense attack, it was impossible to escape, but under the incredulous eyes of the green bull, Hermes disappeared out of thin air.

The next second was creepy.

Because Hermes appeared in front of him in an instant, and the sun was rising, all this happened too fast, and he couldn't react at all.

"AOE King's Fist."

An extremely indifferent voice sounded.

The whole face of the green bull was distorted, completely covered by the brilliant light.

At the same time, the three CP0s who were waiting and watching were also hairy. Looking at the continuously expanding energy, they turned around and ran away without thinking, but even so it was too late.

The vast mushroom cloud is towering.

The three halos radiated continuously, and wherever they went, whether it was the clouds or the surface, they all disappeared. Just a few breaths, the large forest created by the green cow disappeared.

After all the riots disappeared, a tiankeng appeared on the surface.


far away.

The three CP0s hit the ground, all vomiting blood with painful faces, disheveled hair and tattered bodies, eyes full of horror and disbelief, shaking their heads and looking back, the scene shocked the vision even more.

"Is that human being?"

"So destructive."

The endless tiankeng and the man standing in the sky above are simply the most shocking picture scroll, which is daunting.


another side.

On the cliff wall of the tiankeng, a green bud broke out of the ground, and in a blink of an eye it grew up and turned into a pale green bull. At this time, the green bull no longer had the chance to win, and some were just the survivors.

If it wasn't for his ability to regenerate, he might have been half dead with that punch just now.

"Natural-type Sensen Fruit, very magical ability."

"If you have this devil fruit, you can easily control nature and create a paradise, which is essential for interstellar travel."

The sound of heart palpitations came from behind.

The green bull turned his head reflexively, and what he saw was Hermes, which was held up high by Van Gufried, with both hands tightly. Oops, when did it appear.


A purple-white high-temperature torrent poured over, like the Milky Way in the nine heavens, the face of the green cow was green, and he even saw his great-grandmother.


There is no trace of how the other party moved.

With such a ghostly speed combined with that high-explosive combo, there is no other way but to fight hard. This kind of battle is too unfair, and the enemy has already fallen into a disadvantage before it even started.

ah! ! !

Hysterical screams resounded through the sky, and the green bull was submerged in the torrent again. It tried its best to defend, but its body exploded and was destroyed immediately.

When everything calms down again.

A broad avenue stretched from the center of the island to the sea, and several mountains along the way were forcibly separated. This kind of destruction made the three CP0 scalps tingle again.

Is that human being?

Although it was not the first time they had met, the King of Hunters was undoubtedly more terrifying than when he was on the top of the war. The green bull was like a plaything in his hands and could only be beaten passively.

"Call for help."

"Green Bull is by no means an opponent."

The skeleton man quickly took out the phone bug, and quickly contacted Mary Joya.

"Sure enough, that guy also knows pure gold."

"Get out of there!"

office of supreme power.

The five old stars all had gloomy faces, and what they were worried about happened. With the strength of the Hunter King, it is true that only one green bull is no match, even with three CP0s.

"It's too late to go now."

"Wake up Lord Im, while Yermungandr is still on Babaka Island."

"you mean"

"As long as Master Im makes a move, Yemengard and Babaka Island will definitely be wiped out."

"Go between the flowers."

Wu Laoxing is very decisive.

It must be too late for support. In this case, we can only stop the loss in time and completely wipe out the King of Hunters and Babaka Island. As for whether the green bull and the three CP0s can survive, it is irrelevant.

In the eyes of the five old stars.

Four people can exchange for a hunter emperor, that is definitely profitable.

In this era, everything is lacking, that is, there is no shortage of strong men, not to mention that the navy itself has candidates for generals, they must be decisive, and there may not be such a good opportunity next time.

At this time Babaka Island.

The Kangzhuang Avenue spans more than half of the island, and a green shoot grows tenaciously in the high-temperature soil, and eventually grows into the appearance of a green cow.

visible to the naked eye.

The condition of the green cow is very bad, his face is pale without any trace of blood, his whole body has lost weight, and his breath has plummeted.

He was hurt too badly.

Especially the two regenerations, which almost emptied his body.

"Great Freedom Ten Gods."

But before the green bull continued to pant, the devilish whispers rang in his ears again. The green bull felt his eyes go blurry, and then saw Hermes clasping his hands together, condensing the power of destroying heaven and earth.


The unparalleled impact came in an instant, the green bull's eyes turned white and his face twisted, his upper and lower body were forcibly broken, and he exploded again before he even had time to scream.

And the trend of that violent force continued unabated, piercing through the land in one fell swoop and deepening, and finally formed a bottomless abyss, and the surrounding surface was lifted to form a large area of ​​barren mountains and canyons.


The signature triple combo, combined with the teleportation fruit, is simply blocking and killing gods and Buddhas. There is no obstacle in the middle, and it can be said to be smooth and smooth in one go.

The one who can restrain Hermes may only be able to predict the future with a sense of knowledge, and that kind of attainment is extremely high, otherwise even if he sees the future, he will not be able to avoid it.

As imagined.

The effect brought by the teleportation fruit, whether it is attack or dodge, is impeccable.

All-weather knowledge radiates to the audience, Hermes doesn't think the green bull is dead, the opponent has been revived twice before, and this time it may be revived again.

Anyway, no matter how many times he was resurrected, he would kill as many times as possible.

It depends on whether the opponent can be resurrected forever. In the eyes of Hermes, this devil fruit must be won, because with the Sensen fruit, interstellar travel can be carried out in the future.

It is simply its own green state and its own climate.


A thousand meters away, a green sprout broke out of the ground, and the green bull ran away as soon as it was regenerated, just like fighting Badgers back then, and he could still come and go that time.

But facing the Hunter King, he didn't even have a chance to fight back.

The speed of the opponent's elusiveness, combined with that crazy big move, is simply pointing at where to hit, no matter how you look at it, he has no chance of winning.

"Jie Jie~"

Hermes also noticed the location of the green bull, but he didn't teleport there immediately, but landed on a mountain and raised his foot, then the whole mountain shrank to the size of a palm, and Hermes picked it up Throw it away.

Horrible things happen.

The shrunken mountain came to the head of the green bull in an instant, and then returned to its original shape in an instant, and it became three or four times larger, covering the entire sky and crashing down.

The green cow only felt that the light dimmed, and then looked up at the boundless mountain, and his weak heart felt cold.

Is that man a god? ?

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