A powerful strike, a fist entwined with black and red lightning and flames, and a beast fist bursting with sparks and armed colors, blasted each other.

I haven't waited for a reaction.

The two bent their bodies and vomited blood one after another, but both Lu Qi and Ace were ruthless people, forcibly withstood the attack, with an uppercut and a left uppercut, the facial muscles twisted together visible to the naked eye .

With the air blast.

The two upturned crusts exploded, and after the dust cleared, Ace shook his head with blood on his face, stood up slowly with his hands on the ground, and his breath was a little messy.

It doesn't look that good.

And opposite.

Lu Qi walked out of the dust unhurriedly. Although he looked very embarrassed, he was not a star and a half better than Ace's state. As every minute passed, his state would only get better.

The recovery brought about by the return of life and the awakening of the animal system is absolutely terrifying.

Puchi puchi.

The raging fire burned violently.

Ace clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were full of dissatisfaction, and he stared at Lu Qi who was strolling over with a serious tone, "I don't believe that I can't beat you. If I can't even beat you, how can I beat Yermungandr?" .”

Circles of flames began to spread out, and finally condensed in mid-air.

Ace raised his right hand high, his face covered in blood.

"You are indeed very talented. You may be able to defeat me in a few more years, but if you want to defeat that man, you will not be able to do it even if you are given a hundred years. There is no one in this world who can kill him. "

Lu Qi didn't laugh at Ace, instead he answered very seriously.

There is a chance to kill him.

But if you want to kill Hermes, let alone a hundred years, even three hundred years, or five hundred years, you can't do it, unless you find a way to restrain the teleportation.

In today's world, if anyone is the hardest to kill, it must be the BOSS.

"Big words."

Ace snorted coldly, not believing what Lu Qi said at all.

He has gained far more strength than before after only half a year of practice. If he gives himself another year or two, he is confident that he will surpass everyone.

At that time, the Hunter Emperor will only be his defeat.

This is information inequality.

It can also be said that Ace is too young to know how insidious Hermes is at all, and he has no idea how much Hermes spared his life. The second devil fruit does not choose to destroy it like the earthquake fruit and the magma fruit. Powerful, but choose teleportation fruit.

From this we can see Hermes' character.

"Is it brazen, you can't even see it!"

Lu Qi clenched his right fist tightly, and the blazing light began to rise, causing the surrounding atmosphere to buzz.

"You can't see it anymore, because you will fall here today."

"Great Flame Precept, Emperor Yan."

"Six Types of Mysteries · King's Fist."

Accompanied by two hysterical voices, the world turned red and white, both sight and sound disappeared, until a vast mushroom cloud gradually rose.

The upside-down sky of black clouds was pushed out horizontally, and the entire Jingjing Island was also shaken. The three halos continued to spread, and once the fighting Vista and Choate stopped to stop them.

And in the waters of Jingjing Island.

The pirate ships in two directions were rushing towards this side quickly, but they could feel the tsunami and wind pressure, and they all looked dignified and difficult to look at.

"It's Ace's breath."

"This explosion~"

Moby Dick aboard.

Joz looked at the turbulent tsunami and the aura that he was aware of, his resolute face was full of worry, because Ace's aura was very unstable, which meant that he had encountered a big enemy.

Even seriously injured.

"A familiar breath."

"The enemy Ace is facing is probably not the Blackbeard Pirates, but the Emperor Organization."

Rayleigh was also standing at the bow, his face gloomy like rain.

He felt a familiar aura, there was no mistake, it was Rob Lucci, the killing weapon of the Emperor Organization, as long as he was a member of the Emperor Organization, he would recognize it even if it was turned into ashes.


"Didn't Bista say that they met the evil king and big wine Joate of the Blackbeard Pirates?"

Bramanke raised his voice, and everyone else gritted their teeth tightly.

The Blackbeard Pirates and the Emperor Organization are two different concepts.

"Ku La La ~"

"Accelerate forward."

Whitebeard pulled out the nutrition tube on his body, coughed, and his heart was full of dignity. This matter involved the Emperor Organization, and the level of danger rose sharply. Coupled with the grievances between the two parties, I am afraid that Yemengard is going to attack the Whitebeard Pirates. Let's do it.

But the good news is that Raleigh and others just happened to be there.

"Dad, the tsunami is coming."

Some pirates didn't panic when they saw the huge waves coming. As a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, they were used to these shocking scenes.

Compared with the tsunami created by Dad, it is really not enough.

"Let Rayleigh come!"

Jabba, leaning against the railing of the boat, exhaled a puff of smoke ring, with two huge axes pinned to his waist. They were still rusty when the war appeared on the top, but now they are icy cold.

Rayleigh was silent.

Pulling out the long sword pinned to his waist, he knew it was a long-standing weapon. He probably seldom used it since he retired, and usually used it with his bare hands.

Now that he's back out of the arena, it's time to take out the guy who eats.

call out! ! !

Holding up the long sword and slashing down, it was so ordinary, but in the next second, there was a piercing slash, which split the oncoming tsunami like a bamboo, and made the Moby Dick survive unharmed.

This is the power at the top of the pyramid.

Opposite Direction.

The Blackbeard Pirates are also facing the problem of the tsunami, but compared to Rayleigh's violent methods, they are much softer, and they don't know that it is the huge bubble that appeared there that actually supported the pirate ship to float. In mid-air.

As for the sea.

Only the San Juan Wolf was alone, with an unimaginably huge body, and the sea only reached his thighs. Even if a tsunami came, it would not be able to submerge to the neck.

The key is that he didn't exhaust himself.

You must know that he is a superhuman ability user of the expansion fruit.

"Pissaro's breath is gone."

"Jot is still fighting Foil Vesta."

"What's going on? Why is that powerful aura so familiar?"

"Fighting Fire Fist Ace."

Pirate ship.

A group of people looked at it with knowledge and knowledge, and Jingjing Island could be seen with the naked eye.

"Thief haha~"

"Damn it, it's Rob Lucci, the killing weapon."

Blackbeard's face immediately turned ugly, and he was also recognized by everyone in the Emperor Organization when he was turned into ashes. The days when the sun was dark and he could go to see God at any time is still chilling when he recalls it.

Good thing he doesn't need to sleep.

Otherwise, you may wake up in the middle of the night.


"The killing weapon of the emperor organization, the genius of the original CP9?"

"In this sea, apart from the killing weapons organized by the emperor, who else is worthy of this title?"

"Why did members of the Emperor Organization appear here?"

all of a sudden.

Everyone is gloomy.

In their eyes, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Emperor Organization are also two concepts. The former one is completely true, but the latter one just makes their hearts sink when they hear it.

no way.

The group of people organized by the emperor is really terrifying, even more cunning and insidious than them, the key point is that they are all monsters among monsters.

When Tiqi contacted them, he couldn't believe it.

After all, those who were caught by the imperial organization and escaped can be counted on five fingers, and they can brag for several years just by bragging.

Known so far.

Only Fire Fist Ace and their captain escaped successfully. The key point is that Fire Fist Ace is different. It was just a deal between the King of Hunters and Whitebeard, so strictly speaking, their captain was the first one to escape. people.

As for the death of the surgeon, there is no relevant information.

"Don't panic, I didn't notice the members of other emperor organizations, there should be only one killing weapon."

"Diemei, don't forget that there is a door opener. The other members might be hiding in a different space. Could it be that they came here to ambush us?"

Du Q's face was stern, and he was not as dying as usual.

After refuting Diemei's words, he seemed to think of something, and his voice rose for a while.

It’s fine if Poison Q doesn’t say that, but everyone feels uncomfortable when he says that.

This kind of thing is completely done by the imperial organization. There are lessons learned from the past, and it is not the kind that happens once or twice. .

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