The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 390 Xiaoqi, you won't be so cowardly!

"Damn it, what's going on!"


Bista and Blenheim looked moved, seeing their towering breasts, the gradually shrinking and splitting between the legs, as well as the rapidly growing hair and facial changes, all of which indicated that they had become women.

"Women are the most wonderful creatures, but still have a high fever!"

Poison Q, lying on Zhuang Zhuang's body, smiled weakly and sinisterly, and waved some invisible germs to cover Vista and Blenheim, even if they used armed defense, there was no way to stop them.

Because those germs that are invisible to the naked eye have already invaded the body from the breath, the reason why the two of them became women is due to poison Q. As a person with disease fruit ability, poison Q can produce various viruses, so that people can be infected with diseases , as long as you want to be contagious, and even change people's genes.

no doubt.

This is a devil fruit against the sky, the attack is silent, and it is impossible to guard against.


As the germs entered the body, Bista and Blenheim began to experience symptoms such as nausea and dizziness, and became weak all over, which seemed to be a high fever.

You must know that domineering cannot dispel illness.

"Poison Q, good job!"

Seeing the weakened Vista and Blenheim, Shillu, Laffitte, Diemei, and San Juan laughed, and then launched an attack at the same time. In just over 20 seconds, Vista and Blenheim Mu fell to the ground unwillingly.


Whether it was Blackbeard defeating Joz or the poisonous Q five teaming up to deal with Bista and Blenheim, they were crushed in all aspects. Facts have proved that beatings are the mainstream in this era.


Being grabbed by the neck one after another, Blenheim's sickly eyes were on fire, and Vista was also glaring.

"Thief haha~ the winner is the king and the loser, the winner is the truth."

Blackbeard pinched Jozi and walked over, looking at Diemei and Lafitte's Vista and Blenheim, his face was full of the arrogance of the winner, but soon he looked towards the end of the ruins, and after a while, Whitebeard Waiting for people to come one after another.

Lu Qi, the evil government king, and the big bear king are all tied up by five flowers.

Hadoli was unconscious in Lu Qi's arms.


"Joz, Vista, Blenheim."

All the Whitebeard Pirates had stern faces, and the murderous intent in the air increased the pressure on Blackbeard and the others, especially Whitebeard, who was gloomy like rain, was walking towards them step by step with Cong Yunqie.

That indifferent expression made Black Beard swallow.

"If I remember correctly, I have seen this kid before."


Raleigh, Jabba and the others didn't mean to intervene, they just waited and watched, but Jabba had a little impression of Blackbeard, after all, it wasn't once or twice that the two pirates fought against each other.

But at that time, whether it was black beard, red hair, or Bucky, they were all small.

"I didn't expect Whitebeard to spend his whole life, and there would be a traitor among the family members who pursued him."

Taro and the others also remembered Tiqi.

The kid who doesn't need to sleep.

"Thief haha~ Daddy, you're not dead yet!"

White Beard's towering tall body was just five meters away, Black Beard forcibly calmed down, the fear in his heart was not as strong as before, and now he has already been reborn.

It's a pity that I was forced to eat tons of fruits.

After all, he still prefers the Zhenzhen fruit.

"Tichi, let go of Bista, Jozi and Blenheim, I'll let you go."

Whitebeard glanced at the angry and unwilling Jozis and the three, and the killing intent in his heart was suppressed. He wanted to rescue the Jozis and the others first. As for killing Tiqi, he might have to leave it to Ace and the others in the future. up.

"Father, don't worry about us, just kill them all here."

"We are not afraid of death."

"A mere life."

The three of Joz had red eyes. Without them, the Blackbeard Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates could go up and tear them into pieces.

If they give up killing the Blackbeard Pirates here because of the three of them, there will be endless troubles in the future.

"Tichi, I will kill you myself."

"Let go of Joz and the others, and your subordinates will take them away."

Ace was wrapped in bandages, and after Marco's treatment and his own recovery, he was able to walk, and threw the evil king in front of Tiqi casually, his eyes were full of coldness.

"Thief haha~"

"You have changed a lot, my dear captain."

Tiki looked at Ace with a hint of gloom deep in his eyes.

He has seen Ace's growth in the past six months, and he will definitely threaten him in time, but it's a pity that there is no good opportunity to strike first.

"Don't waste time, people stay, hurry up and get out."

Marco's face was gloomy, and he really wanted to abolish Tiqi here.

"Leave us alone."

"Father, don't waste such a good opportunity, Tiki, you are a disgrace to the Whitebeard Pirates, don't hide if you have the ability."

Blenheim cursed.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Father loves us sons deeply and will not let you die, so..." Blackbeard ignored Blenheim's curse, glanced around with a smile, and finally set his sights on On Big Bear King.

As for Lu Qi, he didn't dare to provoke him.

It's better to give this hot potato to the Whitebeard Pirates. If you provoke the God King organization, you will never be able to live a stable life in this life. It's really stupid.

"Give this person to me too, two for two."

Blackbeard pointed at Bear King, and then signaled Diemei and Lafitte to throw Vista and Blenheim out, while he was still pinching Jozy.

"Let go of Jozy too."

White Beard lowered his eyes, staring at Black Beard all the time.

"Cough cough cough~"

The transaction between the two parties is completed.

Bista and Blenheim returned to the camp of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Evil King and the Bear King returned to the Blackbeard Pirates, but it was right that the Bear King had an ugly face.

He felt that he was an item that was traded casually.

Oh shit.

The shame he endured today, one day he will get it back one by one, just wait!

"Father, one for one is fair."

Blackbeard continued to laugh, thinking that if he could hold Joz, he would be able to hold Whitebeard. He knew his father's character too well, and his family always came first.

You can give up everything for your family, even your dignity.

This is the only weakness of the world's strongest man, as long as he grasps this weakness, even a child with a pistol can easily defeat the world's strongest man.

It's that fragile.

But Tiki couldn't laugh for a second.

Because Whitebeard clenched his left fist and a white air pressure mask appeared, and the tip of the Congyun cutter on his right hand also appeared a white air pressure mask. The originally dormant sky was suddenly covered with black clouds, and countless black and red thunders fell down.

The suffocating killing intent radiated the audience.

Boom boom boom!

Without any hesitation, White Beard walked towards Black Beard step by step.

"Hey, hey, Dad, you don't want your dear son anymore!"

"This is Joz, you can see clearly."

Blackbeard's forehead was covered in cold sweat. He took two steps back subconsciously, holding Jozzy in front of him, his pupils shrank sharply, and Lafitte and the others behind him also subconsciously backed away, swallowing their saliva and taking a fighting stance.

The shadow of a famous tree.

As the strongest man in the world in the previous generation, no one knows how much power they can unleash when they are dying, even if they are already dying. If not, several of them will die.

If you tear your face.

Facing the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates at the same time, they have absolutely no chance of winning. The key point is that Fan Oka has also sacrificed, and they can't even escape.

Without Fan Oka, the sense of security will be less than half.

"Let go of Joz, you two, or you will go to hell together."

White Beard's gaze was still so cold, Black Beard knew him, and he also understood Black Beard, only when Black Beard was pushed to the brink of a dead end would he let this guy throw a mouse.

just in case.

If it happens, I can only feel sorry for Joz.

I just hope he's right.

After experiencing so many things, Whitebeard is not static, and has suffered too much. If it does not change, it will only make more sacrifices for the Whitebeard Pirates.

In order to protect more people, he must abandon some persistence and dignity.

"damn it."

"This old guy really knows how to do it."

Both Blackbeard and Shillu had an intuition that if they didn't let Jozi go, Whitebeard would really keep them all.

"Thief haha~"

"Father, it seems that you have changed a lot."

Black Beard's face was cloudy and cloudy, but he was very sorry for his life.

No matter how you look at it, it's not worthwhile to exchange one Joz for their entire Blackbeard Pirates, but I didn't expect Papa to change so much, it's really strange.

"How can you guarantee that you won't do anything if I let Joz go, and they won't do it?"

Blackbeard can also afford to let it go, and it is better to be cowardly when it is time to be cowardly.

No matter how you look at it, the advantage is not with them.

"I said let you go, let you go, you have no choice."

White Beard squinted his eyes slightly, his killing intent could no longer be suppressed. At this time, Lei Li, Jabba and others were also very strong, and they drew their weapons and walked out, as if they would rush up and hack Black Beard to death in the next second.

This scene made the entire Blackbeard Pirates heart-wrenching.

Grass mud horse.

Bully the few with the more.


"Jie Jie~"

"Xiao Qi, you won't be so cowardly!"

Just when Blackbeard was hesitating, a playful voice sounded without warning, and everyone's expressions changed drastically. There was only one person in the world with that familiar laughter.

They all turned to look to the left.

On a gravel there, a man was sitting at some point, looking at them with interest. .

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