The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 401 Yemengade: You must keep a hand when you come out to play

"The Straw Hat Pirates? Son of Monkey D. Dragon?"

"I heard that the Straw Hat Pirates have gone to sea again, they are really not afraid of death!"

Except Tezolo.

Everyone still has some impressions of the Straw Hat Pirates. Apart from the complicated background of the other party, their own BOSS seems to be very interested in the other party.

What about Destiny's Child.

In short, some do not understand.

In fact, there were news reports before, but Hermes didn't have time at that time, so he didn't pay attention to it. It seemed that he had to find a time to solve it.

"Some time ago, there was a news report that the Straw Hat Pirates had a conflict with the former navy admiral Zefa Black Arm. At that time, there was a lot of trouble because of a giant family called Lily, who was also a Superman mini fruit ability user. "

Man Xueli recalled a little bit.

"Mini fruit capable person?"

Everyone was stunned for a while, and they all subconsciously looked at Hermes.

If they remember correctly, the first devil fruit of the BOSS is a mini fruit! At least that's what the BOSS said, so here comes the question, what the hell is that Lily.

"Jie Jie~"

"When you first come out to hang out, you must keep a hand. It doesn't matter what kind of devil fruit it is or what it's called. In short, just don't let the enemy know the details. This is the most basic knowledge when you come out to play."

Facing a pair of suspicious and contemptuous eyes, Hermes didn't blush, he laughed twice and was very proud.

In fact, he also thought he was eating a miniature fruit at first, after all, his ability was too similar to a miniature fruit, and he didn't know what his first devil fruit was until he read the devil fruit illustration later.

It was confirmed many times at the time.

After all, there are many similar abilities, such as wishful fruit.

"If I'm not mistaken, BOSS, your first devil fruit is a big and small fruit!"

Tezzolo spoke at this moment.

He had seen many devil fruit illustrations through Tianlongren before, and combined with the ability displayed by Hermes, it was actually not difficult to analyze.

"If it's a big and small fruit, then it's not surprising that the boss can become bigger or smaller."

"I feel like it's a very ordinary devil fruit, why is it so powerful in the hands of the boss?"

Seeing that Hermes did not deny it, everyone knew that Tezolo had guessed right.

"Okay, let's talk about me. Now that Bruno's second devil fruit has been confirmed and its whereabouts are known, it's Tezolo's turn."

"Do you have a second devil fruit you want to eat?"



Tezolo actually had a goal.

It immediately aroused everyone's interest.

"Wealth, power, and power, I already have two of them. Before I met you, I thought that power was enough, but now it seems that it is not enough, but I also like the feeling of power, violence, and horizontal push.

So for my second devil fruit, I choose ton-pressed fruit. "

Unlike other people, when he knew that he could eat the second devil fruit, he kept looking for it. At the beginning, there were ten devil fruits, including nature, phantom, and superhuman.

The more you get to the back, the more tangled.

Finally, after calming down and analyzing, he found that what he lacked was lethality, even though the golden fruit had been developed to awaken by him, and its destructive power was unparalleled.

But compared with those super-standard monsters, it is still a bit worse.

If you want to increase the lethality, you must have those destructive devil fruits. Among them, the earthquake fruit and the magma fruit are good choices, but Badgers chooses the earthquake fruit one step ahead, then he can only choose other that's it.

His golden fruit has been awakened, with super strong shaping and extension, coupled with the golden melting fire, if he has the power of tons of fruit, when the time comes to fight, he will hit hundreds of thousands of tons with just a single golden branch .

The power can be imagined.

The key is that he can control many golden branches at once, and he may not lose to Badgers in terms of strength.

In fact, tons of pressed fruits are compatible with many superhuman devil fruits, especially the kind of awakened ones that can be shaped and extended, such as waxy fruits and steel fruits.

Because these ability users are equivalent to having many arms, unlike Blackbeard who only has two hands and two feet, the shaping ability is incomparable to Blackbeard.

"Tons of pressed fruit?"

"The second devil fruit that Blackbeard ate was a ton-pressed fruit!"

"It's a good choice. It's really scary to match your golden fruit."

"Tezolo, you're a genius too."

Seeing that Tezolo already had the devil fruit he wanted and it was a perfect fit, Hermes didn't say anything, but Lu Qi frowned slightly.

Looking up at Badgers and the others one by one, the more I looked, the more I felt something was wrong.

Fruit of strength + Fruit of Zhenzhen interprets absolute power and absolute destructive power.

Rubik's Cube Fruit + Gravity Fruit is also outstanding in terms of absolute power and destructive power.

Golden fruit + tons of pressed fruit are still absolute power and destructive power.

As for Manxueli and Bruno, their positions are different. One is a protruding nurse, the other is a protruding yin man. Both of them are supportive. If they eat the fruit of wear and tear by themselves, they will definitely not be the same as Badgers or Guy in terms of strength. Ram and Tezolo's rival.

And there is still domineering in this world.

It is almost impossible to develop Chuan Chuan Guo fruit to the point of ineffective domineering.

He didn't want to be overwhelmed by these three.

It is destined from the bottom of his heart that what he pursues is fighting, fighting, blood and fire. Rob Lucci is born to be a killing weapon, and what he yearns for has always been power.

It seems necessary to think more carefully.

this moment.

Lu Qi felt that Chuanchuanguo might not be suitable for him. Although there was no ranking in the Emperor Organization, everyone knew it and didn't want to distance themselves too far.

Otherwise, why have you been practicing so hard for so many years?

to be honest.

Everyone has arrogance in their hearts. It is enough to have a BOSS on their head, and the BOSS is also very good at life. Each of them can become so powerful because of the unconditional trust and teaching from the beginning.

Think back to those days.

Everyone is captured by the heart-to-heart trust, so that after getting along for so many years, they have all sincerely attached to each other without knowing it.

Maybe this is the personality charm of BOSS!

No one else can do it with 100% trust and no secrets from the very beginning.

In fact, Hermes is clear in his heart, like Badgers and Hody Jones who had the potential to be a rebel before, they have really integrated into this group now, at least they really agree with him as the boss.

It's not like before just bowing to his strength.

Only Tezolo joined in too short a time, so he should have some careful thinking, but it's not a big problem, as long as time passes, he will sincerely surrender, even if he becomes a rebellious boy in the end, he probably doesn't need to make a move. Will clean the portal.

After all, people in One Piece World are too simple.

Most people like to eat sincerity, trust and approval.

"Since you have already chosen the second devil fruit and know its whereabouts, then find a time to snatch it! It is best to go in a team, don't take it lightly, and be careful of capsized in the gutter."

"Boss, what about you?"

"Recently, I want to study large and small fruits to see if they can be awakened."

As the leader of a force, Hermes always clearly remembers that he must remain strong enough, because only strength can convince everything.

Although the current Badgers couldn't kill him, he had already threatened his authority.

In terms of strength, he is no match! !

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