The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 436 Yermungandr, he is still going crazy when he is about to die

"Jehmengard, you will definitely die today!"

Waves of powerful aura spread throughout the audience, all targeting one person.

high in the air.

Hermes looked at the angry crowd, and there was no fear on his face, only sarcasm and contempt.

"Everyone, you have all been persecuted by Jormungandr. It is time to stand up. Today will be a rare opportunity."

Polusalino looked around.

He felt that only their navy and revolutionary army were not safe enough, and he wanted to recruit more people to encircle him. At the last meeting, he guessed that Yermungad might be a dual-line devil fruit capable person, the second devil The fruit is likely to be teleportation.

Want to be foolproof.

The more people involved in the siege, the higher the success rate.


"I want the shadow of the most handsome man in the world."

The first person to respond to Polusalino was Moriah, not to mention the previous contagion, he wanted to get the shadow of the other party, not to mention that he was the king Shichibukai.

With the first comes the second.

Mihawk silently pulled out the black knife and stepped forward, which surprised some people present, because Mihawk has always been a loner.

However, it is not difficult to understand when you think of the previous influence, the relationship with the red-haired Shanks, and your own character of challenging the strong.

"My dear son, kill that guy."

Miss Jin became a little arrogant, looking at Hermes in mid-air, full of anger.

She had almost died earlier.

"Good mother."

Weibull also obeyed, and stepped forward with a knife in his hand. Anyone who hurt his mother will not be forgiven.


Doflamingo has always fantasized about such a good opportunity. Facing so many strong men, Ye Mengjia must surely die.

Hancock, who was seriously injured, needless to say.

Stubbornly supporting his body, he already held the heart of death.


Seeing all the Shichibukai around him appearing on the stage, Bucky looked very uncomfortable.

He didn't want to take part in this muddy water if he wanted to.

But if you don’t respond to Polusalino, you will definitely be liquidated by the Navy afterwards. What’s the matter, the two sides are not human, so if you knew it, you wouldn’t have come to Dressrosa.


Bucky seemed to have eaten bitter melon, and stood with Mihawk with a bitter face.

If he wants to continue to be Qi Wuhai, he can only show something.


A blue thunderbolt fell from the sky, and a large number of electric arcs spread out. After the dazzling light dissipated, Enilo appeared like a god, staring at Hermes rebelliously and full of hostility.

"Thunder fruit ability user, Thunder God Enel."

Everyone present stared at Anilao.

You must know that during this period of time, Enilo is in the limelight, and its powerful power has been feared by many people and forces, and there are also those who want to Zhaoan. For example, the Revolutionary Army has searched for it, but they have not found Enilo.

"Jie Jie~"

"What? You want to join them even if you are proud?"

Hermes is very interested.

Thinking back to the moon, the other party was unwilling to submit to life and death, even if he ran around the universe like a mouse, it stands to reason that his arrogant character is unwilling to join forces with others.

"This god just wants to kill you."

Enilu is open-minded, as long as he can kill this man, he will not use any method.


"Have you made me appreciate you even more?"

Hermes applauded, and then looked at Barrett and Baloric who were watching. He and Barrett had crossed paths twice, but he had never met Barrett, at most, he met once. .

"Would you like to join me too? Anyway, there are too many lice and it's not ticklish. After all, the emperor's enemies can already spare the sea three or four times."


"I want the world's strongest not to use this method."

Barrett was a bit eager to make a move, but what he wanted was to kill Hermes alone, instead of bullying the few like this, because even if he won, he couldn't prove that he was the strongest.

As for Baloric, his emerald red eyes scanned the scene, reached out and touched Padong's head on his shoulder, and took off with a black umbrella to distance himself, obviously wanting to continue watching the show.

And in the distance.

Luo stood on a hill and watched. Originally, he came to settle accounts with Doflamingo this time, but there was no good chance, and now it seems that there is no chance.

Things are getting out of hand.

Waiting and watching are people like Crocodile.

"Big news, it's big news!"

"I didn't expect that so many people would choose to join forces."

On the other side, Morgans, who was far away, was frantically filming with a video phone bug and a camera. No matter what the result of this battle is, when the report is released, the whole world will definitely boil.

Who would have thought that Doflamingo would involve so many strong players just by holding a competition, and the key point is that the unexpected climax began before half of the competition.

Isn't this more exciting than the competition?

Let's count and see how many powerful people participated in the encirclement and suppression.

First came Qiwuhai, Mihawk, Hancock, Bucky, Weibull, Doflamingo, Moriah, then the Revolutionary Army, Karas, Bartholomew Bear, Ivankov, K Erla, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Chopper, Jinbe, Lily Ernstmark.

And the Navy, Cap, Polusalino, Magellan, Smoker.

In addition, there is Thor Enel, the peak thunder fruit ability user who debuted, but it is a pity that there is no such thing as the devil's heir and the lonely red.

Facing this lineup, even the strongest in the world can only drink hatred.

"How did the game become like this?"

"There are so many monsters, how should the Hunter King deal with them?"

"Is the most handsome man in the world going to be beaten to death today?"

"The Emperor of Hunters must surely die."

The whole world at this time.

Many people shook their heads and sighed while watching the live broadcast, some were angry, some cursed, but most of them supported Hermes, because they were some low-level people.

Of course, there are also some people who look forward to seeing a good show and wish Hermes would die. These people used to be all middle and upper class figures.

It is clear.

There are still remnants of the live phone bug, and it happens to be facing the very center.

"Jie Jie!!!"

Being stared at by so many strong men, ordinary people would already have weak legs, but Hermes just looked at everyone excitedly and like a clown.

"You idiots."

"This emperor is the enemy of the whole world long after he came out. How could he not have thought that he would be surrounded and beaten one day? It's just that you guys are far from what I expected. You must know that what this emperor expected is the whole world."

"So it doesn't matter if the whole world joins forces to kill this emperor, you are destined to lose, and I, Hermes Yermungandr, will be the one standing in the end."

Hermes raised his head and laughed wildly.

He had thought about such a day a long time ago.

He thought that everyone in the world joined forces at that time, so he was ready to blow up the entire planet, so the few people in front of him were completely ignored by him.

"Joermungandr, you're still going crazy when you're dying."

"You can't escape today."

A series of voices sounded, and all of them were sure to win.

The Qiwu Sea, the Revolutionary Army, and the Navy join hands, who can contend in this sea.

"A group of idiots, this era is called Yemengard!"

"If you want to get along in this era, you don't rely on strength, nor brains, nor do you bully the few with the more, but the art of explosion. If you can't keep up with the era created by the emperor, you are doomed to be cannon fodder."

The words fell.

Hermes took his hands out of his pockets, and then scattered them into the sky. Even if you look closely, it's just some dust, because they are all one millimeter in size.

But the next moment.

The dust became countless times larger in an instant, and with just two breaths, the entire Dressrosa was blocked by shadows, and there were some huge oval objects as far as the eye could see.

Three words were written on it: little boy. .

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