The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 512 Mary Joa's Art of Lighting

this day.

The sky is clear.

Wu Laoxing was still talking freely in the office, not realizing the seriousness of the problem at all.


A thousand old boys appeared out of nowhere in Marie Gioia, blocking the sky and the earth without warning, covering almost everything in it, and each of them became infinitely larger.

For a while, the clouds covered the curtain, the hot sun was covered, and the world fell into darkness.

Almost at the same moment.

Among the flowers in the depths of Pangu City, Im raised his head with a startled expression. The Old Sage Figalando Green of the Knights of the Gods, the Five Old Stars who were rejoicing for a bright future, and many powerful Draconians, CP0, government officials, etc.

All the people living in Mariejoya looked up at the sky with horror on their faces.

"Jie Jie~"

"Explosion is art, and art is God."

"This is the most beautiful fireworks in the world."

"Old boy, run wildly!!!"

Endless light illuminates the world in an instant, and the four seas, the great route, and the new world all seem to see a ray of light above the sky at this moment.

It is slowly rising.

It is a cross shape.

It is silent.

Quegulaxiu couldn't resist, and Mary Gioia disappeared in the blazing light in an instant, together with the thick and hard red soil continent, the Pirate Planet was particularly dazzling at this moment from the universe.




There seemed to be heart-piercing, horrifying screams, filled with unwillingness and despair, and even more unbelievable and unspeakable pain.

Buzz buzz!


The cross-shaped flash began to change its shape, forming a large mushroom that continued to expand, and finally pushed the atmosphere horizontally one after another, forming six air pressure halos connecting the preceding and the following.

The center of the Red Earth Continent has disappeared, and the magnificent sea has been pushed horizontally, reaching a depth of 10,000 meters, which is equivalent to the location of Fishman Island. In some places, there are underwater riverbeds and grand canyons that have not seen the sun for many years.

The entire sea seemed to sink more than ten meters in an instant, and then formed a hundreds of meters tsunami without dead ends and swallowed it towards the four seas, the great route, and the new world.

Whether it is the sea surface, the ground, or the air, they are all trembling.

All kinds of natural disasters affect the whole body.

The world is about to undergo an artistic cleanup.

In the New World Navy Headquarters, Sakaski, who was handling government affairs, looked older than eight years ago, even his gray hair came out. Suddenly the ground trembled, and the cigar in his mouth was almost shaken.

"Marshal is not good, Mary Joa, Mary Joa seems to have a big mushroom."

"The sea is shaking."

A major general walked in with a pale face.

In just a short while, the office was in a mess, all the tables, chairs and benches fell to the ground, and he couldn't even stand upright.


Sakaski frowned, steadied his body and walked towards the outside. The Navy Headquarters outside was already in a mess. Looking in the direction of Marie Gioia, a vast mushroom cloud was constantly rising into the sky.

Visually measuring the distance, you can still see it with your eyesight, and the size of the big mushroom is still getting bigger. Sakaski opened his mouth slightly with a sense of foreboding.

"Be careful, the storm is coming."

"Quick retreat, quick retreat."

"Damn it, it's too late."

"God launched a natural disaster."

Garp, Crane, Magellan, Peach Rabbit, Tea Dolphin, Ghost Spider and others all appeared in different places, surrounded by the fear and screams of the navy, and everyone turned pale in the next second.

An unstoppable storm radiated past, destroying everything it went.

The entire naval headquarters was razed to the ground in an instant, and this was just the beginning, and there would be even stronger shock waves that could not be resisted by manpower.

In the end, there was the tsunami towering into the sky. Compared with the tsunami created by the white beard of war, it was just a child's play.

"In the end what happened."

Sakaski roared and was pushed out uncontrollably.

Watch from the universe at this time.

Centered on Marie Gioia, a ring-shaped wave of destruction sweeps towards the four seas, the great sea route, and the new world to subvert the past.

Whether it is an island or a life, it has been forcibly destroyed.

The seabed, which has not seen the sun for many years, is completely exposed to form a magma surface with extremely high temperature.

"The end of the world is coming."


"Don't be afraid, our family will always be together."

"Go away, don't block Lao Tzu's escape route."

"That direction is Mary Gioia."

"Is the sky going to kill us?"

"It's Mother Sea who is angry."

There are all kinds of beings.

In this catastrophe, no one can escape, and the islands like the nearby Chambord Islands will disappear when they meet each other.

This is an unprecedented mass extinction.



volcanic eruptions.

All the disasters have lasted for a full month, and this has just begun, and some follow-up problems will last for several years, if history can continue.

That day will be remembered forever.

"A thousand old boys, unexpected horrors."

Figures had already appeared in the air, but they couldn't get close to the original Marie Gioia's position. They could only watch from a distance or use their knowledge to investigate.

a month.

They waited for a full month.

The temperature at the center of the explosion only weakened a little bit, even so Enilo and the others couldn't get too close because they couldn't bear it.

"It should be served in one pot!"

"That's for sure. Even if God faces a thousand old boys, he can only be unwilling to drink his hatred."

"Indeed, what's more, the boss is still attacking suddenly."

Everyone waits for you to say a word.

Because the BOSS has already gone to the center.

The screen shifts.

On a huge and boundless tiankeng, Hermes was burning with purple-white gas flames to the maximum extent, looking down at the magma tumbling, atmospheric ripples and distorted environment, his expression was a little serious.

Even if my body can adapt to any environment, I still feel a little uncomfortable in this situation, and I need to rely on domineering to resist.

As expected.

The huge red earth continent that looked like a sky had disappeared, and as for Marie Gioia, she couldn't even see a shadow of it. She watched carefully all day long, and no one survived.

"It's really simple!"

Hermes sighed a little.

It is estimated that Im, Wulaoxing and others will not understand why they are so powerful when they arrive in heaven, why they will be taken away by a wave, and they will not even have a chance to show their strength.

Take a look.

If there is no teleportation fruit, Hermes feels that he will be taken away by a wave under these thousand old boys, and there is no possibility of struggling.

Sure enough, art is the eternal god.

"It's also your luck. It didn't hurt at all to leave. You can only blame you for meeting the traversers. If you were a local enemy, you would probably find a way to fight Marie Gioia, and then have a life-and-death duel."

"It's just that this god's thinking is different from yours. You see, such a simple thing will destroy you all!"

Hermes felt a little sad. From the perspective of Im and Wulaoxing, this duel was really not fair at all, and it was over before it even started.

Everyone would think that the Emperor Organization and the World Government will finally have a decisive battle, just like the Emperor Organization and the Destroyer Alliance, and it will definitely surpass any war in history at that time.

But this last war ended in such a dramatic way.

It can only be said that the blow of dimensionality reduction is really unbearable.

It can be said that Im, Wulaoxing and others all died unjustly.

Never thought it would end like this.

Before he died, he was full of astonishment. Kong had a body with peak strength, but in the end he didn't even have the chance to display it, and his life ended in an instant.

It was very sudden. .

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