The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 564 Treasure of the Datongmu Clan: Plow

call out! ! !

The air rips.

Another laser hit Taoshi, but this time Taoshi was prepared, and a red reincarnation eye appeared again when he stretched out his right hand, absorbing the laser shot by Hermes like a whirlpool.

"Gao Huangsheng Lingzun."

After the samsara eye of the right hand absorbed the laser, Taoshi raised the samsara eye of the left hand, and an energy ball expanded rapidly, finally floating in the sky with a size of 10,000 meters.

Then it was thrown towards Hermes violently.

As expected.

The closer the 10,000-meter energy ball gets to Hermes, the smaller it becomes until it disappears completely.

"Interesting ability."

Hermes looked at the red eyes of reincarnation in Tao's hands. The eyes of reincarnation in his right hand seemed to be able to absorb all energy, while the eyes of reincarnation in his left hand could amplify the absorbed energy and counterattack it.

It's a bit of a star-shifting taste.

"Time freezes."


The surrounding time and space are frozen again.

Tao Shi's idea is very simple, to see if he can freeze the opponent, it doesn't take too long, it only takes a few seconds, and these few seconds are enough for him to kill the opponent.

But the reality is cruel.

The time freeze freezes everything around, but it just can't affect the other party.

There was no sign of it.

The Tao-style pupils gradually narrowed, and Hermes was reflected in his sight. Before he had time to react, his body bent into a shrimp, his face was ferocious, and he vomited blood.


When did it appear.

Before Peach Pose could fly out, Hermes stretched out his hand and pinched his neck, the purple-white flames quickly covered him, and he was controlled by Peach Pose just by breathing.

Lost by yourself?


How could it be so easy.

Taoshi struggled, but his body didn't listen to him at all, the flowing purple-white flames were like a cage, completely restricting his soul and body.

Even the pupil technique cannot be used.

"what did you do to me."

"What kind of power is this?"

"I'm in the style of a large wooden peach."

Hysterical roar.

Tao Shi had a ferocious face, and fear filled his heart.


Hermes looked at Tao Shi blankly, you said you were a big man wearing a feather coat, at first he thought it was a woman, because Tao Shi was too delicate.

with a wave.

Tao Shi disappeared in his hand, and when it appeared, it was already in the Genesis Book, no matter whether it was physical function, strength, or pupil skills, it was all restricted by hegemony.


not far away.

Seeing that Tao Shi was also easily defeated and caught, Pu Shi did not fight back, but an irregular portal appeared in front of him, and he quickly entered and disappeared.

Know how to assess the situation.

It is not surprising that Pu Shi can make this decision, because he has a dual personality. On the one hand, he is optimistic, open-minded, humorous and talkative, on the other hand, he is scheming and ruthless, and can use any means to achieve his goals.

Right now, the God of Creation obviously has reservations. It's not that the time freeze is useless, but that the opponent's power is too strong, and even the world freeze can't bear it.

If he keeps fighting, he may end up in the same fate as Jin Shi Tao Shi.

So avoiding the edge is the most sensible.

And this news must be sent back to their hometown, because this creator god can already threaten them Otsuki.

"Something like me."

Seeing Ura Shiki who slipped away without hesitation, Hermes admired it very much.

This kind of person is very smart.

If the gap between the two sides is not too big, you can give it a try, but if the gap is too big, it is the most sensible to retreat, after all, the green hills are left without worrying about no firewood.

Appreciation is appreciation.

But the catch is still to be caught.

Arriving at the place where Pu Shi disappeared, Hermes clenched his fist, and the space in front of him quickly collapsed, and what appeared in front of Hermes was a different space.

At this time, Pu Shi was in a different space, looking at Hermes in the real world and sucked in a breath of cold air.

He can freely travel between reality and the different space because of Huangquan Biliangsaka, which is the power of Xueji's snare, but the other party forcibly broke the reality and the different space with powerful power.

These are two concepts.

Without even thinking about it, an irregular portal appeared in front of Pu Shi again, and he came to outer space in an instant, overlooking the desolate and dead planet under his feet, his heart palpitations uncontrollable.

"Your Huangquan Biliangsaka is much stronger than Kaguya."


A figure sounded close at hand.

Pu Shi turned his head tremblingly, and it was Hermes who came into sight.

what the hell.

When did this person show up.

"Damn it."

Pu Shi was really frightened.

An irregular black portal appeared in front of him again, this time he came to Kaguya's lava space, and then opened a distance to stare at the disappearing portal.

That guy shouldn't shatter reality and different spaces again!

"What are you looking at."

one second.

five seconds.

Ten seconds passed, and just as Ura Shiki breathed a sigh of relief, the voice that terrified him sounded again.

Turning his head, he saw that Hermes was only a meter away from him, with a playful look on his face.


Pu Shi's face changed drastically, and he looked at the portal for the first time. The space has not been broken, so how did the other party follow? What is this means?

"Don't make a fuss, it's just a fixed-point teleportation."

Hermes finished speaking.

Pu Shi quickly entered the irregular portal again.

But then Pu Shi was desperate.

No matter what different space he enters, or comes to outer space, or even on another planet, the other party can always appear in front of him, and distance and space can't stop him at all.

The truth is outrageous.

As if it grew on him, he couldn't get rid of it.

"I do not believe."

"Back in time."

Returning to the Earth God Tree, Pu Shi's white eyes began to change into blue reincarnation eyes, and then time began to go backwards.

This ability allows Urashi to return from the current time point to the time point a few seconds ago, and then experience the enemy's moves many times, so as to see the opponent's moves clearly and choose the safest way to deal with them.

However, there are also disadvantages, that is, backtracking time can only make the time of the outside world go back, but cannot go back your own time.


Hermes' God Regression can only reverse its own time, but cannot reverse the time of the outside world.

Moreover, the power of Hermes is too strong, and the time regression will not work on Hermes at all, which makes Pu Shi and Hermes what they were before, and they are still what they are.

Pu Shi didn't want to say anything anymore.

He had expected this kind of result. After all, even time freezing is useless, so time regression may not work, but it is still difficult for Pu Shi to accept that it is really useless.

no doubt.

This is an unprecedented powerful enemy.

I am not an opponent at all.

Now there is only one way.

Since you can't provoke it, you can always hide it.

"I have to admit that you are very powerful, perhaps only our Otsutsuki gods can deal with you!"

Pu Shi calmed down.

A treasure appeared on the right side, which looked like a turtle.

Hermes also looked a little curiously, there was no such thing in Ichishiki and Kaguya's memory.

Could it be some kind of summoning thing?

The Otsutsuki god that Urashiki was talking about, as expected, should be Otsutsuki Shibai, so Urashiki is relying on this tortoise to summon Otsutsuki Shibai from the air?

"This is the supreme treasure plow of our Datongmu clan."

"A Noble Phantasm that can travel back in time and space."

"I don't know why it was lost in the deep sea of ​​this planet. I also got a clue. I searched for it with the mentality of trying, but I didn't expect to find it."

It seems that with this thing in hand, Pu Shi has everything under control.

The spirit is different.

The blue Samsara's eyes couldn't hide the surprise, because with this thing, he could go back to the past to replant the sacred tree, and avoid this man.

Originally, this treasure was supposed to be fished out of the sea by humans, and it was later obtained by Urashiki from Konoha. Now the story line is obviously deviated.

It can only be said to be the butterfly effect. .

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