The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 632: I’m behind you, don’t be afraid, just do it!

"I am enough alone."

Vegeta ignored Sun Wukong, Trunks and Sun Gohan, and flew towards Cell with a cold face. Today he will deal with the opponent personally. Now that he has calmed down, he has regained his sanity.

Bulma can also be resurrected with Dragon Balls.

The reason why he lost his mind before was because he couldn't bear Bulma's death in front of his eyes. The heartache and anger were unbearable for him, but after venting, he regained consciousness a little.


The same goes for Son Goku, Trunks and Son Gohan.

boom! ! !

The two sides had nothing to say. Cell and Vegeta appeared above the clouds at the same time. The collision appeared on the surface. As barren mountains and deserts were formed, the two of them knocked their knees and disappeared.

The atmosphere tears apart.

The extremely fast speed collided on the horizon, like a comet hitting the earth. Cell immediately flew out and opened his mouth to spurt blood. After passing through a series of canyons, he lay at the end of the road. He had no time to breathe and put his hands on the ground and quickly disappeared. The next second, Vegeta Appeared with one foot deep in the ground.

"Turtle style Qigong."

"Garrick Cannon."

There was a close collision, and as a vast mushroom cloud stood up, half of Shahru's body disappeared and flew out. Along the way, he grabbed the ground with his right hand, causing collapses, and finally fell dying in a pool of blood.

No matter how hard he tries, he is no match.

Extremely far away.

Vegeta's whole body was crackling with free lightning, his golden aura was in the shape of a jet, and his whole body was filled with a desperate sense of oppression. In comparison, Cell looked much miserable.

boom! ! !

A blink of an eye.

Cell, who was on the verge of death, has returned to his peak. Both physical strength and energy have been restored instantly, and his combat effectiveness has increased a lot, and he is quickly approaching Vegeta's strength.


After Shahru determined that he could not die, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face.

If he keeps fighting like this, he will definitely become stronger.

With a gloomy expression on his face, Vegeta disappeared and appeared in front of Cell. He punched out an explosion, and then the two appeared in the sky and underground engaging in the most primitive physical fight.

"Something's wrong."

"That guy has been resurrected with full blood."

"what happened!"

At first, no one took it seriously, but as the battle continued, everyone realized something was wrong.

Cell was beaten unilaterally by Vegeta at the beginning, and Cell was at the end of his rope two or three times in a row, but Cell could always be resurrected with full health at the critical moment.

Although the increased power after resurrection was not that exaggerated, it was steadily increasing.

This is very wrong.

"Vegeta stop playing, kill him in one fell swoop."

Phew! ! !

Another two meteors collided in the air. This time the blue meteors were not wiped out so quickly, and Vegeta's upper hand became increasingly weaker.

The figure fell obliquely.

Cell crashed into an abyss and was resurrected with full health in the next second, while Vegeta's chest was heaving in mid-air, breathing heavily and looking very exhausted.


"You no longer have the ability to kill me."

Cell flew out of the air and looked at Vegeta who was sweating profusely and panting. The corners of his mouth raised and he just laughed out loud. Then he hunched over in vain and vomited blood. He flew out and hit the ground.

Trunks appeared out of thin air from where he was before, with a solemn look on his face.

"Dad, there's something wrong with that guy, let's deal with it together."

Trunks put his hands on his chest and began to gather energy. Vegeta looked slightly ugly, but did not retort, and at the same time began to increase his energy.

"Qigong wave."

"Galrick Cannon."

The father and son joined forces, and the two energy meteors quickly covered Cell. Cell, who had just climbed up on the ground, changed his expression. He could block one Super Saiyan 2, but not two.

But now there is no escape.

"Kame Pai Qigong."

The rabbit bit people anxiously.

Cell put his hands on his waist to squeeze out all the energy and began to spray out a stream of blue meteors.

For a while the hype fell.

As expected, Shalu couldn't resist it at all, and the turtle Qigong he shot retracted immediately.


"If you give me a little more time, I will definitely be stronger than them."

Shalu's face was full of unwillingness.

Despicable and shameless Vegeta, he couldn't kill himself but dragged his own son along with him. How shameless.

"I'm behind you, don't be afraid, just do it!"

Just when Shalu was unwilling to despair, the voice of Hermes appeared from behind, and at the same time an invisible hand was placed on his back. In an instant, a world-destroying energy was injected into him. At that moment, Shalu felt that he had become a God.

Buzz! ! !

The blue meteor suddenly swelled. It was originally only one meter thick, but now it suddenly grew to ten meters thick. The shaky posture changed from before and became extremely domineering and ferocious.

"not good."

"How can it be."

The hair on the hairs of Vegeta and Trunks stood on end as the energy bombs of their father and son were pushed back and were about to drown them both. This was unscientific.

"Kame Pai Qigong."

"Kame Pai Qigong."

In the nick of time.

Son Goku and Son Gohan appeared next to Vegeta and Trunks. They placed their hands on their waists in the shape of calyces, and then sprayed out a blue meteor.

As the two of them joined in, Shalu's thick turtle style Qigong was suddenly compressed and began to flow back. This made Shalu's heart palpitate, and he couldn't help but curse.

"You despicable and shameless guys, you can't beat me one on one, yet you shamelessly join us as a group of four."

"It seems that I think highly of you."

Shalu was angry, angry, and then contemptuous.

In the end, even if he lost, he had nothing to say. These people were no longer worthy of being his opponents, and he despised them from the bottom of his heart.

Facing Cell's ridicule and ridicule, Sun Wukong and the other four did not speak, but silently increased their strength. Right now, their main priorities were revenge and protecting the earth.

If Cell hadn't killed Chi-Chi and Bulma, they might have had a fair fight.

But now~

Shahruh must die.

Vegeta is such an arrogant person. In the past, he would have disdained such a collaboration, but his pride is nothing compared to Bulma.

In his dictionary, Bulma is more important and precious than self-esteem.


"What should we do now."

Sharu felt the destruction getting closer and closer, and couldn't help but place all his hopes on the people behind him.

"Jie Jie~"

"What a pity, I can't take action!"

"Let's go first!"

As soon as Hermes finished speaking, the next moment he and Cell appeared on a deserted planet millions of light-years away. The earth suddenly disappeared with Cell. The surface forms an arc and disappears into the universe.

"what happened?"

"The guy disappeared."

"There is no more energy left in the earth for that guy."

"Damn it, I let that guy escape."

The figure fell to the ground.

Vegeta's face was gloomy, and the duck that reached his mouth flew away. If he had known, the four of them would have worked together to eliminate each other from the beginning.


This way.

Trunks and Son Gohan immediately came to Chi Chi and Bulma, but their life fluctuations had disappeared.

"Go back first and look for the dragon beads to revive."

"Saru won't appear in a short time."

Vegeta bent down and picked up Bulma. He must kill that guy next time he meets him.

Sun Wukong also picked up Qiqi.

Soon everyone left the scene quickly.

no doubt.

Because of Hermes, the plot of the Cell chapter has been changed a lot. Originally, Son Gohan was the first to transform into Super Saiyan 2, but now Son Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks have also transformed into Super Saiyan 2. Became Super Saiyan 2.

It's still the ultimate kind. If you want to go further, you can only train Super Saiyan 2 to normal, which is full power, and transform into Super Saiyan 3.

Mr. Satan, who was supposed to be a human hero, didn't even get a chance to appear. .

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