Magellan is here, with his strength to shoot, is bound to be able to fully control the situation!

At that time, this battle is bound to be over!

At that time, no matter what Magellan did about it, Hillyu’s extremely unfriendly behavior towards his peers.

Luo Xia will not be satisfied.

Now that the trouble has already been caused!

Since the fights have already started!

Since Lao Tzu is already injured!

Then continue to fight, let me type something useful, this is the substantive gain!

It was with this thought in mind that Rosha refused to listen to Tina’s reminders, dodging and delaying and waiting for Magellan to come and deal with the problem!

However, Magellan had already rushed over, leaving not much time for Luoxia and Hiliu!

Even if both of them wanted to continue fighting, Magellan would certainly not allow it.

Therefore, Luoxia must end the battle in the shortest possible time.

Not to mention KO Hiryu, at least from Hiryu, he burst out what he wanted, so as to vent this guy’s anger with his own power!

In the previous battle, Luo Xia tested Hiliu’s weakness!

His armed color domineering is not strong, or he has not cultivated armed color domineering at all.

This shows that his defenses are inadequate, that he … Attack elemental bodies that can’t be reached by natural abilities!

Although Luo Xia is not a natural ability, he has never forgotten that he also has a life-saving skill as a hole card.

Elemental Smoke!

The Devil Fruit card that burst out of Smogg’s body is about to play a huge role at this moment!


With hole cards and confidence, in order to solve the battle as soon as possible, Luo Xia did not dodge Hiliu’s attack.

Xiliu’s sword slash tore open Luo Xia’s body with a sharp and terrifying sword.

But the wound on the body was filled with a trace of white smoke.

The sword qi swept through the cracks in the smoke-like body, and there was no focus point at all, naturally unable to tear out any wounds or tear out any blood!

Luo Xia was indifferent, bearing the attack of Hiliu with elementalization, and at the same time condensing his strength to prepare for a counterattack.

“Bastard, the people of our elite training camp are not so easy to kill!”

“Luo Xia, what are you sending a flute! Tina help you drag him down, you get out of there! ”

Tina’s shouts suddenly sounded from the flanks.

This girl thought that Luo Xia’s combat strength was exhausted and she was frightened and stupid.

Worried about Luo Xia’s safety, she rushed up regardless of it, wanting to help Luo Xia share the terrifying pressure from Xi Liu’s sword qi!

Black Shield!


Tina unleashed her abilities far away, summoning countless iron bars with her body and physical strength, and condensed a fence-like black shield in front of Luo Xia from a distance.

However, although Xiliu did not cultivate armed color domineering, his ability to cut people in terms of swordsmanship was first-class strong!

Tina’s black sill’s shield was torn apart like a chopping vegetable and a melon, and the mad Hiliu even grabbed ~ one of the black sills, and suddenly pulled Tina towards the center of the battlefield.

He wants to pull Tina into the shroud of the slaughter sword dance and kill Tina with him?

Tina was worried about herself and wanted to help herself, so she suddenly fell into danger.

Luo Xia naturally will not be so cold-blooded, looking at his beautiful student~sister, Xiang Yuyu died under Xiliu’s sword.

His body suddenly burst, turning into white smoke and flying behind Tina, and the moment he held her in his arms, Luo Xia’s body also returned to materialization!

He could no longer ignore Hiliu’s messy ~ chaotic sword dance.

But under Tina’s influence and interference, Luo Xia seized ~ the best angle and timing of the attack.

He tensed his body and burst out all the strength of the fierce beast physique, holding Tina in his left hand and retreating, his right fist was rounded, towards the simultaneous attack in two directions, before he could react ‘Luo Xia was not cut by himself’, so that the attack power was somewhat scattered Heiliu!

Fist bone – collapse the sky!

This punch was thrown under the support of Luo Xia’s strengthened physique countless times.

In the case of Luo Xia in order to protect himself, that cute beauty Xue ~ sister, go all out to play!

Therefore, its effect is naturally countless times stronger than before!

An iron fist as sharp as a cannonball, a volley slammed into the void!

Countless sword dances and slashes that had just shrouded under the adjustment of Hiliu.

Under the shock of this terrifying iron fist with monstrous strength, it instantly shattered into a powerless chaotic airflow!

The iron fist continued to move forward, too strong force and too solid fist strength, attracting the air in all directions, pressing and condensing before the fist, a red air giant fist with a diameter of nearly ten meters, tall and mighty that seemed to destroy the sky and the earth.

The air giant fist swept out against the ground, crushing the floor tiles one after another, and crushing everything that stood in the way of the fist.

Then, the one that was close to the face and smashed Hiliu.

Hiliu didn’t expect that he not only failed to hurt Luo Xia, but also received such a terrifying counterattack from Luo Xia with his face.

He looked terrified and crossed his sword body, contracted his body structure, condensed the strength of his whole body, and defended!


At the same time, after such repeated pulls and delays, Magellan finally arrived on the battlefield.

But just came out of the poison channel ~ , before he had time to stand firm, he met the huge fist that Luo Xia threw out in a mad state.

He also looked shocked, and his face was full of weakness and hurriedly activated his ability.

Poison ~ Dragon Shield!

The huge purple poison~ dragon instantly condensed, blocking Magellan in front of Magellan in the form of a cross-lying shield, blocking a part of the giant fist crushing!


The poison ~ dragon’s toxicity is terrifying, even the compressed air in the air giant fist is corroded and collapsed at great speed.

But this is Luo Xia’s all-out blow, more power crushed, poison ~ dragon corrosion, was knocked into the sky into a poisonous rain!


The giant fist collided with Hiliu and Magellan, erupting with an earth-shattering sound.

The two bosses who advanced into the city were smashed out without resistance, and while coughing up blood in their mouths, they were both beaten by Luo Xia a little numb and confused.

This newly appointed young guy is also too violent and fierce!

[Early morning effort update, kneel for support! ] Roll all kinds of requests! 】

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