The King of Gundam Comes

Chapter 109: Ready to fight back

"Ming Lai, what do you do next?"

After the "Warhammer" warship recovered Gundam Anlotin, Amida Miluka hurried over and asked.

Although Naze Tabin has changed from a commander to a frontline MS pilot, he is still the only backbone of "Tabins".

Suddenly, only ordinary small forces attacked them this time, so forget it.

But this time they were attacked by the notorious bandit group-"Dawn Horizon"!

Although their boss Zandobaru Luta has been killed, there must be some other high-level leaders in such a large bandit group.

If they knew that Zandobaru Luta was killed, they would inevitably replace it quickly, and then reorganize the "Dawn Horizon" again.

And this is a bandit group that makes even "Divaz" a headache, because this group is very strong, and "Divaz" simply cannot send a large number of troops to fight against such an organization (because it does not conform to the "Divas" group. Watts "economic benefits").

However, this organization will inevitably target the "Tubbins" and the "Tiehua Group" in the future.

Therefore, before the opponent finds that Zandobaru Luta has been killed, he must be quickly annihilated in one fell swoop.

At this time, it was the weakest time of "Dawning Horizon"-Boss Zandobaru Luta was killed, and Gundam Guxin was also captured.

Moreover, one of the captured "sellers" was Akihiro Alteran's younger brother Masahiro Alteran.

As long as they succeed in instigating these "dealers", they will get more news about the "Horizon of Dawn".

As long as you prepare enough, you can take the opportunity to annihilate the enemy in one fell swoop.

"Get as much information as possible about the horizon of dawn from the captives!"


Due to the concealment of "Dawn Horizon", even "Galalhorn" was helpless against this bandit group.

Just because "Dawn Horizon" would not easily attack ships using the "Ariadne" route, so "Galalhorn" didn't bother to attack this bandit organization.

Because to find a hidden bandit group outside the "Ariadne" route, it would require more than ten times the force to be mobilized.

This will not only increase the budget of "Galalhorn", but the fighting will also cause some unnecessary sacrifices. As long as it does not directly affect the interests and reputation of "Galalhorn", who will meet such a bandit group again?

Perhaps, in the eyes of "Galalhorn", the appearance of these bandit groups would be beneficial to them. After all, most of the ships using these routes are illegal.

To rule black by black may also be one of the management tools of "Galalhorn".

And there will never be any negative impacts and financial expenditures.

"Master Naze, all the captives are sell-outs, and it has been confirmed that one of them is the younger brother of Akihiro Altran of the "Tiehua Tuan"!"


Naze Tabin pretended to be a little surprised. If he didn't pretend, it would not explain why he knew this.

Because even Akihiro Altran accidentally heard the other party's name on the communicator, and then began to guess the other party's identity!

At this time, Naze Tabin did not intend to use any special methods for the interrogation of the captives. He just asked Akihiro Altran to persuade him. Success or not depends on their own destiny.

It would be best to be able to find the "Horizon of Dawn" and annihilate it in one fell swoop.

"Leave all the matters of the interrogation to the Tiehua Group!"

Although these orphans are all enemies, they are all in the past tense.

He didn't want to use any tactics against these orphans, so if he wanted to open the mouth of these orphans, he should leave it to the companions of the "Tiehua Group" to deal with it.

After all, they are also from orphans, and there are also several "sellers", and communication is much easier than "Tabbins".

And Naze Tabin also wanted to send Masahiro Altran to the "Tiehua Group" so that they could deal with this issue internally. Naze Tabin did this purely to send personal affection to Akhiro Altran.


"Amida, let Aji and Ravda take a break, maybe they will fight again soon."

"But at present, only Barbatos from the Tiehua regiment can attack..."

Hearing that, Amida Miluka knew that Naze Tabin must be preparing to attack the "Horizon of Dawn", otherwise, what would he do to interrogate the captives?

In the past, "Tabbins" basically did not take prisoners, because the enemy has always been annihilated in one fell swoop.


At present, "Tabbins" and "Tiehuatuan" combined, there are only five MSs that can be used.

It seems a little unwise to use five mobile suits to fight "Dawn Horizon", but Amida Miluka believes that Naze Tabin must be confident enough to attack.

(To be continued...)

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