The King of Gundam Comes

Chapter 504: Cardinal in the back (top)


The spear hammer in the hands of Gundam Barbatos smashed the head of the dual-shield mobile suit, and directly smashed the opponent's head out.

At the same time, due to the huge external force, the armor of the body was deformed. If it weren't because the nano armor of this MS body was heavier than normal, it is estimated that the sword just as high as Barbatos was deadly enough.

And the damage just now caused a slight leak of fuel from the propeller behind it. Of course, even if there was no fuel leak, there was not much fuel left.

"How could it be..." The seriously injured driver kept flipping the joystick, but the MS body itself did not respond.

Obviously, the blow of Gundam Barbatos had severely damaged the body of the dual-shield mobile suit, preventing it from performing normal operations. And because of the deformation of the nano armor, the cockpit door can no longer be opened.

"I don't want to die like this..." Conniving Sanriyue Augs no longer shot, but the pilot's heart has collapsed.

The cockpit cannot be opened?

Doesn't this mean that he will be trapped inside?

Unless they won the battle, no one would come to save him. How would it feel if a person were trapped in a sealed and dark space?

Probably the same way!

But this situation will not last long, and the driver inside will not starve to death, or die of thirst!

Because before that, the oxygen in the cockpit will be consumed, and the driver will die due to lack of oxygen. Of course, it is also possible to commit suicide because of fear.

"All return!" Amida Miluka saw that all enemy MS units had been resolved, and immediately said to all personnel.

After a long battle, all the MS body's propeller fuel is actually low, and it must be returned to the battleship for replenishment. In addition, every driver is tired and hungry and must take a break.

At the speed of two warships, it takes about ten minutes to get to the next battle location.

Although the ten-minute rest time is not long, it is already very extravagant compared to other pilots who continue to fight.

During this short rest time, in addition to replenishing the MS body with fuel and ammunition, the pilot also needs to replenish some high-sugar space drinks to restore physical strength.

"How's the battle going on Lavda?" Amida Miluka in the combat cockpit asked.

"The current situation is not optimistic!" As the person currently in charge of commanding the "Warhammer" warship, Yuri Alpha immediately reported the situation of the other half of the battle.

Because of Ai Ge Tabin's coma, coupled with the fact that several Bailians were repelled, and Lavda Franklando is currently in a state of rampage, the situation is indeed not optimistic.

Although the target of this surprise attack may be successful, it will inevitably cause certain sacrifices.

Even if it was expected from the beginning that someone would sacrifice, this is still something Amida Miluka didn't want to see.

The people who are currently fighting against the warships of the "Black Bear" organization are all members of the "Tubbins". If there is a sacrifice, it must be theirs.

The tired Amida Miluka slowly closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said, "Get there as soon as possible!"

Apart from this, Amida Miluka has nothing to say except silence.

"Sure enough, the black bear guy is really unreliable!" More than 30 kilometers away, there was a black shadow of an MS suit, and the driver sitting inside said mockingly.

"Stop talking nonsense, don't forget our purpose!" The other driver in the cockpit immediately reminded.

This cockpit was actually driven by two people together, which is also an extremely rare design in the MS body.

"Yes! I know, but I didn't expect the black bear to have an MA body, which is really surprising!" It was just that this person's voice just fell, only to find that the detector of his MS body kept beeping sirens.


This was the first reaction that the two people thought of. They subconsciously let the MS body jump and evade.

"Who is it..." the two shouted in unison.

The general MS body is controlled by one person, but this MS body is indeed driven by two people. In a sense, this MS body is more capable of making some difficult movements and some special combat skills.

But this is not something that can be done by just finding two people, it is possible for two people who must have a tacit understanding. Moreover, these two pilots are still twins, sharing many common characteristics, so that they have a tacit understanding in combat than the general combination.

"A sniper mobile suit?" Ming Lai Tabin sneered at the opponent's mobile suit structure, especially the sniper artillery that the opponent carried on his back was so conspicuous.

Only the sniper mobile suit can ambush the target here.

Ming Lai Tabin thought: Is this going to kill people? really······

In fact, Lai Tabin wanted to come and see, by the way, to test the real performance of the Grizz Knights, but I didn't expect to find this MS body.

Ming Lai Tabin didn't know about Amida Miluka and their joint operations, but made a guess through his own analysis. But since Minglai Tabin can guess it, then the people behind the black bear boss will inevitably guess it too.

Because Minister Saige Ansi did not make any concealment when providing information to the "Tiehua Group", perhaps this was providing other people with what the "Tiehua Group" wanted to revenge in a disguised form.

In addition, Galalhorn also investigated that the person who attacked the "Tabins" independent mine recently had contact with the "black bear". As for how people who get the information will make up for it, it doesn't matter to Seger Ann. It’s about Minister Schi.

The Secretary of the Seg Ans branch did not want to offend Major McGillis Farid, nor did he want to offend those who bribed him.

However, Minglai Tabin has always believed that the "Black Bear" organization does not have the strength to attack their own mines. If they want to do this, they will definitely not spend a high price to hire other people. It is not better to do it yourself. NS?

So Minglai Tabin believes that there must be a behind-the-scenes behind this, but this matter must only be known by the black bear boss. If this battle was the victory of the "Black Bear" organization, perhaps nothing happened.

But what if the "black bear" organization fails?

If the black bear boss died, he would be dead, and the most feared was that he was captured. The man behind the scenes also didn't want to see some unfavorable factors appear, so he arranged this assassination.

"This MS seems to be a knight of Graz!"

"Red Knight Graz? What a joke, it should be a captured body!"

"How could this happen?"

Discussions began between the twins, but they suddenly remembered the meaning of Knight Graz in Galalhorn-a symbol of the glory of the knight!

Such a body, even if the pilot tried to destroy the MS body, it would be impossible for the Grizz Knight to fall into the hands of others.

(To be continued...)

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