The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1309: Eating inside and outside (seeking tickets)

The wound that was just licking, the blink of an eye is almost good, leaving only a scarlet scar.

And this scar will naturally disappear after a day or two.

Nangong squatted on the girl's weak boneless hand and gently pressed it on her scar. He muttered in her ear: "Xi, I am not joking. When I think that you want to touch other men's bodies like this, I will I can't wait to tie you around, so that you can't go anywhere, no one can see!"

In the eyes of Tunxi, a smile passed, and he straightened up and poked his chest: "I am a medical practitioner. When I heal the sick, they are just a body in my eyes, regardless of gender and race. Even surgery. There is a pig lying on the stage, and I will concentrate on the operation. Do you have to eat even a pig's vinegar?"

Someone who was compared with the pig, looked at the smile of the girl in front of her eyes, felt the teeth tickle, grabbed her hand, and took a bite.

When Xiaoxi smiled and slaps the person, he converges on the mind and says something right.

"Whether the witchcraft was rescued, his situation was very bad."

Tunxi said that several small guys in the space were released.

As soon as the egg saw the Nangong Temple, he yelled and rushed to the past, and his voice was full of relatives and joy.

Nan Gongyi was also very close to this little guy who would shoot his flattering. He picked up the person and squeezed his little ankle. He smiled and said: "I want you to help me look at your mother. Do you have it?" ?"

"Of course!" The egg, the unrelenting little white-eyed pig, felt that Nangong had given him its aura, and immediately began to complain without hesitation. "Hey, you don't know how many people are in this college." Niang, the little white face called Wei Chengyuan, every day after the mother-in-law, and let the mother move to live with him. There is a surname of the surname of the abandoned medical branch, and every day around the mother to discuss alchemy, even if It’s always moving hands and feet, sticking to the mother’s alchemy. There is still, the most hateful is the mysterious...”

Quxi had a spiritual power to fight over, no good air: "Eggs, you shut me up!"

The egg is the spiritual pet of Tunxi. Although the two have no master servant contract, but this meditation of the creek, the little guy can only be embarrassed, can't make a sound, don't mention more resentment.

Xiaojinlong couldn't help but laugh at the catastrophe.

As soon as I reached the shoulder of Tunxi, I said with a high-spirited voice: "Let you eat and sell out the boss, and ask me to say that the boss is so powerful, you should open the harem and collect the beautiful men from the world to your arms..."

When Xiao Jinlong’s words were half, suddenly his face changed greatly and he fled back into the space with horror like a ghost.

Nangong Temple puts the eggs on one side and pulls the brook into the arms. The yin test measures: "Grow open the harem and collect the beautiful men from the world into your arms? Um?"

Tunxi is also good and funny, a slap in the face of Nangong, tilting his mouth and saying: "Idiot, you are bothering me to death, I have collected so many beautiful men? Toss myself? I have you. One is enough."

The South Palace of this saying suddenly burst into anger, and even the contents of the egg have just been thrown into the clouds.

He held his own girl in his arms and kissed him, and his breathing was burning. I really want to eat it now.

It is still the threat of a golden needle in Tunxi, so that someone can stop.

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