Huiyue's face showed a soft smile on his face, his eyes swept over Wei Jianxing and others, and finally fell on the **** body of a stunned panic, and the soft smile turned into a chilly and violent suffocation.

The **** man saw the Huiyue Zunren even more shocked, one by one scared the whole body to tremble.

Suddenly, I don’t know who screamed and vacated.

Someone will follow up madly, and no matter what orders and tasks are taken care of, they will run away.

Huiyue Zun sneered with a sneer, raising his hand and waving, a chilly atmosphere condensed into tens of millions of sharp blades, flew toward these fleeing people.

Wherein I have a smudge in the front, and I can see that the people in the front are looking for a peek.

The next moment, he did see a scene that made him discovered and desperate.

His men, want to escape, of course can not escape.

The sharp edge themselves of the Hui disposed on them, and they did not mercilessly hit them, but the **** ones did not come under the screams.

It was the subordinates who were hit by the cold swords, one by one turned into an ice sculpture in an instant, followed by a squeaking sound.

Just a short break, the ice sculptures shattered and turned into little ice crystals, scattered between the heavens and the earth.

The soul flies and the bones are gone.

Bloody only feels that the blood is cold, and I can't even say a word.

His eyes were stiff and fell on the face of Huiyue.

I saw that he was radiant, and there was no pain or sorrow in his face. The rest was only the majesty and strength of the superior.

He was healed by Huiyue.

No, no! He even became more powerful than ever!

Bloody and desperate, such a glory of the glory, he even felt that even the Dark Lord can not match it.

However, how is this possible? The disease of Huiyue Sayādaw was sentenced to death as early as Siamese mainland! How can someone cure him?

The **** feet stepped back, and the back of the hand secretly activated the random transmission array. The mouth trembled: "Hui Yue Zun, I... I just came to visit you under the command of the Dark Lord, if you put I killed, and the night lord will know. I believe that you don't want to tear your face so quickly and in the dark night?"

The mouth kept talking, and the transmission array hidden behind it was also activated quickly, feeling the energy spread from the transmission, and the blood was in the heart, and the face was also a bit different.

However, before the **** smile spread in the eyes, Huiyue Zun has already sneered, raising his hand and gently waving.

The next moment, the **** face showed a look of horror.

A mouth was wide open, but before he could make a sound, the whole body had burst into tears.

Not even a drop of blood, the same is turned into ice crystals, the bones are not saved, a little bit falling.

Everyone present was stunned by this scene.

The **** strength is there, at least at the beginning of the distraction, but under the hands of the glory of the glory, but even the rest can not support, the soul flies.

The most shocking of all, the golden mask male and other people in the non-Mojing Xuan are the only ones.

They thought they would wait for the death of the sage, but who knows that he has healed.

The elders in the eyes were frightened and happy. He looked coldly at Lu Xuyang, who was lost in the darkness. He smiled and said: "You are not saying, will you say that Huiyue will die? You are not saying that you are so ruthless. What is going on now? The Huiyue Sayādaw has not only healed, but he has been repaired a bit higher than before!"

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