The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1359: Bad premonition (question ticket)

"Follow, king!" Fengjing collapsed to the ground with excitement. When he looked up, his face was twisted because of hatred. "I will let them taste hellish fear and torture at the moment of closing their eyes." !"


The speed of the spacecraft is very fast, but after a day and night of flying, the Warcraft Forest has already appeared in the line of sight.

The large area of ​​Warcraft Forest is unimaginable, almost across the borders of four or five countries on the mainland of the Jurassic.

There are genius treasures in the forest that you can't imagine outside, and this is one of the reasons why the monsters only live in this place and rarely come out to attack the human kingdom.

Tunxi stood on the deck and looked down. It was all lush and lush vegetation, and it was completely invisible.

However, she frowned. "It's weird!"

Nan Gongyi stepped forward and took her from behind, softly saying: "What?"

Tunxi looked down at the bottom: "Nan Gong, how many times have you entered the World of Warcraft?"

Nangong nodded. "But it's just the edge. I haven't penetrated the real hinterland."

Quxi Road: "Is this the same as the Warcraft Forest you entered?"

"What are you referring to?" Nangong did not respond for a while.

"Quiet, quiet and quiet." Tunxi sounded calmly. "Even my my knowledge is released, and I can't detect the breath of living things. Even these trees have a dead taste."

Nangong was first glimpsed, and then the gods were sent out, and the dawn was a slight sink.

Tunxi does not say that he has not noticed it. Now, take a closer look, this World of Warcraft forest is really terrible, and seems to be covered with an unknown death.

Tunxi tweeted his fingers and tapped the ship's side gently. The delicate eyebrows wrinkled slightly: "I don't know why, I have a bad feeling."

Just at this time, Wei Chengyuan came to find the brook, and when she heard her words, she could not help but nervously: "Hey, do you find something wrong?"

Wei Chengyuan’s voice was slightly larger, and it quickly attracted the attention of many people.

Tunxi is not concealed, but just said his fears. "Even if the vegetation is flourishing, it is impossible to see even a bird. This kind of silence is like a preset trap, waiting for us to jump in." ""

The people in the Waste Medical Branch were unconditionally trusting in Tunxi. Listening to her, she immediately became dignified and nervous.

But right away, a soft and sweet female voice broke the atmosphere: "Hey, I know that you are just building a foundation. It is normal to be afraid to enter the World of Warcraft. However, you don't understand the World of Warcraft. Warcraft forest is really dangerous. However, the real danger is deep in the forest after dozens of miles. In this marginal area, even if there are World of Warcraft and monsters, it is not enough to fear. You don’t have to be so arrogant, even affecting the emotions of other students. ”

Quxi looked up and looked at it. It was not accidental that Lu Hao would speak at this time.

She was not interested in talking nonsense with this person, just sneer and turned into the cabin.

The performance of the people in the Waste Medical Branch was even more crisp. Even if they didn't even look at Lu Hao, they left behind Quxi.

The rest of the students agree with Lu Yan, but there are also embarrassing, but no one dares to say it out loud.

I have already proved my strength with a series of behaviors. There are very few people who can beat him in this school, but he has been treated by him, but there are many people who have taken him.

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