Most of the students in the Waste Medicine Branch showed an unbearable look. Some people couldn’t help but say: "Even if it is a monster, it is just a child. So many of us deal with a little girl, and this is too much..."

"I am! What little girl!" Chen’s drug boy was full of disdain and disgusted. “It’s not my family, my heart is different, the beast is a beast, but in the end it’s just a beast, it’s natural to be enslaved by me.” Do they think that they can become like human beings and live like normal people? Oh, don't dream!"

The whole scene was silent. Even the people in the branch of the medical hospital had pity, but when they thought of the phrase "not my family, their heart must be different", they also stopped their movements.

At this time, no one noticed that the little girl who was overwhelmed by the wolverine on the ground showed a cold and sorrowful light.

Seeing that Elder Chen is going to take out the Kun Kun mirror to take away the little demon, suddenly, the little demon makes a strange cry, then the body completely turned into a small snake, and suddenly plunged into the fallen leaves and fled away into the distance.

"Quickly chase, you must not let him run!" Chen Changla sighed, and chased him anxiously.

Although the people of the Waste Medicine Branch have no tolerance for the little demon, they can remember the purpose of this trip and they have also chased them up.

Zeng Shouyue always felt that something was wrong. However, before he called the students back, those people had already rushed to catch up.

He stumbled and had to say to the rest of the crowd: "Follow me! Also, don't leave me too far!"

A group of people whistling away in the direction of the snake fleeing.

Tunxi, Nangong Temple and Xuanmu also followed slowly, and the three eyes had unspeakable dignity.

A group of people flew at a low altitude for about a musk time, and suddenly there was a scream from the elder Chen: "No, there are traps!"

"Ah ah ah--!" followed by the miserable mourning of the drug boy.

This voice is too sharp and horrible, so that everyone who was still flying forward has a tight heart, and there is a bit of fear on his face.

In the next moment, everyone only felt that there was a flower in front of them, and a fog rose from the forest and wrapped everyone.

The people who had been flying in midair suddenly fell down from the sky and could not fly any more.

Zeng Shouyue climbed up from the ground and hurriedly looked around.

Everything in front of me is normal, and there seems to be no fatal crisis. It seems that there is a faint white fog in the distance.

However, when Zeng Shouyue intends to fly again, he finds himself being suppressed.

Someone couldn’t help but panic and asked: "I just heard the screams? What happened? Chen elder?"

When the man’s words were just finished, everyone saw two figures in the white fog in front of them being ejected, and they fell heavily in front of several people.

When I saw these two people, everyone was sucking up a cold breath.

These two are Chen Changla and his drug boy, both of whom are scarred.

Chen Elder is still better. Although his face is full of scars and blood, his wounds begin to heal as soon as he takes the remedy.

But that drug boy can almost be described as horrible.

His face was completely flesh and blood, and the nose and ears were all bitten off, revealing a jagged wound.

His leg is missing one, blood is flowing, and the wound is also like being torn off.

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