Feng Jing took a deep breath and showed a cloudy smile on his face. Then he looked coldly at the three people in Tunxi: "I don't care what you are, but since the king promised to let you go, then you will get out of the way." Let's go."

"As for you!" Feng Xiao's smile slowly distorted, and the flame of hatred made it look more horrible than the devil. "Human, this World of Warcraft forest is your hell!"

After that, his image shook, and a huge black hole appeared in front of the three people in Tunxi.

There is a strong pull in this black hole, and it is very close to the three people in the Tunxi. They can enter the hole almost as long as they step forward, while others have a lot of distance from the black hole.

Tunxi has already recognized this monster beast, one of his own beasts in Mojingxuan for a long time. She looked at Nangong and Xuanmu and asked with a look.

Nangong smashed his eyes and lowered his voice: "We will go out first, and now the closed space is hidden. Only when we go out can we crack."

Quxi nodded, and it was impossible for her to leave the abandoned medical branch, but stayed here and did not really go out useful.

The three men glanced at each other and quickly walked toward the looming black hole.

In the crowd, suddenly someone screamed: "That is the Xuanmen transmission array! He... they want to leave us out!"

As the voice just fell, everyone in the closed space panicked.

If it is a transmission array, it means that you can escape from this ghost method and escape safely. How can they let go of this opportunity?

However, at this time, Nangong Temple had already entered the entrance of the Xuanmen transmission array with one foot, and they would disappear into it.

Suddenly, a thin figure came out from the side and slammed into the side of the river, and anxiously shouted: "Xuan Mu brother, be careful, it must be a trap for the beast, you must not go what!"

- It is Tong Bing!

It turned out that Tong Bing was hiding in the shadow behind Fengxi in order to avoid the sight of Fengjing, and the three people from Tunxi were the closest.

So as soon as he saw the three people in Tunxi going into the black hole, he rushed up with anxious and crazy eyes.

Tunxi only felt that there was a strong attack behind her. This strength was of course not put in her eyes, and her body shape did not move.

However, Tong Bing ran to the rear of the three people, but suddenly pulled out something from his arms and threw it toward the whirlpool.

"Hey--" a burst of painful sounds in the air echoed in the air.

Everyone showed a painful expression and covered his ears.

The original stable black hole transmission array began to fluctuate.

Nangong and Xuanmu were in front, and the black hole swayed, as if they were going to tear them apart.

However, Tunxi had not had time to fully enter the transmission array, but only one hand was pulled by Nangong.

The power of crazy entanglement came from the Xuanmen transmission array, and even the repair of Nangong Temple revealed a painful look.

The mask on his face began to crack open, and the corner of his mouth overflowed with bloodshot.

However, he grabbed the hand of Tunxi and died, clasping her wrist, and refused to let it go.

Xuan Mu has long disappeared into the volatility of the Ming and Qing dynasty.

Quxi realized that the spiritual power of the Nangong Temple was lost, and he could not help but say: "Let go, Nangong, you will die if you go down!"

"Dream!" Nangong's face seemed to be covered with easy debris because of the cracking of the mask, but the sound was calm and cold, and there was no return. "Xi, I said, I will never let go of your hand." !cough--"

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