The elders of the elders were caught off guard, and they were swept away by this spirit, and they actually took a few steps back.

Looking back to the eyes of Zeng Shouyue is full of surprises.

This Zeng Shouyue is also very famous in the Shen Medicine House. When he was young, he was shocked, but he was suddenly seriously injured in alchemy. Since then, he has been stagnant in the middle of the Yuan Ying period and can no longer enter.

However, nowadays, the spiritual power released by Zeng Shouyue is at least in the late Yuan Ying period, even close to the peak of the Yuan Ying period.

Did Zeng Shouyue hide his strength in the past?

Zeng Shouyue knew that his repairs had indeed stagnated in the mid-term of Yuan Ying for decades, and he was already desperate.

However, after encountering embarrassment, everything has quietly changed.

He didn't even tell him to help him with treatment, but he sometimes gave him a few bottles of medicinal herbs for him to take, and also prepared some medicated baths for him to take a bath.

Then, unconsciously, a few months later, Zeng Shouyue actually discovered that his cultivation began to grow wildly.

This naturally has the reason that he can't break through the accumulation of thin hair for decades, but the person who brought all these changes is embarrassed.

Therefore, such a student and benefactor, how can he defend her?

Qi Chang’s face was gloomy as if he was covered with a cloud of dark clouds. He did not expect that Zeng Shouyue would be right for a student and dare to fight against the physician association.

Elder Che looks back at Lu Yan.

Lu Shuguang is dull, his eyes only convey a meaning: according to the instructions of his father, you must die!

The elders suddenly turned their minds and waved to the elders of other medical associations: "Oh, we are the hostages who left us. We must first control him. Let's go together, otherwise we may run through the transmission."

The elders of the Physician Association immediately jumped out, and the elders of the ten-year-old infants, although most of them were in the early days of the Yuan Ying, had already let the people of Zeng Shouyue and the Wild Medical Branch sink a little.

Tunxi looked at the people who were facing him, his eyes were dark and cold.

Hehe, in order to kill one of the superficial foundations of the foundation, actually sent out ten elders of the Yuan Ying period, the physician association, or Lu Xuyang's father and daughter really have enough to pay attention to themselves.

Qi Chang's eyes are like a poisonous snake, staring at Tunxi, but there is contempt in his eyes, like watching a dead object.

The hand lifted slightly and slammed down: "Give me..."

The words of Elder Cheung have not finished yet, and suddenly there is a loud bang in the entire enclosed space.

The white mist that blocked everyone also turned grayish black in an instant.

The faint, horrible beasts of the beasts came from the gray-black mist.

All the people in the closed space, the face is very ugly in an instant.


Time returned to a musk before, in the depths of the World of Warcraft, Saitama Palace.

Feeling the serious injury of the king, all the monsters ran in panic.

The doctor has been rushed over to treat the man in the red robe, but the more he is treated, the heavier the panic and anxiety on his face.

"Well, what happened to Wang? You are going to say it!"

The doctor is a middle-aged man who is nearly forty years old. He continues to have a beard. At this time, he almost has to unplug his beard: "It is a fanatic, really a Vatican! The human being is too It’s awful, it’s too deceiving, and dare to use this sinister thing to deal with our noble king!”

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