The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1381: Doing a good job (seeking a ticket)

The man left after he was well ill. Xia Zhu thought that he would never see him again in his life. I didn't expect him to... he would return for himself.

Xia Zhu patted the red cheeks and walked toward the Tianshen Tree. It was soon the time she had purified the Tiansang Tree.

Waiting to purify the Tiansang tree, she... she wants to secretly see the man side.

Xia Zhu did not see that after her figure disappeared, the man who had already left was once again in the same place.

A pair of original soft and soft eyes now with a sneer and laughter, like laughing at the stupidity of Xiazhu.

Suddenly, the man seemed to be aware of it and turned sharply.

Behind him, I didn’t know when, there was a man wearing a golden mask silently, and it was the golden wolf in Mo Jingxuan.

The golden wolf glanced at the man and his eyes showed an appreciative smile: "Let President Lu, are you sure that the Tiansang Tree will be destroyed?"

The man smiled a little, and suddenly his face fluctuated, and his appearance changed a little. From the age of twenty-five to six, he changed into a thirty-five look. He was Lu Xuyang.

Lu Xuyang slammed into the golden wolf and said: "Adults please rest assured that the Xiazhu body is contaminated with the liquid that the ghosts of the Netherball are ground into powder. As long as the liquid is slightly stained with the Tianshen tree, the tree will inevitably be poisoned. Release the blessing of the gods. And, as long as there is no antidote, the Tiansang tree will slowly wither."

The smile on the face of the golden wolf was more satisfied. He patted Lu Xuyang’s shoulder gently. Shen Sheng said: “This thing, you are doing very well. If this time we can wipe out the monsters of the Saitama Palace, this is yours. Thanks to the credit, I will sue the Lord!"

Lu Xuyang flashed a touch of excitement in his eyes, but he was strong enough to resist: "Thank you adults!"

The golden wolf flashed and flashed. Looking at the direction of the enclosed space, it meant that it was unclear: "However, the students and elders in the closed space are all bait, and they are destined to survive. I remember President Lu. Both my daughter and my daughter are inside? President Lu, don’t you worry?"

Lu Xuyang's look is extremely calm, and the sound is still so gentle and soft: "If it is killed by the monster, it is her life. Compared to her daughter and her men, it is most important for me to be loyal to the adults and the Lord. ""

"Good! Good!" The golden wolf laughed and took Lu Xuyang several times before he turned and left.

Lu Xuyang’s gaze also swept through the enclosed space not far away, whispering in a low voice: “Hey, don’t blame the father, in order to get rid of the cockroaches, in order to be able to stand on the Siamese continent, your sacrifice is a must. ”


The night fell a little, and in the Warcraft forest, because the dense towering trees are dense, the night is coming faster than other places, and it is even more powerful.

In the closed space, a beast is ringing in the ears of everyone, like a terrible reminder.

It seems to be very fast, and the sky is a little bit dark. Through the gap between the leaves, only the **** sun can be seen, and it is swallowed up by the darkness.

Suddenly, countless black shadows emerged from the gray-black fog and fiercely rushed toward the students of the Medical College.

The sound of the creek was dark, and the true face of the shadow was quickly seen.

"It's Warcraft, everyone is careful!"

At the same time, the elders of the Yuan Ying period also saw it clearly, and their faces changed a lot: "It is World of Warcraft, it is all five steps... sixth order, no... there are seven orders!"

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