The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1386: Walking dead (question ticket)

In the space, Xiaojinlong suddenly shouted: "My grass, I think of it, the boss! These mysterious teeth will naturally produce a mysterious neurotoxin. As long as the owner of the corpse is excited, this toxin will instantly paralyze people. The body and senses, people or beasts become completely irrational, only know the monsters that kill and swallow flesh and blood!"

"The toxins in the teeth of these corpses must have been stimulated. All those who have been bitten by corpses will soon become irrational killing monsters, just like those of Warcraft! And, this toxin will infection!!"

The face of Tunxi changed greatly, and his eyes suddenly looked to the students of the Wild Medical Branch.

There were several students who were scratched by Warcraft, and some were bitten by Warcraft, and the wounds were still large.

At this time, the two bitten students were all stunned, their eyes turned red, and they were gray, and the whole face was distorted by pain.

Their friends were anxiously asking, "What happened? What happened?"

The two students suddenly opened their mouths and made a beast-like snoring, rushing toward the friends next to them.

The purple vines in the hands of Tunxi instantly flew out. When the millennium came, they tied the two students and threw them aside.


On the other hand, Lu Hao was full of white face, shivering and watching the notch was cut off the head, but still waving the "corpse" of the limbs.

Zhu Zhicheng is a student of the Pilot Branch and a cadre of the Academic Association. It can be said that it is one of Lu's support.

After the battle with Warcraft, he found a bite of Warcraft on his arm.

At that time, he did not care, just combed it with spiritual power, thinking that it would be good soon.

However, as time went by, he felt that his wounds were tingling and festering, and the heart was like a million ants biting.

Zhu Zhicheng felt that something was wrong, and he noticed that his body was getting colder and colder, as if he had to lose control.

Therefore, he had to resort to Lu Hao.

However, who is Lu Hao, that is the president of the school, the goddess of the pilot branch. Among the leading branches, Lu Yi’s admirers.

Upon hearing Zhu Zhicheng's words, one of the admirers thought that he wanted to attract Lu's attention, and suddenly smiled and said: "It's just scratching, what is so nervous, I will help you!"

However, his words have not been finished, Zhu Zhicheng's eyes have completely turned into blood red, rushed to bite his neck.

Wu Hailiang was unable to prevent it, and he was suddenly bitten off the throat, so he was so strange.

The people next to him were shocked and hurriedly shouted: "Zhu Zhicheng, what are you doing, you are not ready to let go of Wu Hailiang, you want to kill his mother?"

Unexpectedly, Zhu Zhicheng actually let go of Wu Hailiang and flew to Lu Hao.

Where did Lu Yan think that he would encounter such a thing, and even if he couldn’t use it for a moment, he would be thrown to the ground.

Zhu Zhicheng's **** nail file caught on Lu Yan's face, grabbed three scars of deep visible bones, and then slammed down and bite toward her neck.

"Ah, ah--!" Lu Hao screamed sternly.

At the beginning of the millennium, someone had cut off Zhu Zhicheng’s head with a sword, and Lu Hao was saved.

When Lu Hao was dragged out of Zhu Zhicheng's body, the whole body was shaking and his eyes were full of horror.

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