But in fact, Tunxi has been sitting next to Jiu Lingling Spring and began to adjust and operate his own spiritual power in Dantian.

Several little guys watched the police with vigilance, just waiting for someone to jump out of the river.

The purple meditation has long been wandering around the body outside the body of the river, forming a protective enchantment.

Therefore, no one in the space and the spiritual pet found that the nine clear springs that were originally clear and clear, at this time, exudes a pale green light, flying fluttering on the Chaoxi River.

The dull pool seemed to be inductive, and suddenly turned back, muttering in the mouth: "Sister...protect...sister..."

He quickly landed on his hands and flew past the brook like a wild animal, then sat next to her as if a loyal dog protected her.

At his Dantian, there was also a light green gas flowing out of the hustle and bustle.


Xia Zhu is mad.

She didn't know what was going on. After she routinely evolved into the Tiansang tree, the light of the tree did not brighten, but slowly dimmed.

Moreover, the tree body slowly appeared green and black lines, like a blood-sucking vine, tightly wrapped around the Tiansang tree, and sucked its vitality a little.

The light that originally shrouded the large area has become more and more bleak, and the aperture is getting smaller and smaller.

In the end, even the Saitama Palace could not protect the circle.

"What happened in the end? Why does the **** tree become like this?" A nine-level monster screamed and asked Xiazhu.

Xia Zhu has a red eyes and shook his head: "I don't know, I really don't know, I just cleaned the tree as usual!"

The monsters guarding the **** tree are all horrified.

There are a few old monsters who even bowed down to the tree of gods, whispering in their mouths: "Please demon and the **** of the forest forgive our sins and ask God to bless us again..."

At this moment, suddenly there was a sneer voice behind the crowd: "I am afraid that your gods are now difficult to protect themselves, and there is no time to bless you."

The monsters suddenly turned back and found several human warriors slowly moving toward the direction of the **** tree.

Each of these human warriors is above the level of the Yuan Ying period, that is, the equivalent of the eight and nine monsters.

"Who are you? How can you get here?!"

The leader of the warrior is a young man who looks like a 30-year-old arrogant young man named Li Wei, but his true youngness is more than two hundred years old, and his strength is in the middle of the horror.

This is an almost invincible presence on the mainland of the Jurassic. And everyone behind him, at least there is a level of late Yuan Ying.

Li Wei heard the words and laughed: "A Warcraft forest in the district, do you really think that you can trap us in the upper bounds? Oh, if you are not afraid of the Tiansang tree, and the half-beast, we have long entered the World of Warcraft, Take all of your monsters back to experiment."

The nine-level monster that is questioning is a tree demon. The beasts that are planted are generally gentle and kind, but at this time he is trembled with anger, and a pair of eyes are full of anger and hatred: "Yes. The hand under the tree of Tiansang?"

Li Wei’s face was smug, and he did not deny it at all: “It’s still a bit of a brain for you.”

"No! How is this possible?"

"No one can get close to the Tianshen Tree! How can you do it?!"

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