At the end, Han Yuer was cold and cold: "I said these things, I do these things, but I want to do this, but I am disgusted with what you have done. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter with Han, even if you put the whole The Han family is ruined, I am still saying that."

"Destroying others' advancement is the most shameless behavior. I stand up, just don't want to have a crucial moment to advance one day, and some people use me to do so."

Zhang Chang's face was extremely ugly. He didn't expect that Han Yu's person as a Han family would not be so salty.

Many students and elders of the God's Medical Office couldn't help but stand after listening to Han Yu's words.

Vice President Jiang even calmly said: "There is anything, wait until the promotion is successful!"

The talents and talents of the whole school are obvious to the whole school. This may also be the only genius that can be compared with the upper bounds in the past ten thousand years, plus the relationship between her and Huiyue, the vice president of Jiang. How are you willing to give up.

The elders of the Physician Association looked at each other and showed a few smiles on their faces.

The more arrogant Qi elders looked at the deputy director Jiang and others, sneer and laughed: "A group of old things, you are qualified to stand here and talk to us."

Vice-President Jiang was first stunned, and then he was furious. Since he became the vice president, no one dared to be so arrogant to him.

The people of these physician associations have been arrogant since the beginning, and they have also thrown away the bait of their college as a bait. He has long since seen this group of people not pleasing to the eye.

Vice President Jiang Shen down and said: "Then you have the right to dispose of my students. You better understand that they are students of the Medical College, not disciples of your physician association!"

Li Chengqun, the most temperate of the dean, is even more angry. "I have seen the guys from this group of doctors who are not pleasing to the eye. We will kill them together."

There are nearly ten Yuan Ying period warriors in the Physician Association. However, there are quite a few elders in the medical school, and most of them are dean, each of which is far beyond the physician association.

However, the people of the Physician Association had sneer at the corners of their mouths and watched the elders of the Medical School attacking them. There was no such thing as nervousness and fear.

Vice President Jiang passed the bad hunch in his heart.

Soon, his fears were confirmed.

Li Chengqun confronted the elders who were far below his strength and should have been easily solved.

However, after the elders took a shot, Li Chengqun suddenly spurted a blood, and the whole person fell backward like a broken kite.

"Dean Li -!"

What happened in the end?

Zeng Shouyue caught Li Chengqun flying over, Li Chengqun was full of gray, full of anxious and unwilling to resentful eyes watching Zeng Shouyue, as if to want to tell something, but eventually fainted.

Zeng Shouyue explored the pulse of Li Chengqun, suddenly his face changed greatly, and his fierce eyes filled with people who were shocked to see the Doctors Association: "What have you done?!"

Elder Elder laughed: "Hey, what is the elder of the Divine Medical Office? How come, have we found our hands and feet up now? Just after fighting for Warcraft, when we took our medicine, it was not for us. Thank you?"

"I didn't expect that the dean of the Tangtang Medical College didn't even know that he had been taken medicine. It was a bunch of waste."

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