The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1408: Great perfection

However, suddenly there was a student’s exclamation in the ear: "How... how is it possible?! They are all right! Oh nothing?!!"

Huang Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, and saw the dust rising and falling, and finally revealed the students of the Wild Medical Branch of the Thunderstorm Center.

They were all covered in dust and their hair was scattered, but there was no trace of injury on the body.

"We...have not died?" Everyone looked at each other, and there was confusion in the eyes, and there was a surprise in the rest of the robbery. "What happened in the end?"

The next moment, the sky shakes and the light shines.

"噗啦啦" - This is the tens of thousands of birds flying from the forest, leaping into the sky, and swooping down.

"Erasing" - This is the hundreds of millions of insects crawling out of the cave and marching in one direction.

"Shashasha" - This is the countless flowers and trees shaking their branches and leaves, telling the joy and yearning for madness.

The Forest of Warcraft is like a sleeping behemoth, suddenly waking up.

Everything is carnival, and the grass is so long that it is only for the arrival of the origin of the wood!

I don’t know when the sky is full of colorful clouds. There are lightning and thunder in the clouds. It seems that there will be thunder and robbery at any time, but when it reaches the top of the skull, it condenses into a vortex and emits a glaring white light.

Originally sitting cross-legged on the rock next to the creek suddenly slowly floated in the air, the white light formed by the vortex shrouded him, so that people can no longer see the scene inside.

Vice-President Jiang has been watching with sorrow. Until this scene appeared, he suddenly changed his color. He almost shivered and shouted: "It is a great perfection. It is a great perfection."

Everyone's eyes fell on the body, but at this time, the glaring white light has completely shrouded the cockroach, making people not really cut.

The elders of the Physician Association were so ugly that they were ugly, but more shocked and unbelievable.

These people who are physicians know better than anyone else about how impossible it is to achieve great progress.

Even in the Siamese mainland, it is possible to achieve a great success, and there is no one in 10,000 people. But this is only on the mainland of Jurassic! Someone actually did it.

And... Zhang elder suddenly grew up, his voice hoarse and sharply said: "How is it possible? Isn't he building a base period? Even if it is to advance, it should be a breakthrough in the veining period, but this spiritual power, this thunder, is clearly The signs of condensate Dan!"

"He... he wants to break through the Golden Age!"

Jindan period? ! From the base period to the Jindan period? !

How can this kind of incredible thing happen? However, at this moment, it is clearly happening to everyone.

Lu Hao swayed his head in a frantic manner, and the whole face was twisted and twisted, because the scar on his face was drawn from the purple scent, the original elegant and noble fairy, but now it is like an ugly female ghost.

She kept yelling in her mouth: "Impossible! Impossible! It is a waste, it is a junk, how can she be so successful, how can she advance to the Golden Age? No! No! I want him to die, I want He will die soon!!"

Said, Lu Yan issued a hysterical scream: "You give me all, squatting, there is no advanced, kill me! Kill him!!"

The elders of the Physician Association were more dignified than one, and they realized that if they couldn’t kill the cockroaches now, then the consequences would be unimaginable.

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