Tears, such as the broken master, slipped from his eyes, and Tong Bing has become a normal deer eye. The water mist is filled with tears, and the tears are pleasing, and he can’t tell the pity.

The moon-sensitive bird on the side of "啾啾啾~~" is desperately flapping its wings, as if it is conveying something with the brook.

The creek is cold and cold, and the curvature of the corner of the mouth is deeper: "Yes, crying is pitiful and stunned. It's a pity that your credit has gone bankrupt."

As soon as the voice fell, Tong Bing only felt that Dan Tian had to be torn apart.

He clearly felt that the spiritual power disappeared and his vitality was slowly drifting away.

Tong Bing raised his hand. He saw the slowly appearing on the back of his hand. He saw the white hair floating around his face, panic, despair, hatred, and madness. He made him scream openly and screamed and hoarse. .

Until this moment, he finally felt it, and felt the bitterness and sadness of the vitality of Fengshan before he died.

However, Tong Bing does not have a trace of remorse, only full of hatred against you.

If... If you give him another chance, he must **** the dry wood spirit in the first time, he wants to let the dead die without a place of burial...

"Hey--" Tunxi's foot will be almost kicked out by all the vitality of the child ice.

Tong Bing flew far away and flew hundreds of meters straight before hitting a tree trunk. "Kala" broke the spine and finally fell softly on the ground.

At this time, no one cares about the life and death of Tong Bing.

The demon power that Tunxi will take from Tong Bing will be re-infused into the moon-sensitive bird.

Pear Yu slowly opened her eyes and felt that she became a 13-year-old girl. She couldn’t help but cry low: "Hey, thank you... thank you for saving me again!"

Tunxi did not pay attention to its thanks, but faintly said: "Everything you see today, don't talk to anyone, any demon."

If you are known to have a woody root, you can't imagine how many people will be chased.

Li Yu nodded and then turned into a moon-sensitive bird, and flew out quietly.

Quxi took a deep breath, and the body flowed in spirit, feeling the five elements of spiritual power running in the body, showing a smile with satisfaction.

Very good, the wood spirit has been perfectly hidden by her.

Nowadays, it is time to go out and find those people and calculate the general ledger.

The "哗啦" loud noise, the stunned white vortex burst from the inside, the wind is raging, the sun and the moon are dull.

Everyone is still in the fight, the busy people are looking up, looking up to the top, even those worms and trees seem to be quiet as command.

In the sky, the teenagers wearing blue and white God’s school uniforms slowly fell.

The hair is like ink, the skin is bloody, and the bright face is more clean and tidy than that of the moon. It is more embarrassing than the sun, and it has spent all the time blinding everyone's eyes.

The creeks slowly landed, and the chilly phoenixes shone with the radiant purple glow, slowly sweeping through everyone present, and finally fell on the elders of the Physician Association.

"It turns out that you are still not dead, that would be great! If you can't solve them personally, I will feel very troubled!"

"Dare to hurt my little purple, dare to hurt my desert medical branch, are you ready to repay?"

In Shashasha, all the trees in the forest were shaking, and the birds fluttered with wings.

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