The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1444: Regretful intestines are green

However, he was totally wrong with the whole person.

One eye is blue, the other eye is red, and it looks to the direction of Feng Yunjing.

And his body, also with the bridge of the nose as a dividing line, burning fire on one side, but slowly condensing frost on the other side.

Feng Yunjing and others were stunned, and there was an inexplicable fear in their hearts. They wanted to scream and wanted to escape.

But the feet seem to have been fixed, and they can't move at all.

Not to mention the Feng family, even a few small guys such as eggs are shocked by this scene.

When the egg saw that the brook was shot and opened, he wanted to rush over, but when he saw the Nangong squatting at this time, he was covered in a shackle.

Hey... Hey look so terrible, the egg is so scared, hey... Niang!

The little red bird with the least courage was blown up all over the feathers. Everything, regardless of disregard, fled into the space and got into the arms of Xiaochi.

very scary! Really terrible breath!

Is that God, or is it a devil? Where is the breath? Why does it only feel the desperate despair?

Nangong Temple stretched out the hand that burned the flame and grabbed it toward the head of Feng Yunjing.

The pupil of Feng Yunjing contracted. When the millennium was in the air, he did not know where the strength came from. He suddenly made a short scream and violently reached out and grabbed a Fengjia’s son in front of him.

The sound of "Zi La La" sounded, and the children of the Feng family could not even make a sound, and they were instantly burned to ashes.

The other hand of Nangong Temple was caught in another Fengjiazi, "Kerala". The warm body was frozen into ice in the blink of an eye, and then it broke into ice crystals.

Just a blink of an eye, for a moment, the two warriors of the Golden Dragon period flew away, and even the remains did not leave a trace.

Feng Yunjing regretted it, and the plain intestines were blue.

He originally spoke to stimulate Nangong, but he wanted to let him go into flames. It is best to die seriously.

I didn't expect him to go crazy, or even become so powerful.

The children of the Feng family were turned into ashes in the hands of Nangong, and each one died so easily. Just like Nangong Temple killed not a high-ranking warrior, but a negligible ants.

The six elders of the Feng family squatted and suddenly trembled: "Escape, we will run away and inform the elders!"

At this time, Feng Yunjing still wants to fight for the origin of the wood, only hope to escape quickly.

Quxi frowned and woke up from endless pain.

The first thing I saw was the Nangong Temple, which completely lost its mind and became unrecognizable.

The Nangong Temple in the eyes of others is only terrible and invincible, but when Guanxi only looks at it, he sighs in his heart.

The cold poison of Nangong Temple was completely urging, and it was about to swallow a little bit of the flame of the yang fire.

Moreover, with the release of Nangong, the cold and cold nature of cold poison will only become stronger and stronger.

The moment when Yang Flame was completely swallowed up, Nangong was completely destroyed by the cold poison and died in the end of the life.

Tunxi slammed up and the silver needle in his hand shot toward Nangong.

However, the silver needle has not yet approached the body of Nangong, and it has been turned into ashes.

Tunxi tried to make a few more calls, but Nangong Temple could not hear his voice at this time.

Feng Yunjing just fled to the hole, but the sound of "Kerala" suddenly came from the hole, and an ice wall quickly condensed, blocking their way.

There is no way to go before, and there is a chase after the war. This is a deadly game.

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